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Figured it might not be a bad idea to just start a general SR support thread for help since the feedback thread is focused on actual SR feedback. I'll start this off.


So was playing earlier today, then went and made today's latest changes:


- Updated Lanterns of Skyrim to use Realistic Lighting Overhaul optional preset.

- Added SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators. Removed More Village Animals and Roosters At Dawn

- Updated Apahii Skyhair Natural Retexture.


I also added Grass on Steroids and it's associated INI changes.


I now CTD every time on the menu load. I reversed the INI changes, unloaded SkyTest and Grass on Steroids and still CTD.


What would be the first steps I should in debugging this?



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That would be a good time too, as he is revising the guide as we speak probably, see the SR Feedback thread.


Baselines for texture sizes will be included for new version.


Generally 1k for anything exterior... 2k+ for people/creatures/large objects/etc.


Interior objects 2k+.

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Well, its Crossfire... :(


I disabled crossfire, with ENB enabled, and I had no flickering.

I then proceeded to turn Crossfire back on with ENB enabled and I got the flickering.


CCC Driver version 13.1


When I loaded ENB with no Crossfire I was getting GPU loads in the upper 90%'s.... :(



EDIT: Seems like the latest driver is 13.4, and I have 13.1. I will install new driver and try again and will post results.


EDIT2: Nope, upgrading drivers still didn't work.


EDIT3: Again, upgraded to CCC Driver 13.6 BETA. Still not fixed... haha :(





Shift + enter for the ingame ENB gui. Otherwise in the enbseries.ini (notepad etc.) under EFFECT then set SSAO and Reflection to false

Tried this, but didn't have an effect.



Looks like this is a incompatibility between ENB and Crossfire and NOT Skyrim and Crossfire.   When I disable ENB and enable Crossfire everything is just fine.  Just heavy on the GPU load.



LAST EDIT: I think it's time for me to learn how to use DDSopt. I think, as suggested, 1k normals should do the trick and fix the 3.1GB crash. And if that is the case, I should be fine just using one GPU and ENB and all should be good and I can start my playing :)

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Looks like this is a incompatibility between ENB and Crossfire and NOT Skyrim and Crossfire.   When I disable ENB and enable Crossfire everything is just fine.  Just heavy on the GPU load.


I saw this in another thread:


"Should be noted that borderless window does not let you use SLI/Crossfire. I remember it took me a while to figure that out last time, ha. "


Try without borderless window if you have it. Worth a shot. :)

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ENB is not compatible with any multicard solution... you are just lucky if you get it working. This is due to the author of ENB´s opinion of multicard solutions (Which is not a good one hehe). There is a tendency that SLI works better then crossfire, but this properly have more to do with the general theme that Nvidia drivers are more optimized then AMD drivers in general.

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I'm running Iroha's Skyrim Revisited + ASIS/Skyre, etc.


I've noticed that the lips don't quite sync up with what they're saying. The lips lagging behind the speech. Most of the time if they speak a long enough line of dialogue it will seem to catch up, but with the next line it'll start over and catch up again. It's a minor issue that I've ignored thus far, but I was just curious as to whether anyone else experiences it.

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Anyone found a way to fix it raining underneath structures? I mean rain coming through the roof of say Alvor's forge in Riverwood is very immersion breaking. The tents too. I wonder if it's possible to do something like Hearthome Cottage (no load doors and part of the worldspace) I have not noticed any rain in it; obviously for tents it'd be hard or next to impossible but for Alvor's forge...


I just remembered a mod I saw a couple weeks back called Real Shelter anyone know if it fixes the rain? I'll load it up in TES5Edit to see if it needs cleaning and try it out if it does then I'll post it in the mod suggestion forum.


Also does anyone else find it disturbing how OFTEN it rains? I swear I get out of one that lasts for a day and then have five minutes before another shows up >v<

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Anyone found a way to fix it raining underneath structures? I mean rain coming through the roof of say Alvor's forge in Riverwood is very immersion breaking. The tents too. I wonder if it's possible to do something like Hearthome Cottage (no load doors and part of the worldspace) I have not noticed any rain in it; obviously for tents it'd be hard or next to impossible but for Alvor's forge...


Also does anyone else find it disturbing how OFTEN it rains? I swear I get out of one that lasts for a day and then have five minutes before another shows up >v<

there is a mod for that, called "Real shelter".
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Everyone with Sky rim 1.9 experiences this. Bug Bethesda intro'd in 1.9 and never fixed.

I've played little Skyrim since the 1.9 patch. Is that really a noticeable issue?


If so, that's hilarious that they would have left the game in a broken state.

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Everyone with Sky rim 1.9 experiences this. Bug Bethesda intro'd in 1.9 and never fixed.

I've played little Skyrim since the 1.9 patch. Is that really a noticeable issue?


If so, that's hilarious that they would have left the game in a broken state.

It's extremely noticeable. Lip synching is worse than Justin Bieber or Britney Spears at a live concert performing drunk.
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Yeah it's not quite as bad as having to update to a newer firmware on the PS3 but that the updates are applied automatically and do not allow for newer mods is unpleasant.


Ok so I was having a freeze issue in the wilderness just kinda randomly (didn't seem to be related to RAM or VRAM) so I cleaned Skyrim Flora Overhaul again and that seemed to fix it, however now I have a infinite loading screen upon exiting Markarth.


Posted Image


Of course I'm still not 100% sure this isn't caused by the XP32 skeleton (which I thought I finally got working with version 1.81)


Of course now that I look at it; it says the RAM reached 2960 at one point so could that have been it I would have thought it would CTD or Freeze then not after...

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