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  'mothergoose729 said:
I don't need help. Not trying to sound arrogant' date=' but I don't believe there is a problem with my setup, there is a problem with the game. That is the point I am trying to make here. Be cautious with new tools. There is no proof this work. It does something, but does it actually help anything? I don't personally think so. Take a closer look at it and be more honest about the effects you notice in game. If the tool does great things further scrutiny will only verify that.[/quote']

Not sure why you are in here then. Are you saying you believe the problem with your game is CAUSED by this patch?


Everyone knows by now to be cautious with new patches/fixes. The game has been out for 2+ years, and people have been through this before. That's why everyone is going insane with this and setting high ugrids, etc, so that they can stress it enough to reveal potential underlying problems. That goes without saying. It's still in the testing phase, but preliminary results look excellent.


Does it help anything? Are you even paying attention to what people have been posting around the internet (not just here)? Proof? How many testimonials do you need? I hope that you haven't come in here to attempt to derail this. What a waste of time that would be. And it's undergoing plenty of close scruting. The SKSE team is looking at it now. You do not seem to be very well informed about what has been happening since this patch was released.


I agree with Z and Nearox. MG, you need to eliminate all possibilities and go through the steps. It's troubleshooting 101. Start with vanilla and these fixes. Does it work or not? It should with vanilla. If it doesn't you have a bigger issue because vanilla can but rarely crashes in my experience. Test in normal gameplay, not bumping up the speed to something you'd never play with.


Next test with STEP:Core. Then STEP:Extended. Then your personal mod setup. You'll at least figure out at what point the fixes stop working for you and it's at that point you need to focus on to find the issue.


This way may take longer but it's the only sure way of finding the issue...which I'm assuming you want to do because you're reporting it here. If you don't care about finding the issue then we can stop now because it won't be helpful if you're unwilling to do so.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


Okay, so I put in the the enbhost.exe and I'm still not getting the confirmation that this is being used. I've read the OP and it's just not working for me, can anyone give me ideas on why it's not?


I have gone through the mod setup process a dozen or more times, using only step core, step extended, my own list, testing on purely vanilla, and ect. I have documented this process in numerous posts throughout these forums. This isn't the first time I claimed skyrim isn't stable, and I met as much resistance then as I am now (ironic because this thread claims to solve problems I swear people on this forum have told me don't exist). There are problems with the game, and its relevant to discuss them in a thread which claims to solve those problems. If someone comes to this thread and says it works great, all smiles and nobody asks any questions. Maybe it should be the other way around.


My personal opinion, the most recent skyrim updates (which were focused on improving performance on console) broke something in the PC version. The lipsync bug was introduced in patch 1.9, and many people reported problems with ILS and CTDs that didn't exist before after it went live. The open citires project shut down because the author couldn't get it to work after patch 1.9. Numerous evidence and anecdotal stories to support the claim that multiple memory problems exist in skyrim. If a mod claims to solve those memory problems it needs to prove it. If someone claims that it works for them it great they report it. Equally so if someone claims it doesn't work for them its just as relevant. The burden of proof lies on the side that says it works not on me or anyone else who say it doesn't.


I have gone through the mod setup process a dozen or more times, using only step core, step extended, my own list, testing on purely vanilla, and ect. I have documented this process in numerous posts throughout these forums. This isn't the first time I claimed skyrim isn't stable, and I met as much resistance then as I am now (ironic because this thread claims to solve problems I swear people on this forum have told me don't exist). There are problems with the game, and its relevant to discuss them in a thread which claims to solve those problems. If someone comes to this thread and says it works great, all smiles and nobody asks any questions. Maybe it should be the other way around.


My personal opinion, the most recent skyrim updates (which were focused on improving performance on console) broke something in the PC version. The lipsync bug was introduced in patch 1.9, and many people reported problems with ILS and CTDs that didn't exist before after it went live. The open citires project shut down because the author couldn't get it to work after patch 1.9. Numerous evidence and anecdotal stories to support the claim that multiple memory problems exist in skyrim. If a mod claims to solve those memory problems it needs to prove it. If someone claims that it works for them it great they report it. Equally so if someone claims it doesn't work for them its just as relevant. The burden of proof lies on the side that says it works not on me or anyone else who say it doesn't.

Okay, we've now heard this from both sides, had two admins, a mod, and a bunch of members comment on it. That is enough, and everyone should get back to documenting their experience with the mod. There was lots of excitement over Safety Load when it came out and it turned out to have a few problems, now we have this which seems like the next step (pun) toward a more stable Skyrim.


Not everyone is going to see positive effects and others will never have issues ever again. Hopefully the SKSE guys approve of the code and can implement it, so we get the most stable and properly supported DLL available to all. Until then lets get this thread back on track.


Was just about to say the same Ess! :)


This is not a scientific debate... it is simply... post your mod list, settings etc. and tell your experience. The more data the better.... What we are doing here is helping the people who know how this stuff actually work get the info they need to make it better.


