z929669 Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 Quote I started a new game though after removing safety load and still managed to get a crash in a relatively short time. Hard to blame safety load for that. Honestly with all the "memory fixes" I have tried the stability of the game seems to remain pretty much constant for me. No change.Sounds like you have a mod-setup issue or a more general OS/hardware issue. These MM solutions work without a doubt. If you use only:SKSE (correct version set up properly),Stable uGrids (not really necessary in your case)ENBoost (the correct setup is important), andthe dll in the OP (with skse.ini tweaks),then you should not get any crashing. Use MO and set up a vanilla profile with the above solutions. This should run without error. Set up another profile with onlyh STEP:Core installed (again, this should run flawlessly). Finally, run your current profile, and if you crash, it has nothing to do with the memory optimization mods and is the cause of your mod lineup/plugin order/invalid plugins/missing masters/bad Bashed patch, etc., etc. ad nauseum. Note that of the four MM options above, only Stable uGrids is installed via a mod manager. All other solutions are persistent in your directory, so if there is any issue with them, you should get that in all of your profiles.
TechAngel85 Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 I was thinking Mothergoose's issues might be hardware related as well. I would do a full diagnostics of the hardware in the system. RAM, CPU, PSU...everything to rule out any hardware issues. Even one stick of RAM with one bad area on it could be causing issues. Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.
mothergoose729 Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 There are problems with the game, not problems with my system. I put some 200 hours into a save on patch 1.6, and probably crashed a dozen or so times in that entire playthrough, using earlier version of nearly all the same mods I am using now. Sense I have tried playing on patch 1.9, its has been a crap shoot, and trying to diagnose any issues is a black hole. I have heard others mirror more or less the same sentiment. IMO bethesda broke the PC version of the game, no two ways about it.
keithinhanoi Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 @mothergoose729 Could you post a screen of VMMap after you've been around in a new game for some minutes? Also, if you you add: [Debug]WriteMinidumps=1 to your SKSE.ini, then when Skyrim CTDs, you'll get a dmp file in \Users\YOURACCOUNT\Documents\my games\skyrim\SKSE\Crashdumps. Make a .zip archive of this dump file, and upload it to the OSR Online crash dump analysis webpage that sheson suggests, here. Then, copy and paste the resulting report text to pastebin and let us know that link. On sheson's OP thread, he's been able to give people some clues about what's going on from their crash dump. We can't know exactly what happens in Skyrim, because we don't have Bethesda's symbols used to compile their source code, but there are other things in the crash dump report that can help. I myself have seen the memory patch get rid of CTDs that would happen with a brand new game in certain trouble spots, but I'm still getting random freezes (and one CTD,) but that's mostly while using speedmult 1500 for stress testing.
mothergoose729 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 When i alt tabbed to take the screenshot the game didn't seem to like that, and I had to restart me PC in order to get my destkop back. Probably not a good thing. no crash dump to share. Not terribly familiar with this utility, but based on what I do know, seems pretty normal. You tell me.
Nearox Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Quote When i alt tabbed to take the screenshot the game didn't seem to like that, and I had to restart me PC in order to get my destkop back. Probably not a good thing. no crash dump to share. Not terribly familiar with this utility, but based on what I do know, seems pretty normal. You tell me.The important part is actually in the lowest table. Sort that one by size and check if they're either 256/256mb (i.e. not patched) or 512/256mb (i.e. patched.)
z929669 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 'mothergoose729 said: There are problems with the game' date=' not problems with my system. I put some 200 hours into a save on patch 1.6, and probably crashed a dozen or so times in that entire playthrough, using earlier version of nearly all the same mods I am using now. Sense I have tried playing on patch 1.9, its has been a crap shoot, and trying to diagnose any issues is a black hole. I have heard others mirror more or less the same sentiment. IMO bethesda broke the PC version of the game, no two ways about it.[/quote']Yes, there are problems with the game, but those are pretty much gone now with these patches properly applied and a properly modded setup. I guarantee that if your OS and hardware are not at fault, then either your mod implementation or your implementation of these MM solutions is ;) 'mothergoose729 said: When i alt tabbed to take the screenshot the game didn't seem to like that' date=' and I had to restart me PC in order to get my destkop back. Probably not a good thing. no crash dump to share. Not terribly familiar with this utility, but based on what I do know, seems pretty normal. You tell me.[/quote']The viable execution of VMMmap and meaning of its output is in this thread ... and now it is all in the OP. What you are showing here is not depicting the 'interesting' info.
mothergoose729 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Well I would like to find out I missed something in the installation. You just drag and drop the dll into the skryim directory though... is there more to it? Want to caution against taking the attitude of "if it doesn't work for you it must be your fault". Its a new utility. Give it time to vet before making it gospel.
