FCqt Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Quote This just make the gap a bit more wide for what you can do without memory related issues. Also running about for 30 mins with speed mult 1k is quite good actually. Yea I see what you mean. I stripped my modlist to pure SR:LE with the addition of:Populated Lands Roads Paths,the Patrols only from Populated Forts Towers Places and Populated Skyrim Civil War,Burn Freeze Shock and Forgotten Magic Redone. with a uGrid set to 5, I was able to run around killing stuff at speedmult 500 for a good 1hour until I decided I was done testing. There was a ton of random fight everywhere I went and there is just no way that would have happen without CTD before the memory patch.
sheson Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Apparently there is a new SKSE version on the way which may have memory settings build in. https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1485263-shesons-memory-fix-ctdils-thread-2/page-2?do=findComment&comment=23286497
Aiyen Posted January 25, 2014 Author Posted January 25, 2014 Guess that thread is where the angry crowd is going. And here I was expecting more trouble due to all this here... good to see the good tone and technical debate going on instead! Keep it up! :D Would also be nice that it gets official SKSE support... will sort out many weird issues down the road!
blitzen Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Quote Guess that thread is where the angry crowd is going. And here I was expecting more trouble due to all this here... good to see the good tone and technical debate going on instead! Keep it up! :D Would also be nice that it gets official SKSE support... will sort out many weird issues down the road!There will be an alpha SKSE release in the next day or two that will include the memory patch, unless their testing and analysis finds something suspicious-looking.
WilliamImm Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Heh. Good that SKSE is making strides to incorporating this really, really good discovery. In fact, I am doing a active playthough using this memory patch (well, still using my compiled version). In fact, the only instances of CTDs were do to Windows itself - ocassionally during load screens, Windows will complain about low memory. If that is left on for too long, Windows automatically closes Skyrim. So, I just close that prompt, and keep playing Skyrim until my fingers fall off (or I have to go and eat - I have realistic needs too).
thelionzheart1 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I tried using the patched skse_steam_loader.dll file at the bottom of the OP here, and creating a skse.ini file in \The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\SKSE with: [NotPlacebo] GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 but I don't get a message in my skse_loader.log file saying that GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 is working. I'm also using an older ENB preset (Stakado Cinemascope) that uses the .108 binary, so I'm unable to use ENBoost. Is there any hope for me? Or will the Skyrim Memory Patch always require ENBoost? It's kind of a shame that a memory patch has to be tied in with personal enb presets. It should be separate.
Aiyen Posted January 25, 2014 Author Posted January 25, 2014 It is not tried to ANY preset.. it is tied to ENB binary versions... you can get your old v.108 preset look the same on newer binary versions as well... will just require quite a bit of tweaking on your part.
thelionzheart1 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Quote It is not tried to ANY preset.. it is tied to ENB binary versions... you can get your old v.108 preset look the same on newer binary versions as well... will just require quite a bit of tweaking on your part.You're right, I got my preset working with the new binary, however I lost 5 FPS. I'll try to figure out if there is a particular setting causing this. What benefit to I gain from using ENBoost exactly, I didn't notice anything.
Solongchu Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 This may be a dumb question but is anyone using this with windows 8
EssArrBee Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 It off loads memory to a separate process so you don't hit the memory limit of a 32 bit program. You need to set up ENBoost in enblocal.ini under the [MEMORY] section. https://wiki.step-project.com/ENBoost EDIT: ignore the first part where you set the graphics line to true. That disables ENB graphics.
