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I was working through STEP 2.c to install ENBoost according to this page: https://wiki.step-project.com/ENBoost#Recommendations


After extracting the files and setting the ini prefs, I started Skyrim and the ENBoost message in the top left of the screen showed by HD Graphics adapter. I quit, opened the Launcher, and the Integrated HD Graphics Adapter was the only option available.


After doing some google searching, I found a thread mentioning that the injector dll for ENBoost can cause this problem, so I removed it and the ini files. Upon starting the launcher again, Skyrim effortlessly detected my (puny) NVidia GeForce GT 520M adapter.


The forum thread I was reading mentioned that the injection installation of ENB would work better for this than the wrapper. Not having read all the docs on ENB yet (sorry), I wondered if anybody on the forums here had seen this kind of behavior before and/or knew what might the appropriate way to fix it.

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Yeah, that's why I added the "xD" after the question. I know about how to disable Optimus, but also that that's not a viable option. However, it is good to have that said explicitly, before sb gets the wrong ideas ;-)

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Posted (edited)

So what's the consensus? I have a dedicated NVIDIA GPU in addition to a generic onboard Intel graphics card. Ever since I installed ENBoost, I can't seem to get Skyrim to detect my dedicated NVidia card! Needless to say, I'm experiencing significant performance issues while running Skyrim on my onboard Intel card instead of my dedicated card.


I'd like to know whether ENBoost is strictly necessary for STEP and whether I'll be better off without it (ENBoost I mean).

Edited by thecrippler2005
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Posted (edited)

As far as I know ENBoost is primarily useful if you go over the 3.1GB RAM limit when the game loads. It circumvents the CTD this would normally cause by utilizing your GPUs VRAM to add to a separate pool of additional memory in your remaining RAM.


Because of this its not easy to say if ENBoost is necessary for you. It would be good to know how much RAM and VRAM you have.


It also matter what STEP version you install; CORE or EXTENDED. Also, did you go with low quality versions of mods or high? If CORE and low quality, this will allow the lowest RAM/VRAM load and would reduce the necessity of ENBoost. If you have low RAM amounts then ENBoost may not help so much either. But hey, Im not an expert on this subject, so take this explanation with a grain of salt.

Edited by MadWizard25
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Posted (edited)
  On 3/25/2014 at 2:10 AM, MadWizard25 said:

It would be good to know how much RAM and VRAM you have. It also matter what STEP version you install; CORE or EXTENDED. Also, did you go with low quality versions of mods or high? If CORE and low quality, this will allow the lowest RAM/VRAM load and would reduce the necessity of ENBoost. If you have low RAM amounts then ENBoost may not help so much either.

I have 2GB RAM on my dedicated NVIDIA (GT-740M) card and 4 GB of overall system memory. I am currently attempting to install STEP Core (since that seems to be a prerequisite for STEP Extended) but I do intend to install STEP Extended in the future by applying one or more STEP Pack(s).I hope someone can suggest a viable solution soon, this issue is quite annoying...... Edited by thecrippler2005
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Posted (edited)

Well 4GB system memory RAM is quite low for modded skyrim + OS. 2GB VRAM on GPU is fine. Im not sure if ENBoost would help too much with 4GB RAM. However, ENBoost includes other game fixes so its still generally useful.


If you play with CORE and all lower quality texture options you might not need ENBoost. If you do anything more though then you might have problems.


Before any of this though, ae you sure you tried the Injector version of ENBoost? Most people use the Wrapper version; the Injector version is more suitable for Optimus laptops

Edited by MadWizard25
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Posted (edited)

@ MadWizard25: I do intend to stick with relatively low res versions of graphical and texture mods permitted by STEP. I also intend to install STEP Packs once I'm done with STEP Core.


I don't know how to install the injector version of ENBoost. Do you think the injector will solve the Optimus issue I'm facing?

Edited by thecrippler2005
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I have read that it has worked for some people, so there is a decent chance it might work for you.


Installing it is very similar to installing the normal ENBoost. When you download the enbseries_skyrim_v0251.zip file, there should be two folders inside, one named WrapperVersion, the other named InjectorVersion. Inside the InjectorVersion folder, you want to copy these files; enbhost.exe, ENBInjector.exe, enbinjector.ini, enblocal.ini, enbseries.dll, enbseries.ini and paste them inside your Skyrim folder.


After that, all you need to do is run ENBInjector.exe before you run Skyrim.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 5:40 AM, thecrippler2005 said:

Okay, I'll give it a try. Don't I also need to make changes to enblocal.ini? I remember that the Wrapper version seemed to require changing certain values in that file.

Yes, enblocal is dependent on your system.
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Well, the STEP guide will lead you to the section that ENBoost is located, but you should click the detailed instructions to go to the ENBoost page where the directions are clear. Just don't follow the wrapper (extract d3d9.dll) and instead get the ENBinjector.exe and injector.ini in its place. Follow the rest of the guide accordingly.

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The ENBlocal.ini values are highly dependent on mod setup as well as your computers hardware. All you can really do is experiemnt with the values. The STEP wiki guide on ENB has a good section on explanations for each setting and value.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 6:06 PM, MadWizard25 said:

The ENBlocal.ini values are highly dependent on mod setup as well as your computers hardware. All you can really do is experiemnt with the values. The STEP wiki guide on ENB has a good section on explanations for each setting and value.

We have it set up on the mod page so that all users can get their systems set up properly: https://wiki.step-project.com/ENBoost#Recommendations Just follow the instructions, getting the injector version instead of the wrapper version. There shouldn't be any "guess work" involved when setting up ENBoost.

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  On 3/1/2014 at 11:01 PM, EssArrBee said:

Leave process explorer on load a save. Alt-tab to the desktop and look at process explorer. There is a gpu chart that should show gpu usage. If you can't get it to work switch to the injector version. Just remember to start the injector exe before starting skyrim.

I've done this, but how do I tell which graphics card it's using?

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