blitzen Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 'mothergoose729 said: There are problems with the game' date=' not problems with my system. I put some 200 hours into a save on patch 1.6, and probably crashed a dozen or so times in that entire playthrough, using earlier version of nearly all the same mods I am using now. Sense I have tried playing on patch 1.9, its has been a crap shoot, and trying to diagnose any issues is a black hole. I have heard others mirror more or less the same sentiment. IMO bethesda broke the PC version of the game, no two ways about it.[/quote']Can you associate the crashes with specific events? Draugr shouts? Spell effects? Do they happen is specific locations? Do they happen when crossing cell boundaries? The only thing that can be concluded is that your crashes aren't caused by memory management issues, or they would be eliminated by the memory patch and ENBoost. You can double check with Skyrim Performance Monitor to see if you are hitting some type of resource limitation. The only other option is to try different video drivers. What video card and driver are you using? Quote Well I would like to find out I missed something in the installation. You just drag and drop the dll into the skryim directory though... is there more to it? Want to caution against taking the attitude of "if it doesn't work for you it must be your fault". Its a new utility. Give it time to vet before making it gospel.Which version of the memory patch are you using? Did you check the log to see the new line that indicates it's working? If the line doesn't appear, it's not working. What did you add to SKSE.ini?
Noobsayer Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Is there any harm to swapping from Safety Load to this on a running game? IE, will removing Safety Load cause problems? Not really sure how SKSE and Skyrim shake hands.
blitzen Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 'Noobsayer said: Is there any harm to swapping from Safety Load to this on a running game? IE' date=' will removing Safety Load cause problems? Not really sure how SKSE and Skyrim shake hands.[/quote']There is no reason to use Safety Load if you start using the memory patch. But you should be using ENBoost with the memory patch for the most benefit. It's perfectly safe to remove Safety Load at any time, except maybe while the game is actually running. I hope that's not what you were asking. That would be like removing tesv.exe while the game is running, or removing Windows.
Noobsayer Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 LOL no, I didn't mean while it was actually running. I meant, essentially, would it screw with my saves the way removing scripted mods will. Thanks for putting me at ease Â
keithinhanoi Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Quote Well I would like to find out I missed something in the installation. You just drag and drop the dll into the skryim directory though... is there more to it? Want to caution against taking the attitude of "if it doesn't work for you it must be your fault". Its a new utility. Give it time to vet before making it gospel.I'm definitely not saying "it's your fault." But before deciding any "fault" if we could even call it that, let's make sure the patched .dll is doing what it's supposed to do. There's only one way to be absolutely 100% sure, and that's to use VMMap to look at the Private Data memory allocations in TESV.exe. As Nearox explained, click the Size header of the bottom table pane to sort the list by size, scroll to the top of the table list in that pane so that you see the largest Size entries, and you should see this: The red arrow points to where you should click to sort by Size, and the numbers circled in blue are what we're looking for. As for the alt-tab out of Skyrim problems, you can try a couple of things: 1. Make Skyrim not pause when in the background:in skyrim.ini under [General] add the linebAlwaysActive=1or... 2. Change to full screen borderless window mode:in enblocal.ini, under [WINDOW] set:ForceBorderless=trueForceBorderlessFullscreen=truein skyrim.ini, under [Display] set:bFull Screen=0And if those don't work, there are some SKSE plugins which could help. Once it's confirmed that the patched .dll is working for you, then we could look at other elements in the equation.
z929669 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Quote Well I would like to find out I missed something in the installation. You just drag and drop the dll into the skryim directory though... is there more to it? Want to caution against taking the attitude of "if it doesn't work for you it must be your fault". Its a new utility. Give it time to vet before making it gospel.Not "Gospel", but I am joining the church officially. Are you using MO for easy profile switching and mod management?Do you get CTDs under pure vanilla?Do you get CTDs under pure STEP:Core?Do you get CTDs under pure SR:LE?
mothergoose729 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 I looked into it a bit more and the version of the dll I had grabbed from this thread wasn't working for me. I reinstalled skse and used the one sheson sent me and VMMAP confirmed the expanded sectors. I had been using that same dll for a week before and had all kinds of crashes, but when I tried it today it felt like, at least, that the game was working better. I ran about for a while and didn't have any problems, and then I loaded up the game with ugrids 9 for a speed run. I got from whiterun to markarth by foot without a crashed, and then the game CTD as I entered the city. Not sure what to make of that. I did notice some interesting behavior. It felt like, after the initial exterior scene had been loaded, the game played more smoothly and less gittery as I continued to travel in exterior cells. Hard to set a baseline for "feels smoother" though. I noticed at times the game would appear to freeze, everything would stop and the audio would cut out, and then the game would resume again. I found that interesting because I hadn't seen that before. For those asking me, I up tell this point I have tested all my hardware thoroughly, reinstalled windows, acquired a new gaphics card, reinstalled skyrim from scratch at least a dozen times, and yes I am using mod organizer. ENB boost installed and working correctly in addition to cell stabilizer, ect ect ect. Very certain any issues I have been having with skyrim have nothing to do with my setup nor my hardware. At least with VMMAP I can confirm it is working as intended so i will play more. I don't know what I could have changed between now and then but maybe something will be different this time.
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