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I can confirm that this has taken my firstborn..




In all seriousness,

it's amazing the advances that have been made to increase this games stability.

here's hoping the positive reports keep coming ^.^


I wonder what neo will do with SRLE once he lays his hand on this.


I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women. :devil:

All I can say is wow.


RealVision (Performance, averaging 50fps)

Texture Pack Combiner ALL HD!! (the updated one includes Vivid Landscapes, aMidian's landscapes & whiterun, optimized at 8192)

Pretty much all Skyrim Revisited: Legendary (except OBIS which is glitchy for me)

HD UNPB Body Replacers (sorry if Lydia is going to whine at me, she may as well be pretty)

Interesting NPC's

Helgen Reborn, Northern Encounters, Fight Against The Thalmor (all 4), couple of other quest & location mods

Cerwiden, Vilja

Civil War Overhaul


Runs smooth as butter, no crashes, no ILS. It's like heaven. Between STEP, Boris, Sheson, & Neovalen I have a new pantheon of gods.


Can't thank you all enough!


I wonder what neo will do with SRLE once he lays his hand on this.

I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women. :devil:
Ahh, yes.

Conan! What is good in life? ....

To clush yo enemies, see dem dliven before you, and to hear da lamentation of de women!


My absolute favorite quote from one of my absolute favorite movies.

Now the charts (using the cart ride intro sequence for consistent compare):


Baseline: STEP:Core 2.2.8

Posted Image


STEP:Core 2.2.8 with Safety Load and Stable uGrids

Posted Image


STEP:Core 2.2.8 with ENBoost first, then with ENBoost + sheson's patched dll second (this has two runs in one, so note the x-axis for direct compare among the three figs).

Posted Image



The scale is the same in all counts: About 300 seconds of measurement with the max horizontal at 3 GB and 100% for top and bottom charts, respectively.


These are showing the effects only of ENBoost and not the patch. (Note the flip of memory allocation between VRAM and RAM when invoking ENBoost and increased GPU clocking). I had not previously been using ENBoost, so my observations could be with regard to that patch alone, and I cannot attest to the effects of sheson's patch methods with regard to skse_steam_loader.dll.


Regardless, I will be running henceforth with both ENBoost and sheson's dll.


It may be that true testing of these three scenarios should be done under various, more intensive conditions (e.g., max texture packs, high uGrids).


I am running this on a 64-bit OS with Radeon 7970, 3 GB VRAM, 8 GB system RAM. My guess is that these fixes are ideal for people with at least this much VRAM and RAM, and a true bench will examine the allocation of resources to Skyrim in conjunction with the 'enbhost' process under very demanding conditions and/or testing against a savegame containing a dependable and reproduceable CTD/ILS condition.


Where can I download this? The enbdev forum site on which it was posted seems to have been removed/isn't working/ Neo....did you say that you had made your own tweaked version that doesn't require any sort of .ini change? Is it the one you posted earlier? It's just a .dll file right? Where do I put it?


Where can I download this?

Eg. through neo's link.


The enbdev forum site on which it was posted seems to have been removed/isn't working/ Neo....did you say that you had made your own tweaked version that doesn't require any sort of .ini change?

Yes, he did.


Is it the one you posted earlier? It's just a .dll file right?

Right, it is.


Where do I put it?

Right in the Skyrim folder.

Where can I download this? The enbdev forum site on which it was posted seems to have been removed/isn't working/ Neo....did you say that you had made your own tweaked version that doesn't require any sort of .ini change? Is it the one you posted earlier? It's just a .dll file right? Where do I put it?

Read the thread!


I am not sure why the forum link is not working. It seems that we need to navigate into the top-level forum and drill down. Seems stupid, but it may be to prevent bots from entering into the forum from direct links.


OP updated to allow users to find the content of interest.


Where can I download this? The enbdev forum site on which it was posted seems to have been removed/isn't working/ Neo....did you say that you had made your own tweaked version that doesn't require any sort of .ini change? Is it the one you posted earlier? It's just a .dll file right? Where do I put it?


Yes the link I posted earlier is still valid. Replace the skse provided DLL in your skyrim folder.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk


ENB Forum is back.

It was the traffic from reddit that overwhelmed the server a bit.

It was always there I think, but direct links to forums seems disabled, which is pretty inconvenient. I updated the OP with your OP from that forum.


Feel free to create a new thread on our forums, and I will paste that OP source into your OP so that you can keep it updated here if you want. Either way works.

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