mothergoose729 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I am still getting crashes in skyrim using this mod. This utility may fix some problems in the game (or it may not, idk). It doesn't fix all of them. I think its important to point that out because if you stop looking for solutions you won't find them. Before I begin, I want to include my skse load order, my enblocal ini, and my skyrimprefs and skyrim ini files, as references. https://www.mediafire.com/?zg1e44h2bn90kl4 I have the latest graphics drivers installed, which at this time is catalyst version 13.12. I am using windows 7 64bit, completely up to date and a legitimate home premium license, legitimate and up to date version of skyrim, mod oraganizer, my load list was sorted through BOSS, and ect. I have recently stressed tested my processor and main memory with a blend test of prime95 64bit for 8 1/2 hours and a furmark burn in test for my graphics. I have run HD tune on all sectors of my ssd drives as well. My system is very stable, and main memory, graphics, and processor are all running at default clock speeds and voltages ie no overclocking. My graphics card is an HD 7870 with 2gb VRAM and my processor is a llano A8 3870 quad core clocked at 2.9ghz. I am using a combination of texture packs with some deviation from STEP. I used 1k textures for sky and terrain, 2k textures for everything else, the occasional 4k texture that is a part of the the standard silence weapons pack and bellyaches HD dragons packs. I am using a verison of skse loader sent to me by sheson in a PM some weeks ago, and I have confirmed with VMMAP that it is working as intended. I also have ENBboost installed and working correctly, without ENB, and I have the cell stabilizer installed. These are my only skse plugins. The following is the contents of my loadorder.text provided by mod organizer:# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp HearthFires.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Falskaar.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp PilgrimsDelight.esp Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0 non glow.esp Book Covers Skyrim.esp Book Covers Dawnguard.esp Book Covers Hearthfire.esp Book Covers Dragonborn.esp Distant DetailHF.esp FalskaarDawnguard.esp GloriousGrass.esp SkyFalls Plus SkyMills - All DLC and Falskaar.esp Unique Grasses.esp Beards.esp Brows.espOnly the files associated with these mods have been installed by MO, and not others. Ie all esps are enabled. I only happened to have the version of skyfalls and mills that requires falskaar so falskaar is likewise installed. I was able to produce a CTD with a new game in 43 minutes. I did not enter any console codes. None of the mods included have any scripts associated with them, and very few have cell edits (the exception being the unnofficial patches and falskaar). I completed the opening sequence, cleared out embershard mine, made some potions, sold some stuff, then walked to whiterun, and it crashed right as I was entering the gate, in the transition from an exterior cell to an interior world cell. I have also noticed that the game will crash almost every time if you equip a torch. Going to report that to the USKP team and see what they say about it. I have said this before in previous posts but I will iterate it again, I have used sheson version of the skse loader on my own save game for some time. There are confounding variables in that particular save, in particular I was using safety load in conjunction with it and a much longer mods list. However, I would experience fequent in regular crashes. Using only STEP core and STEP extended mods from the 2.2.7 wiki I have experience regular and frequent crashes, although I haven't tested this with this utlity or similar utilities installed. I know my conclusions are really inconvenient, and its probably easier to pretend that I am not posting. There may be problems very specific to my set up, but if they are they must be related to drivers or chipset or something similar, they aren't a symptom of faulty hardware, erroneous installation, or absence of appropriate tools. That means if I am having problems, no doubt other people will be having problems too. Take from that what you will.
TechAngel85 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Have you tried using the version in the OP rather than what you have from several weeks ago? This inconsistency needs to be resolved before going forward. Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.
