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I've been holding off on this mod since I saw it released. Almost to scared to start trying to make it fit with a new playthrough. It has SkyRe support already so there's that.


It does look amazing though. Very excited to see how it develops, not we need a proper alchemy redux.


The problem with patches is that people need to realize it's an actual enchanting overhaul and that they need to learn how to let go of their precious quick-fixes.


There have been so many attempts at fixing the enchanting skill tree problem that making patches for everything is an absolutely absurd thing to expect of one modder.


Also, read the description page. Most things can be easily "patched" by simply loading this mod later in your load order.


Edit: Here's what the description page has to say about compatibility:


The list of compatibility questions is growing long, so here is a summary:


Enchanting Awakened is COMPATIBLE WITH:

..* SkyRe (just download the SkyRe version in the files section)

..* NO DLCs (just download the NO DLC version in the files section)


......-You will need to respec your own Enchanting perks. (you can use SPERG's MCM menu function to do so)

......-After respec'ing, you can install Enchanting Awakened. It will replace SPERG's enchanting tree & you will be set.

......-I am unsure whether you'll still get extra perks at levels 25, 50, 75 & 100 (I think you will - can someone confirm?)

..* Empowered Magic

......-Make sure Enchanting Awakened is LATER in your load order than Empowered Magic.

......-The only change you will notice is that Enchantments once again will be buffed by perks like Augmented

........Flames/Frost/Shock (a feature Empowered Magic removed). I think I may add this same change to the next

........version of Enchanted Awakened anyhow, so they soon will be seamlessly integrated.

......-Also, a minor point: if you want to retain the small damage-over-time effect added to the soul trap spell by

........Empowered Magic, do not choose the "Soul Trap Projectile" option when you install Enchanting Awakened.

..* ACE (Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements)

......-Just be sure to remove ACE's Enchanting module if you have it installed currently.

......-All ACE's perks, besides Magic Anticipation, will be respec'd for you by Enchanting Awakened. You will have to

........respec the Magic Anticipation perk yourself if you don't want to lose a perk point you've invested. (or you can

........use the console to add one Enchanting Awakened perk to make up for this single loss of a perk point)

..* Enchantment Effect Replacer (100% compatible)

..* Rune Weapons FXS Replacer (100% compatible)

..* Forgotten Magic Redone (100% compatible)

..* Magic Duel (100% compatible)

..* Phenderix Magic Evolved (100% compatible)


Enchanting Awakened is NOT compatible with:

..* Requiem (I will try to add compatibility when I get some free time)

..* Animated Weapon Enchants (might patch this eventually)

..* Acquisitive Soul Gems or Enhanced Projectile Soul Trap

......-EA does the same thing as these two mods. Simply uninstall them, make a clean save without them, and then install EA instead.

..* Artifact Balance Overhaul (load EA lower in the order and it will probably be okay, though)


Yeah the whole "place later in the load order" is what I define as a "quick and dirty" fix. And when you check in tes5edit in detail, then it almost always means that some (in some cases rather large) parts of others mods simply never get into the game.

I do plan to add it in eventually, since it looks interesting enough, and enchanting is one of the few things I always disliked, since it is essentially just god mode in waiting.


But I also know its gonna be a nice evening or two with tes5edit to tame that beast.

Mainly because I have a few mods that alter the enchanted properties of items.


Yeah the whole "place later in the load order" is what I define as a "quick and dirty" fix. And when you check in tes5edit in detail, then it almost always means that some (in some cases rather large) parts of others mods simply never get into the game.

I do plan to add it in eventually, since it looks interesting enough, and enchanting is one of the few things I always disliked, since it is essentially just god mode in waiting.


But I also know its gonna be a nice evening or two with tes5edit to tame that beast.

Mainly because I have a few mods that alter the enchanted properties of items.

Good point.


I wish I knew how to mess around with TES5Edit outside of cleaning.


"One of these days" I keep telling myself. ha hahahahaha ha ha ha :(


Yeah the whole "place later in the load order" is what I define as a "quick and dirty" fix. And when you check in tes5edit in detail, then it almost always means that some (in some cases rather large) parts of others mods simply never get into the game.

I do plan to add it in eventually, since it looks interesting enough, and enchanting is one of the few things I always disliked, since it is essentially just god mode in waiting.


But I also know its gonna be a nice evening or two with tes5edit to tame that beast.

Mainly because I have a few mods that alter the enchanted properties of items.

Good point.


I wish I knew how to mess around with TES5Edit outside of cleaning.


