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Skyrim Realistic Texture Overhaul (by Frozunswaidon)


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Wow that was quick! Imagine what CaBaL could do if is wasn't for

...lately too much real life work and vodka : /

I am just worried with the vodka the textures might turn out blurry.


EDIT: Sorry I did not notice at first it was not CaBaL's work and the comment is a joke of coarse.

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LOL... not indeeed my work but please keep an eye on this mod by frozunswaidon.... i find it very interesting...someone may not like the photorealistic approach but it's tecnically well done ,compact...except roads covers all snow types...i wholeheartly endorsed

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  • 1 month later...

I think this has potential, but it is too early for me to say one way or the other. I have only seen the screens he has up. There are a few blending issues here and there, but some of the blending seems very well done ... perhaps some of the current textures are not finished.


Photo-realism can be fine, IMO, as long as the blending is done where it needs to be and as long as the textures "match" the rest of the game ... the transitions between adjacent textures are very important for me in landscape textures.


I hope he keeps working on this.


I don't think that anyone should voice any strong feelings either way until they give it a careful review in game.


EDIT: TomSawyer has captured some great screen compares with SRO and done some good analyses. Based on these, I think this mod still needs quite a bit of work in many areas, but there are some really good things about it too. Agree with CaBaL that the snow textures could be really nice. Riften seems very different, but I do like the leaves on the ground. All-in-all, there are a lot of blending issues to fix, but there is definitely promise, and he seems to be willing to rework "issues" pointed out by his users.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still prefer SRO, in-game in my testing, I found SRTO has more saturated colors compared to SRO, using the same ENB. I also found SRO seem to tile blend better than SRTO. But this is a personal taste issue though, as I prefer a bleak cold Skyrim.

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