Neovalen Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I think the big problem with the one in the OP is that the INI tweaks are not included in the OP! So I will repeat it here with slight clarification based on known facts now: Quote SKSE.ini must be modified to include the following for the patch to work if using my version: [Memory]Enable=X where 1 is ON and 0 is OFF.MemBlock1=YYY where YYY is a size in MB - the default is 512 per the original if this line does not exist.MemBlock2=ZZZ where ZZZ is a size in MB - the default is 256 per the original if this line does not exist. To verify you installed properly check that the following line exists in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE/skse_steam_loader.log:"Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = YYYMB, MemBlock2 = ZZZMB." Z, please update your OP with the complete information. Thanks. Here is the source direct from my compiler window, I get no build error messages (I fixed the minor one from converting from 2008 to 2010): // Memory Patch 3.0 By Sheson UInt32 MemBlock1 = 512; UInt32 MemBlock2 = 256; UInt32 enableMemPatches = 0; if(GetConfigOption_UInt32("Memory", "Enable", &enableMemPatches)) { GetConfigOption_UInt32("Memory", "MemBlock1", &MemBlock1); GetConfigOption_UInt32("Memory", "MemBlock2", &MemBlock2); if(enableMemPatches) { _MESSAGE("Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = %iMB, MemBlock2 = %iMB.", MemBlock1, MemBlock2); //These patch addresses only apply to tesv.exe do not use this on any other version //1st block, request 512MB (0x0300) instead of 256MB (0x0200) //if too small cause of ILS or CTD when to much cell+buffer data does not fit anymore and engine allocates more memory. //tesv.exe:00687E73 sbb edi, edi //tesv.exe:00687E75 push 0 //tesv.exe:00687E77 and edi, 0x0FFFFE00 //tesv.exe:00687E7D push 0x158 //tesv.exe:00687E82 mov ecx, offset 0x01B418B0 //tesv.exe:00687E87 add edi, 0x200 <----- //tesv.exe:00687E8D call 0x00A48D60 //tesv.exe:00687E92 test eax, eax //tesv.exe:00687E94 jz short 0x00687EB1 //tesv.exe:00687E96 push 1 //tesv.exe:00687E98 push 0 //tesv.exe:00687E9A push offset 0x010CD3C8 //tesv.exe:00687E9F push 0x5500000 //tesv.exe:00687EA4 shl edi, 0x14 //tesv.exe:00687EA7 push edi //tesv.exe:00687EA8 mov ecx, eax //tesv.exe:00687EAA call 0x00A4DCF0 SafeWrite32(0x00687e87+2, MemBlock1+256); //2nd block, request default 256MB (0x10000000), typically seems big enough //changing this value is not recommended because side effects are not yet properly tested //when 1st buffer is set over 512MB and there are a lot of mods this needs to be raised as well or tesv.exe crashes at start //however there are no commits over 256MB, hard coded max limits later in the code //tesv.exe:00A4E6B1 mov ebp, dword ptr 0x0106B268 //tesv.exe:00A4E6B7 push 4 //tesv.exe:00A4E6B9 push 0x2000 //tesv.exe:00A4E6BE push 0x10000000 <----- //tesv.exe:00A4E6C3 mov [ebx+0x8D08] //tesv.exe:00A4E6C9 mov [ebx+0x8D0C] //tesv.exe:00A4E6CF mov [ebx+0x8D10] //tesv.exe:00A4E6D5 push edi //tesv.exe:00A4E6D6 mov [ebx+0x8D14] //tesv.exe:00A4E6DC call ebp SafeWrite32(0x00a4e6be+1, MemBlock2*1024*1024); //change movaps to movups (slower on old CPUs) in case memory is not 16byte aligned, //there are most likely more, but when 1st buffer large enough this is not problem anymore //this one is executed once per new cell load //tesv.exe:004BD82F xorps xmm0, xmm0 //tesv.exe:004BD832 movaps xmmword ptr [esi+0x9160], xmm0 SafeWrite8(0x004bd832+1, 0x11); } }That being said, I cannot be sure if VS2010 causes an issue in and of itself, but the patch works perfectly for me.
mothergoose729 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I did. It wasn't seeing the proper allocation of memory with it, so I switched to the one I am using. Sheson himself sent it to me and compiled it before hand, I have to assume that if any version works correctly it is this one. I uploaded it here. https://www.mediafire.com/?gxgfgik20rhg3y9
mothergoose729 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I switched to the patch included in this thread. Here is the SKSE.ini I included in this upload (path is me/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data/SKSE). Screenshot of VMMAP and task manager. The game minimized itself, a sound was played on loop (this case it was electric spell cast sound) and the game froze. Really odd. I was walking on the road from riverwood to whiterun casting magic at the ground as I did, with the goal of adding just a bit more strain on the system with the shock burn decals. I was only doing it for a minute or two when the game froze (but not crashed). It was a reload of the fresh game I made before, same mod list, not quite a new game wanted to save time on the opening sequence (which never crashes for me). SKSE.ini[Memory] Enable=1 MemBlock1=512 MemBlock2=256
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