"One of these days" I keep telling myself. ha hahahahaha ha ha ha :(

Try this guide it works for all games.
  'WilliamImm' pid='52936' dateline='1381244272 said:

...wait' date=' Acquisitive Soul Gems [i']or[/i] Enhanced Projectile Soul Trap? Does the author not realize that EPSG is a addon to ASG, and is not meant to replace it?

Neither are required if you use this mod. For now the projectile soul trap effect is handled in an optional esp.


We've been PMing back and forth. It's mostly a sort of "open beta" type of situation with this mod. He spent a lot of time (over 1000 (one thousand) hours) on this mod and wants to make sure things are mostly compatible with people's setups.


I'll be keeping an eye on this one too. It's one of those overhauls that needed to be done very badly and it looks like this one was put together correctly rather than just being some random fixes and edits. The author put some serious thought into the mod. Next, an all-in-one magic overhaul!? lol Seriously, though, I would love to put this into my game but I'm in the same boat as you, Sairven, when it comes to TES5Edit. I've completed SR with it once and seen what it can do; however, knowing what I'm doing and just following directions are two different things entirely! Unfortunately, I don't see myself having the time to actually learn TES5Edit to that extent unless it's something that can easily be picked up (and "easily" is subjective to the user...I'm quite tech savvy tho).



Actually...why has no one written a TES5Edit guide for STEP? (ー_ー)!!


Next, an all-in-one magic overhaul!? I've completed SR with it once and seen what it can do; however, knowing what I'm doing and just following directions are two different things entirely! Unfortunately, I don't see myself having the time to actually learn TES5Edit to that extent unless it's something that can easily be picked up (and "easily" is subjective to the user...I'm quite tech savvy tho).


An all in one magic overhaul would be kinda nice if it were done right. Of course, there are subjective versions of done right as Kelmych, Aiyen and myself have discussed in another thread floating around here somewhere.


As for TES5Edit... it's not so much I'm uncomfortable or unable to do the edits it's more I don't have the time to do so with all my course work (full time student). Heck here recently I've been lucky to do my "Answer at least one question a day on the forums" creed. Plus I don't know what's going on but I've been feeling weird. Ears ringing (I checked my PDR could be related to my other issue) and I get out of breath just sitting around typing (+ my pulse is between 90 and 115 just sitting around doing nothing) so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get another check-up (hopefully I won't be late for my night class).


Time is my enemy. I could learn all I need to know if I only had the time. lol


Edit as I don't want to clutter the thread. I wish the day had another 6-8 hours so I can commit more time to my hobbies! We're all in the same boat it seems... -rootsrat-


Using my post as a means to reply... you moderators. :dry: Haha! It's all good. :P -tech-


Best of luck with your health.


Well found a bit of time between my ENBing and weather overhauling etc. etc. to look a bit closer into this mod.

Actually there are not that many edits that need to be made to it (from the perspective of vanilla and unofficial patches). Most of what it does is handled by scripts it seems.


The most severe "incompatibility" I had was with Krypt´s stealth overhaul. But loading it either after, or just make stealth skills re-balanced a master and copy in the various sneak enchantment seems to do the trick. Alternatively you can create a patch... but that takes longer, hence why I could not be bothered.


Obviously you need to drop any other soul trap mod you might be using, since this will do all of that now. Just delete the soul trap entry from whatever other mod you might be using and you are golden.

Ofc. you should not be using any ASG like mod since this mod comes with scripts of its own to handle that matter.


But overall unless you have a requiem install or some other major enchantment altering mod installed, then this is pretty much just plug n play.


Well found a bit of time between my ENBing and weather overhauling etc. etc. to look a bit closer into this mod.

Actually there are not that many edits that need to be made to it (from the perspective of vanilla and unofficial patches). Most of what it does is handled by scripts it seems.


The most severe "incompatibility" I had was with Krypt´s stealth overhaul. But loading it either after, or just make stealth skills re-balanced a master and copy in the various sneak enchantment seems to do the trick. Alternatively you can create a patch... but that takes longer, hence why I could not be bothered.


Obviously you need to drop any other soul trap mod you might be using, since this will do all of that now. Just delete the soul trap entry from whatever other mod you might be using and you are golden.

Ofc. you should not be using any ASG like mod since this mod comes with scripts of its own to handle that matter.


But overall unless you have a requiem install or some other major enchantment altering mod installed, then this is pretty much just plug n play.


Good to hear. I'll have to look into it for SkyRe (unless somebody else has the time) whenever I catch up to tonight's work (missed class, least bloodwork wasn't painful, thanks tech)

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