Fact is that so far then overwhelming majority seems to have positive outcomes with their systems and mod lists. That it aint going to work for all is not a surprise. Even ENB wont work on ALL systems due to a multitude of reasons. It is just the sad fact of PC development... you cant develop something and expect it to work on EVERY possible system. And in this case we add in for every possible mod list + settings!


Nobody has to prove anything. It's not a product someone is trying to sell. The community is collectively testing it, but anyone is free to not use it if they aren't seeing a benefit. The rest of us don't care if other people aren't using it. There is no burden of proof. There are people with very stable games that aren't using ENBoost or the memory patch. They don't need either one of them. I don't think anyone is trying to claim that any given fix/patch will provide universal benefit. That's not actually true with anything in life. What WOULD be important information is that if someone had evidence that it caused long-term problems with savegames, or something like that. Otherwise, you have to expect that some percentage will fail to realize a benefit. This is expected.


As for your comments about 1.9, that's common knowledge. Lips don't move, there's a dialog bug that requires saving, exiting and restarting, the list goes on and on. Skyrim has been "broken", to at least some degree, since the day it was released. The only question relevant to this thread is does this patch improve the memory management such that the most prevalent, common memory-related issues are resolved. That's all it's attempting to do. It's lifting some unreasonable constraints that are present in the basic Skyrim game that cause severe issues when Skyrim is heavily modded.


Nobody has to prove anything. It's not a product someone is trying to sell. The community is collectively testing it, but anyone is free to not use it if they aren't seeing a benefit. The rest of us don't care if other people aren't using it. There is no burden of proof. There are people with very stable games that aren't using ENBoost or the memory patch. They don't need either one of them. I don't think anyone is trying to claim that any given fix/patch will provide universal benefit. That's not actually true with anything in life. What WOULD be important information is that if someone had evidence that it caused long-term problems with savegames, or something like that. Otherwise, you have to expect that some percentage will fail to realize a benefit. This is expected.


As for your comments about 1.9, that's common knowledge. Lips don't move, there's a dialog bug that requires saving, exiting and restarting, the list goes on and on. Skyrim has been "broken", to at least some degree, since the day it was released. The only question relevant to this thread is does this patch improve the memory management such that the most prevalent, common memory-related issues are resolved. That's all it's attempting to do. It's lifting some unreasonable constraints that are present in the basic Skyrim game that cause severe issues when Skyrim is heavily modded.

Are you serious? Did you not just read my post about putting an end to this line of discussion?


If you aren't contributing the discussion about this mod directly then do not post about this any more. We aren't going to solve anything by bickering with keyboards. I'd hate to have to freeze this forum until the morning because we can't get back on topic.


I switched to the patch included in this thread. Here is the SKSE.ini I included in this upload (path is me/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data/SKSE). Screenshot of VMMAP and task manager. The game minimized itself, a sound was played on loop (this case it was electric spell cast sound) and the game froze. Really odd. I was walking on the road from riverwood to whiterun casting magic at the ground as I did, with the goal of adding just a bit more strain on the system with the shock burn decals. I was only doing it for a minute or two when the game froze (but not crashed). It was a reload of the fresh game I made before, same mod list, not quite a new game wanted to save time on the opening sequence (which never crashes for me).





Posted Image

Based on this screenshot you shouldn't need a memory patch or safety to load since the first block is not used up yet.

Keep an eye on it while running around in game.


Maybe test with skyrim performance monitor and see how memory and vram usage changes when it crashes.


Also, my fullscreen or windowed skyrim is not crashing when alt-tabbing.


I've been running for hours now without a hint of a slow down or ctd using what I thought would be a mod list too extreme not to crash see below and at ugrids 7.



  Reveal hidden contents



I have gone a couple of hours between saves twice - just forgot the time so absorbing was the game. If you look at the modlist you will notice that it is basically SR:LE plus a few (lots) of extras. I'm sure it will crash at some point. The only problem I've had is with the Selene follower and a very minor one at that, an install problem I reckon.


Anyway this fix is mana from heaven the effect it has is huge and really obvious.




Back on topic. I've logged about 8 hours with ENBoost and the memory patch. Not a single CTD, ILS or graphics freeze. Unprecedented stability and performance. I am using 512/256, ugrids=5, and have many textures upgrades and about 250 active plugins. There are a lot of extra creatures and NPCs added, and I'm running with Enhanced Blood Textures now, which has caused problems for me in the past. I've seen 40 v 40 battles with no indication of strain/slowdown except for the visible popin of NPC's as the PC entered the cell.


Prior to using this fix, I was having regular freezes and CTD's. Safety Load was preventing the ILSs I would normally get in exterior cells. I have not followed the STEP guidelines, but randomly selected mods that seemed interesting. I regularly install and uninstall mods, and some of them have scripts. This does not appear to have caused problems so far, as long as I am running this fix. I start new characters each month, so my saves aren't completely hopeless at this point. I clean mods with TES5Edit. I make a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash when new mods are added. I use NMM to manage mods.


