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I don't think the guide lists how to edit the ini to ignore textures, is that something that you would like to handle on your own so it is done properly? or just haven't updated with that info yet?


So far I've found 4 files that DDSopt doesn't do so well with optimizaiton:







They are small files 16x16 and 64x64 that are reduced to 1x1


EDIT: messed up spacing

Are these Fallout NV textures or Skyrim textures? Since 2 are in a pipboy3000 directory I assume Fallout NV. Water textures are somewhat tricky to optimize with DDSopt, and in Skyrim STEP suggests not optimizing some of them or optimizing with different parameters. I don't know how well suited DDSopt is to optimizing pipboy screen textures as the screens are typically icons and text.
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I haven't seen any other problems with icons or or water yet except that the water might be a bit too clear. The pipboy was completely white when I started the game and replacing those two with the originals fixed the problem, so those two textures appear to be a brightness of the pipboy screen.


I'm not informed enough about texture types to know what section those texture might be placed under in the DDSopt.ini, so do I just put them under [Automatic]?

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Do the textures have an alpha channel, and if they do how is the alpha channel used? There are many possible ways that the alpha channel can be used, as mentioned in the initial portions of this tab of the DDSopt guide, which is part of the reason for difficulty in automated optimization of textures. We have also seen problems in optimizing when there are abrupt changes within the texture.

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I was using DDSOpt completely successfully until today. Now I can't use the program because it seems to be in an infinite startup loop checking the output. what I mean is the program opens but says skimming output xxxx


Any ideas? At first it was when I told it to run as admin. Now I have to keep deleting the folder. I'm in Windows 8 64-Bit any ideas.

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In admin mode, DDSopt will remember the last folder set you browsed to, so if you happened to select your Skyrim data folder last time (or something equally deep), it will take awhile to scan. Just give it 10+ minutes if necessary ---and never select that folder again, or simply run as non-admin to reestablish a more manageable config ;)

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I've tried that but I've waited an hour or more (probably something freaky like my desktop got selected) and it sits at refreshing file lists at about 45 mins in onwards. I also have to keep the stock .ini file for this not to happen it seems. I dual booted to my other HDD and was able to do it there but it was alot slower than through my SSD of course.


I totally forgot to try nuking the registry values for output >v<

Problem solved.

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Where would you recommend putting the Hi-res DLC Optimizer in the ModOrganizer priority list? Right below Unofficial Highres Patch so other textures overwrite it?

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I'm new into this forum and the modding community, got a basic question and cant find the answer

When should I ddstop a mod? i only got Why/How-to answers

I'm following Neovalen guide:


and i'm stuck at "Let the modding Beggin!":

Should i do ddstop on every mod of the install list? only the big texture ones like skyrim HD 2K?


Another point, like this guide:


I left my [Raise foliage-map opacity each mip level] Checked to all DLC, is it right? and now should I Uncheck it for the other ones?

Thanks in advice, and sorry for my english :thumbsup:

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Another point, like this guide:


I left my [Raise foliage-map opacity each mip level] Checked to all DLC, is it right? and now should I Uncheck it for the other ones?

Checked for vanilla (HRDLC, Vanilla and DLCs) and unchecked for other mods.


As for DDSOpt, I just use it in very large textures, to reduce them or when the mod is pretty taxing and have just a 4K version available, for example.


Another reason is for the lack of mipmaps and so on. There is a table with some more information in here:



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Would you optimise Automatic Variants texture packs? I was always wondering about this. I am not familiar with maps and textures (to be honest, I don't even know what the "map" or "minimap" is) so any information would be appreciated.


Also, the table you linked is for STEP 2.2.3, and we're on 2.2.6. I presume there won't be many changes if any at all, but even if it's the latter case, it would be good just to update version number to be consistent.

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The table was for reference, to know what to look in the packs.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap Mip maps.


It depends. I monitor VRAM after every major texture pack. Lately, I ddsopt everything down to 2k difusse and 1k normals.


Some textures don't get along and have problems, so I just revert. The packs from AV don't seem too big or too demanding.

Generaly, architecture and landscape are the most candidates.

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