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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)
  On 5/19/2014 at 2:16 AM, Searcher7 said:

I did "beat" him. At level 4. Twice, in fact. The first time, I was afraid he could be killed and eased up. He jumped up from bleedout, fully healed, and whacked me dead. The next time, I beat him down and tried to kill him. I figured it was only fair; he was willing to kill me, after all. Nope. I'd wail on him good while he was down, but he wouldn't die. Then he'd jump up, fully healed, and come at me again. I tried sheathing weapons to calm him down, only blocking, and only attacking (since he was checking "my arm"). I don't know what the quest script is looking for, but beating a senior Companion circle member to the ground should be enough to verify the "arm" of any applicant. The relative difficulty in doing so is immaterial. I gave Vilkas a good thrashing, for real this time. To no end.


Its this type of pointless difficulty, prevalent throughout the mod, that turns people off to Requiem and earns it the common moniker of a hardcore difficulty mod. I don't think some people here understand the concept of "role play". 


No it isn't prevalent throughout the game, and Vilkas does stop eventually, but the fight does last much longer as he has a good deal more health than you, so I am surprised that you can beat him down to bleed out stage, for my part I'm just trying to stay alive and get in as many licks as I can until he stops the fight - possibly your install is not working correctly in some ways. As for the rest of it that is all your opinion and one I completely disagree with, having played AD&D and been a DM for many years prior to these types of games being in existence, I am confident of my interpretation of what is meant by role-playing.


As stated before Requiem - The Role Playing Overhaul by Xarrian (not Ogreboss, he has since taken it over) is not for everyone. I use the MCM to make adjustments if i want it less grindy and that option is and always has been open to you as I have suggested to you before in this thread. Try SkyRe and or similar if you want the game to be easier at lower levels.


You should, with Requiem, be able to reach level 10 and higher fairly quickly within a few hours of gameplay, but you will need to use your "imagination" and your characters strengths as well as your surroundings not to mention combat skills to survive it. As far as being a thief goes you will need to play as a sneaky thief and avoid combat until you can confidently take out enemies with stealth. You will need to make sure that you have dual wield parrying so that you can block or else evasion tactics to survive any kind of fight especially against heavily armoured foes whom, though slower will beat you in a straight fight, get a follower who is armoured to take on the enemy whilst you attack from behind.


Character builds have been a subject of discussion on the Nexus page for this mod for a long time, and you can play anything you want successfully but with awareness that some builds will be harder than others at lower levels, this provides some balance as these builds are invariably powerful at later levels e.g. mages - running around with sparky fingers whilst wearing a bathrobe is clearly suicidal but at later levels you become extremely dangerous to others whilst still wearing a bath robe but now it's the "Bathrobe of DOOM".


Anyway if Requiem isn't doing it for you then drop it - clearly your experience is different from mine and that is all fine. I wouldn't have put the pack together if I didn't think it was worth doing and I have never felt forced into a limited range of character builds even though as I said before some builds are easier to play at lower levels than others.



Edited by Smile44
Posted (edited)
  On 5/19/2014 at 2:16 AM, Searcher7 said:

Its beyond me why he insists that Requiem is a role play mod when, in fact, it drastically limits role play choice, options, and immersion. Unless, of course, you enjoy the character builds forced upon you. Then I can understand its appeal.

Requiem takes after D&D CRPGs like Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, etc. That's why Requiem is "The Roleplaying Overhaul." For many of us, RPGs were never about dressing up virtual dolls and playing house. RPGs were always about enabling players to make meaningful choices about their characters and how they evolve. Constraints present challenges, yes, but they also breed creativity. A large part of the fun of an RPG is developing a character while figuring out how to overcome the consequences of your decisions. Edited by fireundubh
  On 5/19/2014 at 7:36 AM, fireundubh said:

Requiem takes after D&D CRPGs like Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, etc. That's why Requiem is "The Roleplaying Overhaul." For many of us, RPGs were never about dressing up virtual dolls and playing house. RPGs were always about enabling players to make meaningful choices about their characters and how they evolve. Constraints present challenges, yes, but they also breed creativity. A large part of the fun of an RPG is developing a character while figuring out how to overcome the consequences of your decisions.

Indeed my good man, my point exactly.



Posted (edited)

You know, its not my intent to simply bash here. I struggled with whether to even post my original comments, concerned they might not be relevant or helpful to a Pack discussion, which does seem to be the case. I thought, simply, that expressing a different perception of Requiem might allow some Pack mod choices to round off any rough edges my perceptions might bring up and increase the "availability" of this Pack to players who might hold similar views. Right or wrong, a common perception of Requiem is that it is a difficulty mod and some players shy away from it for that reason. I rant elsewhere, I only wish to contribute to STEP.


Indeed, I have not analyzed specific issues, as with Vilkas, to see if they were intended or not. This was my first really focused attempt to play through Requiem, my previous attempts were even shorter, and I cannot quickly discrern glitch from intent. He Vilkas wasn't "easy" to beat up on, but I'm coming off a VEGA equivalent playthrough and am still mob paranoid. And I was (trying to) playing hardcore, so any encounter is not taken lightly. I may reload the setup and check it out, perhaps I can make a real contribution after all. Thanks for the info.


@fireundubh: I've played most of the games you cited; none of them even compare to SkyrimRequiem. EDIT: D&D had its own game franchise, those games were nothing like more modern RPG's who simply used "D&D" as a marketing hook. I just can't get my head around Requiem; not even Dark Souls 2 is as frustrating. IMHO, of course.


