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  'canon said:
I tried SSME yesterday and it didn't work (basically acted as if it didn't do anything)' date=' while the modified skse_steam_loader.dll worked.[/quote']


Which version?


The version of SSME was


I didn't mess with the ini settings though (I wasn't sure what to change, instructions were a little confusing).  So I decided to grab the modified dll from the OP.


I see there's version 1.8 with easier instructions so maybe I'll give that a shot.

  'EssArrBee said:
Did you go straight vanilla' date=' vanilla INIs, new game, none of those old saves? Also, ENBoost and no ENBoost.[/quote']


Tried a clean save with all mods for, acted like there wasn't a difference.  However, I see what I did wrong after getting 1.8.  The initial 1.7 settings had 256/256 instead of 512/256.  In 1.8 that has been updated.  I just tried 1.8 for 2 hours and no CTDs, so I'm good.


from memory log:

Block 1 - 456

Block 2 - 171* (estimate)


I have noticed a minor bug using high ugrids though.  If I have them at 11, if I run up to a bandit camp, some of the bandits are not initially hostile towards me.  I can talk to them, and usually once I do they proceed to attack normally.  This behavior happens at 9 as well, although it's less frequent.  If I change it to 7, I don't have problems.  I tried using default skyrim.ini/skyrimprefs.ini and switching to a vanilla profile (no mods) but it was still there.  Did a google search but didn't see anything similar to this.  Not saying this is due to the memory patch, but i haven't noticed it before, and it's strange that it's in vanilla... For now I'm going to stick to 7 ugrids just in case.


More testing is needed.


SSME has been working beautifully for me for about 2-3 hours. I loaded in and out of a bunch of things, fast-travelled etc. and it seems smooth, even in areas that were iffy for me before. :)


SSME did the trick for me along with some of the stability guide's ini tweaks. I've now over 200 esps loaded (not many scripts though) ENB too, and one hour no CTDs in areas I had 100% of random CTD!


Ssme is the memory patch using a dx9 dll so we don't have to compile the skse one. It should be part of this thread since it is just different version of this patch.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


For those who have RCRN and want to add enbboost,all you have to do is replace the enblocalini in the zip with the one for your vid card,open the RCRM control panel and click on the toolbox tab,click the Install Enb Series and enable RCRN support for ENB button.Then drag and drop it in the box that comes up and bam its installed with everything configured for your enb.


For some unknown reason I'm getting CTD every time when I try to go back to Windhelm from outside, both with sheson's patch or SSME.


I'm running Skyrim without any heavy textures, only mods generally from Neovalen's guide and small count from S.T.E.P.


Posted Image






Ssme is the memory patch using a dx9 dll so we don't have to compile the skse one. It should be part of this thread since it is just different version of this patch.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well, the problem is members are now posting from both using the memory patch and from using SSME and not clarifying what they're using to test. There are several posts in a row that you have no idea which they're talking about because some are using one over the other due to one not working for them when the other did...confusing.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


I have a couple "old school", renamed and symlinked directory, identical Skyrim installs. The mod load in both caused random CTD's and freezes during play and would CTD in less than a minute running Vurt's stress test, prior to Mem Patch 3. Have a manually compiled (VS 2008) default Sheson SKSE patch in one and SSME 1.8 in the other. Enbseries .244 in both with UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true. No stability or fix mods. Trying to follow the same testing process and character path in both.


So far, the results are identical insofar as stabilty is concerned. Neither setup will crash during a 16 minute stress test ( at least a x16 improvement) and neither setup has crashed during game play. Unfortunately, I don't have a standard Core STEP load.


I'm trying to get a Core STEP load going at the moment, but the testing (and downloading, it seems) will take a while. If there's anything I can do in particular for someone (particular STEP load, etc), just let me know. I have a lower end machine (G2030, hd-7770 2GB, 8GB, Win 7 x64), so we could try a "useable" mod load, or push it over the limit and see what happens. Just offering.


EDIT: Have access to most common tools, but will avoid MO for this in order to maintain game independence.



With more cell loaded there are many more actors loaded. There are default limits to the numbers of active actors and active combat actors. Bashed patch has settings for this.




It would be nice if people say they verified that the first block size is higher than default and not fully committed.

In addition different patch tools may do additional things. So all information is important when reporting.

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