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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 182


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Does the Edit2 apply to the generation where you removed the 2 patch files?

Ok, was just an idea with the savegame.

And yes, without the patches.


Edit: Beside that...wow, the "UndersideTerrain" did it's job very well. No more light shining through anything/mountains, great fix for that.

Edited by PRieST
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You enabled the terrain underside? Is that with quality 10 and -500 height?

Yes.  Here is the .ini.


; This is the DynDOLOD.INI for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR / SSE or TES5VR game modes (see docs\help\GameMode.html)



; set to 1 to start in wizard mode, 0 to start in advanced mode



; set to 1 for expert LODGen options in advanced mode, disables wizard automatically



; see ..\DynDOLOD\Docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html

;TreeLOD=0 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Ultra in the advanced options window for generating LOD for trees in object LOD


; Do not change this setting

; set to 0 to use tree full model for static object LOD instead of billboard if a tree 3D LOD model is not found

; this can create HUGE static object LOD files and can potentially cause CTD because of invalid nif settings copied to *.bto

; identify the largest full models and create 3D LOD models see Options\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.txt

; 0 -> FullModel; 1 -> Billboard, 2 -> Billboard2, 3 -> Billboard3 etc.

; NOTE: This setting changed meaning in version 2.44

; RTFM before changing this setting

; Do not change this setting



; Billboard template to use for tree LOD done in static object LOD

; set to desired billboard NIF file or Internal (traditional tree LOD style 2 plane X similar to DynDOLOD_flat_lod_2x2.nif)

; files with same name found in games ..\Data\DynDOLOD\ folder have priority over files found in this ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\ folder

; Internal will be used automatically if NIF file can not be found








; tree LOD ignores X/Y rotation values. If the rotation exceeds the max tilt, the tree will be done as object LOD



; set to 1 to generate LOD Level 32 *.bto files (indentical to LOD Level 16 but without billboard trees when generating with TreeLOD=0)

; set [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in Skyrim.ini



; Because Bethesda simply does not comprehend people are modding exterior worldspaces ...

; set to 1 to ignore large references and not create a DynDOLOD.esm, set uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 (value of uGridsToLoad) in SkyrimPrefs.ini

; use if it is certain that the large references system will not be used



; set to 1 to create empty *.btt files for the quads covered by object LOD meshes instead of creating an empty *.lst when generating ultra LOD

; allows keeping vanilla tree LOD for worldspaces with cut content



; value to set BSLightingShaderProperty Lighting Effect 1 used by SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag for billboards used in static object LOD, higher values are brighter



; 3rd texture used for SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag by billboards used in static object LOD



; Set vertex colors for billboards used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value < 0.0 = no vertex color

; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting



; Set vertex colors for billboards with normal map texture used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value < 0.0 = no vertex color

; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting



; Randomly change vertex color for billboards used in static object LOD, if value < 0.0 = no change



; Randomly change height of billboards used in static object LOD to counter butterfly effect, set to 0.0 for no height change



; Set SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag for LOD levels equal or higher on billboards used in static object LOD

; Setting SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag disables all lighting effects

; 0 = none, 1 = LOD4, 2 = LOD8, 3 = LOD16, 4 = LOD32



; set to 1 to set transparent background of billboards to their average color, requires TreeLODDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8



; path to texture to set the transparent background of billboards to, requires TreeLODAverageColor=0, requires TreeLODDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8




; set to 1 to set transparent background of object LOD textures to their average color, requires ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8



; Set LOD texture atlas formats

; Traditional 2D tree LOD does not use normal textures, but 2D tree LOD in static object LOD can make use of normal map if normals and bi/tangents are set

; NOTE: BC7 uses the included external tool Texconv. Compressing large textures with BC7 Max can take a while and can temporarily freeze the screen.

; BC1 (DXT1) = 200 - for diffuse converts any source alpha to transparency with threshold 128, for normal removes specular (alpha) which usually is not used by LOD

; BC2 (DXT3) = 201 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC3 (DXT5) = 202 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC7 Quick = 225 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC7 Max = 226 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; R8G8B8 = 87 - has no alpha, so do not use for alpha diffuse

; A8R8G8B8 = 88  - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; If ObjectLODDiffuseFormat and ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat are the same format one atlas texture file will be created. Otherwise two files, one for each format.






; 0 = no mipmaps, 1 = texconv, 2 = internally




; Texconv mipmap alpha coverage



; Internal mipmap alpha factor



; File mask of textures not to add to the object LOD atlas texture. They will be used directly instead.

