Solongchu Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Sorry replace the enblocalini in both the injector and wrapper versions in the Enb zip with the one for your vid card and then put the zip file in the box in RCRN.
sheson Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Quote I reverted back to skse version of the patch and used MemoryBlocsLog to verify if the blocks exceeds their default values, but they doesn't .The CTDs appears randomly when I try to move from outside to inside area of Windhelm.After looking at the log and the way you describe the crashes as random I do not think your crashes are memory related. You should trouble shoot the good old way.Make sure to have default inis. Test all mods with a fresh start, from main menu coc windhelmexterior01 or whatever the code is. Then enable or disable each mod one by one. Quote Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could share some light on the Stable uGridsToLoad mod that is used in SR-LE. I read a lot about issues if you use too many mods with scripts and so I'm not really sure what the added value of yet another mod with script is (other than that you can access it via the console and change the settings ingame) since Mod Organizer also seems to have an option to set the Ugrids.Stable uGridsToLoad is a SKSE plugin and thus not like a CreationKit type mod that adds papyrus scripts. I have an updated version of the MemoryBlockLog. Check the changelog.txt and the ini for more info.Still in beta please do not repost on any other sites Sheson MemoryBlocksLog-1.1.zipFetching info...
Bundy714 Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Just wanted to post my results. I started to try Neovalens patch, but after thinking about it, I went with the SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor version from the Nexus since it didn't require altering any of the SKSE files. I've got a game with 361 mods, some of those are just textures, but still I'm running with 209 active esm/esps, and to get down to that number I used the Tes5edit merge script to merge 57 additional esps, otherwise I'd be over the limit of 255. I'm running ENBoost, SSME, and SweetFX thru RadeonPro, and what previously were way too many scripted mods to be stable for more than 20 to 30 minutes between CTD's. Once I added SSME (512/256 & ugrids 5) to the mix, I did the Vurts stress test and flew all over Skyrim like Superman until it get boring. Then I proceeded to play Skyrim with all kinds of Patrols, Bandit, Dragon, Animal and Monster spawns for a marathon 13 hours straight.....I did eat once but it was at my desk. It never even hickuped, stuttered or anything. I didn't know how to act. I no longer saved before going through every door or fast traveling. Finally I could take Touring Carriage rides with Vilja, Anduriel, and Hoth across Skyrim without a CTD along the way. I finally got tired, saved and quit. It's like a new game, totally amazing. It's really kind of hard to believe. I'd be skeptical if I hadn't just done it myself. I've never played ANY game for 13 straight hours without a problem, much less this heavily modded Skyrim. They have made Skyrim the most stable game I've ever played. Who ever thought you would EVER say something like that? That many mods and I played until my shoulders hurt. It's just unbelievable. I kept thinking maybe I should save and shut down and restart the game before something goes wrong, but it never did. I gave out, but the game never did. Amazing.....this is revolutionary. Thanks so much Sheson. You did fix Skyrim! You can have my first born, but I warn ya, he's already 31 years old. My System: Win 7/64 Ultimate i5 3570K 8GB RAM ASRock Z77 Extreme4 3072MB Radeon HD7950
Allsunday Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Quote It's really kind of hard to believe. I'd be skeptical if I hadn't just done it myself. I've never played ANY game for 13 straight hours without a problem, much less this heavily modded Skyrim. They have made Skyrim the most stable game I've ever played. Who ever thought you would EVER say something like that? That many mods and I played until my shoulders hurt. It's just unbelievable. I kept thinking maybe I should save and shut down and restart the game before something goes wrong, but it never did. I gave out, but the game never did. Amazing.....this is revolutionary. Thanks so much Sheson. You did fix Skyrim! You can have my first born, but I warn ya, he's already 31 years old. My System:Win 7/64 Ultimatei5 3570K8GB RAMASRock Z77 Extreme43072MB Radeon HD7950My thoughts exactly.
thalixte Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 @sheson I checked my game with a crashtest (player.setav speedmult 700) and the MemoryBlocksLog plugin, and the plugin did not manage to create the log file in the default location (aka ..\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). I had to modify the .ini line: DefaultLogLocation=true to DefaultLogLocation=false for the plugin to work as intended. I use a non-Steam version of the game, could it be the cause of this issue ? It is not very painful, as the plugin works when it creates the log file direcly in the skyrim root folder, but i wonder if someone else has already encountered this problem. Keep on the good work, Sheson, and many thks for for making the impossible possible. :P
elenhil Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Ummm... This may sound stupid, but could someone please remind me what should this patch enable a guy with a 1 Gb VRAM card and hopelessly dimished ambitions for extensive texture and script mods do? Install more 2K textures instead of 1K only? Run more scripted mods?
DoubleYou Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Probably isn't going to mean much for you, except hopefully increased stability.