System specs:


CPU: i5-2500k


Video Card: GTX 570

VRAM: 2.5 GB

Video drivers: 314.22

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium


The OS has its own SSD. Skyrim has its own SSD.


Nobody has to prove anything. It's not a product someone is trying to sell. The community is collectively testing it, but anyone is free to not use it if they aren't seeing a benefit. The rest of us don't care if other people aren't using it. There is no burden of proof. There are people with very stable games that aren't using ENBoost or the memory patch. They don't need either one of them. I don't think anyone is trying to claim that any given fix/patch will provide universal benefit. That's not actually true with anything in life. What WOULD be important information is that if someone had evidence that it caused long-term problems with savegames, or something like that. Otherwise, you have to expect that some percentage will fail to realize a benefit. This is expected.


As for your comments about 1.9, that's common knowledge. Lips don't move, there's a dialog bug that requires saving, exiting and restarting, the list goes on and on. Skyrim has been "broken", to at least some degree, since the day it was released. The only question relevant to this thread is does this patch improve the memory management such that the most prevalent, common memory-related issues are resolved. That's all it's attempting to do. It's lifting some unreasonable constraints that are present in the basic Skyrim game that cause severe issues when Skyrim is heavily modded.

Are you serious? Did you not just read my post about putting an end to this line of discussion?


If you aren't contributing the discussion about this mod directly then do not post about this any more. We aren't going to solve anything by bickering with keyboards. I'd hate to have to freeze this forum until the morning because we can't get back on topic.

My apologies. I started typing that before you posted, and did not see your post. Very sorry.

@EssArrBee and Aiyen,


I'm posting this out in the open so all can see (read).


There is a difference between just mocking and trying to be helpful and obtaining the proper testing information from a user (MG). Yes, Z and MG got a bit out of hand for a couple posts; however, I seen and understood what Z was doing. MG had yet to try basic troubleshooting for this thread and patch so we could determine if the issue was this mod, a mod list, hardware, etc. And still has yet to do so in this thread...only claiming to have done so in other threads.





Reliable testing information is needed to produce reliable results. If the memory fixes aren't working for you then you need to go into troubleshooting mode to figure out where the issue is. This will be helpful information. Just posting that it's not working without troubleshooting why it's not isn't going to get anyone very far and is of very little help.


This applies to all members posting here. If you have problems then provide some troubleshooting info with your post and a minidump as requested or you're not being of any help.


Thanks to all and a personal apology to MG if any of my posts were offensive.


Please don't respond to this post. PM me if you feel you need to respond. Thanks. Moving on.



This troubleshooting and minidump request should be added to the OP.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


My testing, may be it will be useful.


I installed this memory patch and ran over Skyrim with speedmult 300 - no crashes. Then i increased uGridsToLoad to 7 - no crashes (i even tried 9, but it is less stable and somewhere FPS drops significantly). Then i installed Expanded Towns and Cities - no crashes (before i can't use ETaC at all because of instant crashes). Then i installed Footprints, Enhanced Blood Textures, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Immersive Patrols, Organized Bandits in Skyrim, Inconsequential NPC and had several crashes after watching of big battles (Immersive Patrols).


I noticed that the longer i watch the battle - the more FPS drop down. I think that because of EBT. Then i noticed that i forgot about EBT patch for SIC, installed it and also replace EBT blood textures with 512. Now it seems more stable, i experienced only one crash (unusual crash with C++ error message).


Total play time with new memory patch is about 8 hours, 3-4 crashes. Before that patch i experienced crashes every about 20-30 min, with default uGridsToLoad, and much less mods (especially "heavy" mods).


Curiously now i mostly limited by the power of videocard (GTX780 with 3 Gb VRAM). With uGridsToLoad=7 and ETaC in new Folkreath FPS sometimes drop down to 15-20. Another similar heavy place - area around Whiterun with Whiterun Outskirts Market mod.


Sorry for my English.


EDIT: forgot to add memory patch settings: default 512/256.


Thanks. That's a good example of a helpful post. It includes Yuser's experience as well as helpful troubleshooting info.



Could you post the error message the next time it happens? Thanks.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


Added a short description about what we wish with this thread to the OP. Hope this will help clear up things and keep the technical info coming!

There is always the option for making other threads for more subjective stuff!


On that note, then I guess now that Boris is hopefully not releasing new ENB stuff for the next day or two I can get more indepth with this... so far I still cant go beyond ugrids 7 on my modded list, at least not without lowering the texture resolution.


Also to yuser:

It is quite normal that your FPS would get lower the longer a battle goes on if you have stuff like EBT in. Also sound normal that heavily detailed areas will kill the FPS. The more stuff that needs rendering at once.. the more the FPS takes a hit!

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