IgnoreTexture=mountainslab01.dds, mountainslab02.dds, atlas, treelod.dds, treelod1.dds, treelod2.dds, treelod3.dds, treelod01.dds, treelod02.dds, treelod03.dds


; set to 1 to add ShowLocalMap flag, opening/closing map causes water to reflect references with the flag set (requires [Water] bReflectSky=1 in Skyrim.ini) - can cause CTD when opening map



; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it, 1 equals 256 units



; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it in parent world, 1 equals 256 units



; Fake Lights: intensity of the glowing orb mesh, valid values from 1 to 9



; Set to 1 to create a new plugin file with LOD added to STAT base elements to use in CK old style static object LOD generation

; There should be no existing DynDOLOD plugin in the load order

; Same as starting in expert mode and clicking 'Create Mod' button



; Base record signatures to process for LOD



; leave at 5 even if using higher uGridsToLoad in the game



; vanilla default is fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn=1.5, set default seconds for in-game MCM setting to hide dyanmic LOD switching after fast travel



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; Adjust terrain height for remove unseen faces function of LODGen.exe



; Changes the base records to a copy without the Has Distant LOD flag for references with enable parents to counter briefly showing object LOD when object are enabled



; Change PortalBoxes in processed worldspaces to just Boxes - can help with performance in Skyrim/Enderal



; use decal flag from source mesh for static object LOD generated by LODGen.exe, can help with z-fighting of trimmings (flat shape on another flat shape)

; if decals fading behaves wierd see DynDOLOD_Manual.html#11a



; (partial) mod file names to ignore, comma separated

; this will ignore references added by these mods, but process their overwrites

; do not ignore masters used by mods that are processed or else ...

IgnoreModFileName=Bashed Patch, SDO Full-LOD, SolitudeExterior, WhiterunExterior, holycow, DynDOLOD Addon, DynDOLOD - Addon, JKs Markarth, JKs LITE - Markarth, JKs SuperLITE - Markarth, JKs Riften, JKs LITE - Riften, JKs SuperLITE - Riften, JKs Solitude, JKs LITE - Solitude, JKs SuperLITE - Solitude, JKs Windhelm, JKs LITE - Windhelm, JKs SuperLITE - Windhelm, RedMountainErupts, DawnofWindhelm, TAVERiften, TAVESolitude, TAVEWindhelm, TownsandVillagesEnhancedPro, VolumeticMists


; (partial) mods that are obsolete

ReplaceModFileName=SDO Full-LOD, Distant Detail, NSUTR_LOD, Full LOD, SPTKatlaSailReangle, TVDT Removed, Dragonsreach Balcony Landscape Fix


; (partial) mod file names to warn about, comma separated, remove "Open Cities Skyrim;OpenCities, " after reading in the manual about it

WarnModFileName=Open Cities Skyrim;OpenCities, Occlusion


; order to scan for *_lod*.nif files. Indentical filenames (sans path!) found *last* will overwrite win







; ignore LOD models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard



; ignore full models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to the simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard



; (partial) EditorID of base element to ignore

IgnoreBaseEDID=loadscreen, _invis_, dbm_arrivalship


; Warn about and avoid using NIF that do not have any of these root blocks

ValidRootBlocks=BSFadeNode, BSLeafAnimNode, BSTreeNode


; Set to 1 to add activators as temporary references if possible. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

; See https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/



; Update TVDT occlusion data. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL records that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

; requires Generate dynamic LOD to be checked



; Limit the number of threads in case updating height map from terrain/object LOD meshes requires large amounts of memory

; -1 = limit, otherwise set to a number greater than 0




; default setting to use in case specific worldspace settings are not defined

; Samples per cell, 1 = 1, 2 = 4, 3 = 16 - the more samples are used the more distant cells are likely to be disabled and the longer the calculations take


; additional height to add to oberserver height


; max render distance


; All = update all CELLs that have terrain height data

; +Border = "All" with a border region

; -Flat = "All" terrain that is not flat

; -Flat +Border = "All" terrain that is not flat and a border region

; +TVDT = "All" with a TVDT record

; +TVDT +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and a border region

; +TVDT -Flat = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat

; +TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat and a border region

; -TVDT = "All" without a TVDT record

; -TVDT +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with a border region

; -TVDT -Flat = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat

; -TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat and a border region

; In any case, only CELLs that are part of the dynamic LOD Near/Far grids are updated

OcclusionMode=-TVDT -Flat +Border


; world specific settings *_[Worldspace name] (EditorID)

; by default worlds that have the small world flag set are skipped automatically

; force enable small world


; force disable large world


; different modes

OcclusionMode_Tamriel=-Flat +Border

OcclusionMode_Sovngarde=-TVDT -Flat

OcclusionMode_DLC01SoulCairn=-TVDT -Flat


; set to 1 to enable grass LOD in object LOD level 4, requires *.cgid grass files in data\grass\ folder from Grass Control and grass LOD billboards generated by TexGen



; 0 to 100%; 0 = no grass - unlike Grass=0, the grass LOD billboards will still be added to the object LOD texture atlas