Nearox Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Quote @sheson I checked my game with a crashtest (player.setav speedmult 700) and the MemoryBlocksLog plugin, and the plugin did not manage to create the log file in the default location (aka ..\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). I had to modify the .ini line: DefaultLogLocation=true to DefaultLogLocation=false for the plugin to work as intended.I use a non-Steam version of the game, could it be the cause of this issue ? It is not very painful, as the plugin works when it creates the log file direcly in the skyrim root folder, but i wonder if someone else has already encountered this problem. Keep on the good work, Sheson, and many thks for for making the impossible possible. :PIf you are using MO, then the log file will be put in the overwrite folder instead :)
sheson Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Quote @sheson I checked my game with a crashtest (player.setav speedmult 700) and the MemoryBlocksLog plugin, and the plugin did not manage to create the log file in the default location (aka ..\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). I had to modify the .ini line: DefaultLogLocation=true to DefaultLogLocation=false for the plugin to work as intended.I use a non-Steam version of the game, could it be the cause of this issue ? It is not very painful, as the plugin works when it creates the log file direcly in the skyrim root folder, but i wonder if someone else has already encountered this problem. Keep on the good work, Sheson, and many thks for for making the impossible possible. :PSounds like a windows permission thing though I would have thought that applies to the whole folder tree. I added that setting because of ModOrganizer Overwrite folder. But good to know it helped in your case too, whatever the reason.
Glanzer Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Hi all, I haven't tested the new memory patch a whole lot, just a few hours. But I thought I'd add my feedback to everyone else's: My setup: 200 mods installed, but since I use TPC there are probably 250 total. Textures are DDSOpt'd to 2048/1024 max. 235 plugins installed Project ENB ("realistic") with ENB version 0.241 16 GB RAM, 3 GB VRAM (nVidia 780), i-7 2600k CPU @4.2 All tests were done with NO speed increases, just tgm for stamina. ugrids is at 5 (never changed). 1. First I played for an hour with sheson's original DLL. This was with Safety Load still in use. No problems. 2. Then I replaced sheson's original DLL with SSME (512/256) WITHOUT Safety Load. Running around Riverwood and Windhelm was no problem. Opening the map after running around Riverwood was no problem (that usually gave me a CTD). there were many encounters between different people on the road (I use SIC and Immersive Patrols). Still no problems. After maybe 45 minutes of testing I finally got a CTD on the road to Falkreath. Not quite sure what to make of that. I did do a "coc riverwood" to get to Riverwood and I forgot to get off my horse first, so of course things were a bit screwy (no horse, no me, and I was still near Whiterun), so to get out of that I did a "coc whiterun" got off my horse, then did another "coc riverwoord" and things were fine at that point. Not sure if that made the game unstable at all. 3. Following the Skyrim Stability Guide's recommendation I removed "iLargeIntRefCount=262144" from my skyrim.ini file. And I also increased the SSME blocks up to 768mb (block 1) and 512mb (block 2). Then I ran around Riverwood, got on my horse, and galloped to Falkreath. No problem entering Falkreath or going out the other side. Usually the road on the west side of Falkreath makes me ctd, probably due to the increased flora (I use SFO). No problems and no CTDs this last test. I'll stick with 768/512 for now. If I find things to be really stable I might be tempted to up ugrids to 7. I thought I would never even chance it till the memory patch was created! *EDIT* I meant to say "Falkreath" instead of Riften above, so I changed it. I played for another couple hours, this time at ugrids=11 just for fun. I ran around 1/2 the world (NO speed boost), and I played the game in all aspects. In other words, I fought battles, skinned animals, completed quests, looted corpses, cleared a dungeon, checked the map, talked to people, even fought some SIC creatures and a dragon (using tgm). I finished my test around Riften (for real this time), and although the game had some serious .5 second pauses and my FPS dropped to 22, I had no hard freeze or CTD.
TroggyTrog Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Sheson--just wanted to thank you so much for this discovery and patch! This totally fixed the random CTDs, Freezes, and ILSs in my game! Thanks!!! Currently, I'm running about 70 esp files, on ultra settings with a few ini tweaks. My system is i4770k at 3.9 GHz, 500 GB SSD, Win 7 64-bit O/S, GTX 760 4 GB video card, and 16 GB ram. This has made the game completely stable. I haven't had a CTD/Freeze/ILS in nearly a week (put in 60 hours of gaming and testing thus far). Thanks again! P.S. using the 512/256 flavor with no ENB/ENBoost currently running
thalixte Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Quote Quote @sheson I checked my game with a crashtest (player.setav speedmult 700) and the MemoryBlocksLog plugin, and the plugin did not manage to create the log file in the default location (aka ..\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). I had to modify the .ini line: DefaultLogLocation=true to DefaultLogLocation=false for the plugin to work as intended.I use a non-Steam version of the game, could it be the cause of this issue ? It is not very painful, as the plugin works when it creates the log file direcly in the skyrim root folder, but i wonder if someone else has already encountered this problem. Keep on the good work, Sheson, and many thks for for making the impossible possible. :PIf you are using MO, then the log file will be put in the overwrite folder instead :) Quote Quote @sheson I checked my game with a crashtest (player.setav speedmult 700) and the MemoryBlocksLog plugin, and the plugin did not manage to create the log file in the default location (aka ..\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). I had to modify the .ini line: DefaultLogLocation=true to DefaultLogLocation=false for the plugin to work as intended.I use a non-Steam version of the game, could it be the cause of this issue ? It is not very painful, as the plugin works when it creates the log file direcly in the skyrim root folder, but i wonder if someone else has already encountered this problem. Keep on the good work, Sheson, and many thks for for making the impossible possible. :PSounds like a windows permission thing though I would have thought that applies to the whole folder tree. I added that setting because of ModOrganizer Overwrite folder. But good to know it helped in your case too, whatever the reason.Thks a lot for your answers. Yes, i use MO, so that's the reason of my invisible log when DefaultLogLocation set to true ! Â
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