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In Oblivion those were changes Bash could handle really well with tags :(

haha yeah, i really miss the oblivion bashed patch :ox:

i remember the first time i rebuilt the skyrim patch, i was shocked at how small it was. at the time, i was sure i was doing something wrong lol. nope. a lot of similarities between the two games, in terms of general, "big picture" modding concepts. but that's it. once you get to the specifics, they arent anything alike. :)

if there was one record type i could add to the bashed patch merge for skyrim, if i could only choose one, it would have to be the container lists (chests/containers/merchant inventory). It drives me crazy that those lists, which are exceedingly similar to leveled list, cannot be merged.

  'michaelrw said:
  'Tiger said:
Been trying this the last few days myself. Really impressed. At first' date=' I thought I wasn't going to like it' date=' the sound of moving in armour was a bit of a shock but you really need to give it a chance. I don't think I could live without it now. The only thing I'm not so keen on is the loudness of waterfalls/rapids. I know it's realistic but I tend to lose a bit of dialogue when NPCs are being drowned out. On my headphones, crossing the bridge East of Whiterun is deafening. I altered the mod to lower the volume of waterfalls and rapids a bit and am very pleased with the result. Still loud but not so deafening. Fantastic mod.[/quote'']

yeah ive actually been in contact with lordkorn about the waterfall loudness (the rushing/flowing water sound). Originally I liked the sound .. Actually, I still do, but it can be a tad bit overwhelming sometimes. Im going to be making a some tweaks to those settings and either posting the changes as an optional patch on my patches page, or sending them to LK for inclusion into the main mod, or both.

Yeah the only thing I did was take the waterfall and rapids ambient sounds and ran an amplify cut in Adobe Audition. Repackaged and reinstalled. I probably cut them a bit too much actually. I may redo them. Apart from that though, the mod is great. I love the bow twang and distant impact.

  'michaelrw said:
  'deathneko11 said:
sorry for sticking my nose in here but' date=' because of the way this mod modifies a lot of vanilla objects to do what it does' date=' doesn't this make this mod incompatible with a LOT of mods? i mean it even causes some incompatibilities with mods like Dragon Combat Overhaul. Features of DCO are broken because this mod just modifies dragon sounds, but it's because of the way that this mod makes those modifications that breaks certain DCO features. I'm not sure of the specific details but I believe that AOS would require an astonishing number of patches or edits in TES5edit in order to make it not break various sorts of load orders.[/quote'']

i can't really agree with anything you said.

there arent any significant conflicts between DCO and AOS. There is a single conflict and it has to do with an explosion record. The patch for that can be found on the patches page ( https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44541//? ), along with patches for many other popular mods. There are also quite a few mods that have been confirmed compatible.


with respect to DCO, if it truly is incompatible with AOS, the conflict has to be somewhere in the DCO scripts, maybe they look for a variable that has been changed or something. The other thing is, thousands of users have used DCO and AOS together (with the DCO patch) and this is the first Ive heard of DCO breaking

I'm not going to say i'm an expert here.  I'm not.  Also I have no definitive data.  I am only working on what i've read in the nexus comments and forums.  DCO was an example because of comments made by the mod author himself.  I just feel like since he and other mod authors have shown some distress over odd incompatibilities, that it might be a good idea to look a little deeper into this.


But as I said I am no expert on this.  I do know however that some mod authors (apollowdown being the example here since it's his mod we've mentioned before) will not offer any sort of troubleshooting help if AOS and patches are used in conjunction with their mods.


Apollodown doesn't like AOS, if you search the AOS thread you can see his "review" of the mod. That's likely why he won't support any compatibility for it.

In addition, in the recent past, some people were overreacting to the mods compatibilities because they didn't understand that when you edit sound, you will inevitably edit other aspects of the game in the same way non-sound overhauls edit sounds by proxy. They had no fundamental understanding of how modding and compatibility work so they acted like LK was maliciously touching records un-related to sound.


If actual evidence is provided of these supposed "odd incompatibilities" then sure, but so far I haven't seen anything but speculation.



I'm not going to say i'm an expert here.  I'm not.  Also I have no definitive data.  I am only working on what i've read in the nexus comments and forums.  DCO was an example because of comments made by the mod author himself.  I just feel like since he and other mod authors have shown some distress over odd incompatibilities, that it might be a good idea to look a little deeper into this.


But as I said I am no expert on this.  I do know however that some mod authors (apollowdown being the example here since it's his mod we've mentioned before) will not offer any sort of troubleshooting help if AOS and patches are used in conjunction with their mods.


I read Apollodowns comments too and I think it is important to keep in mind that his own mods are quite extensive as well.  DCO is a great concept and I thought it would become one of my must have mods, but I kept running into problems with it and it was just glitchy in general so I regrettably had to remove it (with 3 different setups).  That guy is clearly very good at what he does and puts tons of work into his mods, but I always run into CTD problems with them, no matter what my setup is.  What I'm getting at is that I don't think Apollodowns individual opinion of AOS should bear any real weight on a general consensus of the mod.  It's also worth pointing out that he reviewed the 1.2 version (I think), and it has improved a great deal since then.


BTW, AOS got file of the month last month :thumbsup:.


I read Apollodowns comments too and I think it is important to keep in mind that his own mods are quite extensive as well.  DCO is a great concept and I thought it would become one of my must have mods, but I kept running into problems with it and it was just glitchy in general so I regrettably had to remove it (with 3 different setups).  That guy is clearly very good at what he does and puts tons of work into his mods, but I always run into CTD problems with them, no matter what my setup is.  What I'm getting at is that I don't think Apollodowns individual opinion of AOS should bear any real weight on a general consensus of the mod.  It's also worth pointing out that he reviewed the 1.2 version (I think), and it has improved a great deal since then.


BTW, AOS got file of the month last month :thumbsup:.



I admit it has been quite some time since i hace really looked at either mod (though i do use DCO and with no issues i might add)


I am starting to think i t is about time i took another look at AOS myself. Thanks for the feedback guys.


Just one person's perspective - I have almost 200 mods running, and with Wrye Bash and a Tes5edit Merged Patch, I have had no problems with AOS. It really does make a difference in the ambience, but also in game play. You can hear things you should be able to hear, and it definitely effects your decisions. There is a lot of working being done on patches, and the comments from the author are very encouraging.

  'Nearox said:
Techangel85' date=' will we make this mod part of Mod Testing for 2.2.8?[/quote']

Quoting as the message got lost the bottom of previous page


(second motive: I need to know if I can start using this in my new pack, which is obviosuly dependent on step:core 2.2.8 :) )


Best to post the suggestion in the 2.2.8 thread - Tech co-ordinates the releases, but inclusion will be decided by a group conversion, probably over there. Personally, I'm in favour, but it might take a while before enough people feel they've explored it enough to include it.


I poked you because, from EssArrBee in the 2.2.8 thread :P



@Nearox I haven't looked over Audio Sound Overhaul, but we should put together a MT thread. Just bug tech to get it started.

Could've done it in that thread I suppose.

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