; set to 1 to flag grass LOD as LargeReference, so that it unloads at the distance of uLargeRefLODGridSize instead of the usual uGridsToLoad distance



; grass LOD brightness multipliers




; make bottom darker to fake shadowing





; set to 1 to run LODGen.exe with --verbose



; set to a value > 0 and <= number of CPU cores

; lower values = more main threads = more memory usage - not nessarily faster/slower

; higher values = less main threads = less memory usage - not nessarily slower/faster



; set the double_sided shader flag in object LOD *.bto meshes on these lists of meshes / textures masks (partial filename) for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows




; set to 1 to generate a terrain NIF that is placed under the actual terrain in order to block light for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows

; current DynDOLOD output can be quickly updated by keeping plugins activated and then deselecting all LOD generation options, then install new output overwriting old output


; Quality of the terrain NIF, higher numbers = less quality/smaller file size. If the quality is too low its shapes might pierce through the ground near steep terrain


; z position of the reference placing the terrain NIF, if too high its shapes might pierce through the ground



; set to 1 to enable notices



; set to 1 to enable warning messages



; set to 1 to enable debug messages; enables notices and warnings automatically






; Parent world name

[skyrim Tamriel]


IgnoreIfPluginExists=OpenCities, Open Cities


; Child Town worlds to check for new LOD

ChildWorlds=MarkarthWorld, RiftenWorld, SolitudeWorld, WhiterunWorld, WindhelmWorld


; ignore the references linking to this (partial) editor id base element

Ignore=treereach, treepine, treeaspen, treeclover, treegourd, treekelp, treethicket, treevine, shrub, fern, flora, wrtreecircle, windmill, mountain, rock, fxwater, water1024, rapids, dirtcliff, drift, road, hay, wrpondwall, fence, stonewall, shackroof, impstoneblock, whprisonwallcap, whouterwallstatue, mrkmillroof01, crafting, fxglow, whgate, whdoorfrontgate, slightpost, signrtpost, mrkkeepcollonadecolm, mrkbrazierhangingdeco, mrkwarrensarch, mrkarch, candlehorn, candlel, candles, candle0, rtcanals, rtlamppost, fxmist, door


; Child Town worlds bounds, SW, NE, min height - used to automatically do LOD for trees as object LOD and to copy back disabled NeverFades added by confused mod authors









Edited by Zanderat
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Yes.  Here is the .ini.


; This is the DynDOLOD.INI for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR / SSE or TES5VR game modes (see docs\help\GameMode.html)



; set to 1 to start in wizard mode, 0 to start in advanced mode



; set to 1 for expert LODGen options in advanced mode, disables wizard automatically



; see ..\DynDOLOD\Docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html

;TreeLOD=0 This setting does not work anymore, check [x] Ultra in the advanced options window for generating LOD for trees in object LOD


; Do not change this setting

; set to 0 to use tree full model for static object LOD instead of billboard if a tree 3D LOD model is not found

; this can create HUGE static object LOD files and can potentially cause CTD because of invalid nif settings copied to *.bto

; identify the largest full models and create 3D LOD models see Options\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.txt

; 0 -> FullModel; 1 -> Billboard, 2 -> Billboard2, 3 -> Billboard3 etc.

; NOTE: This setting changed meaning in version 2.44

; RTFM before changing this setting

; Do not change this setting



; Billboard template to use for tree LOD done in static object LOD

; set to desired billboard NIF file or Internal (traditional tree LOD style 2 plane X similar to DynDOLOD_flat_lod_2x2.nif)

; files with same name found in games ..\Data\DynDOLOD\ folder have priority over files found in this ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\ folder

; Internal will be used automatically if NIF file can not be found








; tree LOD ignores X/Y rotation values. If the rotation exceeds the max tilt, the tree will be done as object LOD



; set to 1 to generate LOD Level 32 *.bto files (indentical to LOD Level 16 but without billboard trees when generating with TreeLOD=0)

; set [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in Skyrim.ini



; Because Bethesda simply does not comprehend people are modding exterior worldspaces ...

; set to 1 to ignore large references and not create a DynDOLOD.esm, set uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 (value of uGridsToLoad) in SkyrimPrefs.ini

; use if it is certain that the large references system will not be used



; set to 1 to create empty *.btt files for the quads covered by object LOD meshes instead of creating an empty *.lst when generating ultra LOD

; allows keeping vanilla tree LOD for worldspaces with cut content



; value to set BSLightingShaderProperty Lighting Effect 1 used by SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag for billboards used in static object LOD, higher values are brighter



; 3rd texture used for SLSF2_Soft_Lighting flag by billboards used in static object LOD



; Set vertex colors for billboards used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value

; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting



; Set vertex colors for billboards with normal map texture used in static object LOD, 0.0 to 1.0, if value