@Smile44: A fellow DM. Your comment got me thinking about the "old" days. I've still got a bin out in the storage shed full of laminated hex grid, pewter miniatures, about a hundred die, tattered copies of DM guides and Arduin Grimoires, and some 5 1/4 floppy disks(!) with my VIC-20 DM helper programs. That VIC-20 was great; it deflected the ire of players getting an unfortunate roll, from me to itself. And saved a lot of player characters by doing so. :thumbsup:


Well, I will leave, unless asked something pointed. Again, you STEP contributors are simply awesome and are a huge factor in maintaining the popularity and playability of Skyrim. Smile44; the Best of Luck to you and thanks for all your efforts, here and elsewhere. Gaming is a big part of my entertainment and relaxation time; thanks for making it more enjoyable.

Edited by Searcher7
Posted (edited)

Wow a commodore vic 20, that was my first pc I started programming on that thing and also gave up programming on it, little did I know what would become of the whole pc business. Any way these packs have a specific focus or follow a certain ethos. Requiem is / was notoriously difficult to get working in a set up like STEP so this pack is just about doing that and for players who would like that particular challenge. It will never be a specific part of STEP but just a pack that people can choose to use or not. So any contributions here are welcome but need to be about useful ideas to get things working smoother, or complimentary mods or indeed ideas for the guide rather than a critique of the mod itself, that would be a job for the authors to handle back on the nexus.


Either way most of the people who comment in this thread are fans of Requiem for their own reasons and have their own experiences with the pack. I'm sure if we all found it as frustrating as you seem to we would not be using it. The beauty of a forum like STEP is that shared experiences can help improve things for everyone and so most of us welcome helpful or useful feedback which in turn helps to improve the experience for everyone. So if you notice any problems implementing the pack, the way it is worded or things that don't work properly please let me know, or if you have any tips or tricks that would help people here improve their experience then please share.




P.S. I still have a box in the attic full of AD&D stuff. Have not used it in many years but can't quite bring myself to throw it away.

Edited by Smile44

UPDATE: Decided to re-install the Requiem setup and check out Vilkas. Didn't have any saves, started new game, tried to duplicate previous character, but who knows. Went to Jorrvaskr at Level 3. Much different this time; he rarely attacked (my "in" last time) and it was hard to get to him while he was blocking. Did much less damage to him as well. He did the same amount to me, usually a 1-shot if I wasn't careful. Got him to re-heal twice, but was never from bleedout stage. Fights were very short compared to last time. Seemed like a reasonable test this time. No idea why, but obviously glitched the first time through. FWIW

Posted (edited)

I am very new to this forum.  I want to try Skyrim again, but I am looking for a more old time role-playing feel and a more realistic survival mechanic.  I would like to try Requiem combined with Frostfall and RND.  I also want to use something for better graphics as I want to see what my new PC can do. 


I guess what I need to know is what I should use as a base: STEP, STEP - Extended, Skyrim Reborn, or a combination?  Also, does anyone have any recommendations for what version of ENB to use?


PS , I am sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I figured since I want to try Requiem this was a good choice.

Edited by DMPug
Posted (edited)

I would install STEP Core, then my Survival Pack, then the "Weather and Lighting" pack which also includes instructions for ENB,  I would suggest RealVision to start and if it cuts into your fps too much than try the performance version included in the download. When you have all of these working you will have a great looking Skyrim. Then add the Requiem pack. You will need to start a new game to use Requiem and you will get an amazing Skyrim experience compared to vanilla. Of course there are other mods that work well with Requiem but get the basic packs up and running from a STEP Core base and you can get a feel of how it is working for you and if you need anything else in the game. You could add STEP Extended, which does work but needs a little more tweaking.


Instructions for getting these packs working together are included in the packs where appropriate so follow all of it carefully, ask questions if you need to, I'm always open to feedback and keen to make improvements to the guide - when I have time.


There are of course other packs to try from other authors and they are really good too but I know that mine work well together so I can confidently advise you to use them first, based on your description of what you are looking for in your game.




Survival Pack - LINK


Weather and Lighting Pack - LINK


Requiem Pack - LINK


All the best,



Edited by Smile44

The more I look at STEP Extended, I think I will probably try that.  Are there more changes that need to be made other than what you have listed in the Requiem Pack?  What other mods would you recommend with Requiem?


All changes required for STEP Extended are included in the guide, as are patches. I mainly suggested Core as a start because it will be more stable if you are new to modding or not familiar with the tools. If you are then great. But if not then the more ambitious you are then the greater the risk of running into problems. All links given above will serve you for Extended as well so just follow the instructions as given and you should be good to go.


Get yourself the memory patch as is described in the mods section of this forum as you will need it as well as the ENB memory management tool all of which is detailed in the STEP guide.




Quick question, when I am installing using MO, do I need to unpack BSAs?  O think the manager I was using before recommended it, but does MO?


Hi all,


I did a full SR-LE install, and now am installing Requiem. When I redo the bashed patch I can see that in the Leveled lists I have things after the requiem patches - namely Realistic Needs and deseases, SR Conflict resolution and aMidianborn ContentAddon. Is this going to cause problems or change Requiem significantly?


Thank you!


RND needs to be after Requiem but the RND Requiem Patch should make sure that the right items are in the list. SR Conflict resolution should not be a problem but you probably might want to check for problems with exporting stats etc.. in the bashed patch, I have found in the past not doing that made steel much stronger than ebony etc..


I would try not having anything more than levelled lists and merged patches selected when you build your bashed patch. Requiem already deals with crime distance and game speed, so you don't need the tweaks.




Smile, I was looking at the Pack and it says The Paarthurnax Dilemma needs a patch and see note above, except I don't see any note about the mod.

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