; all 3 colors will be set to this same value so this acts as a brightness setting



; Randomly change vertex color for billboards used in static object LOD, if value



; Randomly change height of billboards used in static object LOD to counter butterfly effect, set to 0.0 for no height change



; Set SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag for LOD levels equal or higher on billboards used in static object LOD

; Setting SLSF2_LOD_Objects flag disables all lighting effects

; 0 = none, 1 = LOD4, 2 = LOD8, 3 = LOD16, 4 = LOD32



; set to 1 to set transparent background of billboards to their average color, requires TreeLODDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8



; path to texture to set the transparent background of billboards to, requires TreeLODAverageColor=0, requires TreeLODDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8




; set to 1 to set transparent background of object LOD textures to their average color, requires ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat with alpha channel like BC2 (DXT3), BC3 (DXT5) or A8R8G8B8



; Set LOD texture atlas formats

; Traditional 2D tree LOD does not use normal textures, but 2D tree LOD in static object LOD can make use of normal map if normals and bi/tangents are set

; NOTE: BC7 uses the included external tool Texconv. Compressing large textures with BC7 Max can take a while and can temporarily freeze the screen.

; BC1 (DXT1) = 200 - for diffuse converts any source alpha to transparency with threshold 128, for normal removes specular (alpha) which usually is not used by LOD

; BC2 (DXT3) = 201 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC3 (DXT5) = 202 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC7 Quick = 225 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; BC7 Max = 226 - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; R8G8B8 = 87 - has no alpha, so do not use for alpha diffuse

; A8R8G8B8 = 88  - LOD only uses transparency and the threshold is 128

; If ObjectLODDiffuseFormat and ObjectLODAlphaDiffuseFormat are the same format one atlas texture file will be created. Otherwise two files, one for each format.






; 0 = no mipmaps, 1 = texconv, 2 = internally




; Texconv mipmap alpha coverage



; Internal mipmap alpha factor



; File mask of textures not to add to the object LOD atlas texture. They will be used directly instead.

IgnoreTexture=mountainslab01.dds, mountainslab02.dds, atlas, treelod.dds, treelod1.dds, treelod2.dds, treelod3.dds, treelod01.dds, treelod02.dds, treelod03.dds


; set to 1 to add ShowLocalMap flag, opening/closing map causes water to reflect references with the flag set (requires [Water] bReflectSky=1 in Skyrim.ini) - can cause CTD when opening map



; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it, 1 equals 256 units



; Fake Lights: minimum scale of glowing orb mesh required to add LOD for it in parent world, 1 equals 256 units



; Fake Lights: intensity of the glowing orb mesh, valid values from 1 to 9



; Set to 1 to create a new plugin file with LOD added to STAT base elements to use in CK old style static object LOD generation

; There should be no existing DynDOLOD plugin in the load order

; Same as starting in expert mode and clicking 'Create Mod' button



; Base record signatures to process for LOD



; leave at 5 even if using higher uGridsToLoad in the game



; vanilla default is fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn=1.5, set default seconds for in-game MCM setting to hide dyanmic LOD switching after fast travel



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; default mutiplier for in-game MCM window glow setting



; Adjust terrain height for remove unseen faces function of LODGen.exe



; Changes the base records to a copy without the Has Distant LOD flag for references with enable parents to counter briefly showing object LOD when object are enabled



; Change PortalBoxes in processed worldspaces to just Boxes - can help with performance in Skyrim/Enderal



; use decal flag from source mesh for static object LOD generated by LODGen.exe, can help with z-fighting of trimmings (flat shape on another flat shape)

; if decals fading behaves wierd see DynDOLOD_Manual.html#11a



; (partial) mod file names to ignore, comma separated

; this will ignore references added by these mods, but process their overwrites

; do not ignore masters used by mods that are processed or else ...

IgnoreModFileName=Bashed Patch, SDO Full-LOD, SolitudeExterior, WhiterunExterior, holycow, DynDOLOD Addon, DynDOLOD - Addon, JKs Markarth, JKs LITE - Markarth, JKs SuperLITE - Markarth, JKs Riften, JKs LITE - Riften, JKs SuperLITE - Riften, JKs Solitude, JKs LITE - Solitude, JKs SuperLITE - Solitude, JKs Windhelm, JKs LITE - Windhelm, JKs SuperLITE - Windhelm, RedMountainErupts, DawnofWindhelm, TAVERiften, TAVESolitude, TAVEWindhelm, TownsandVillagesEnhancedPro, VolumeticMists


; (partial) mods that are obsolete

ReplaceModFileName=SDO Full-LOD, Distant Detail, NSUTR_LOD, Full LOD, SPTKatlaSailReangle, TVDT Removed, Dragonsreach Balcony Landscape Fix


; (partial) mod file names to warn about, comma separated, remove "Open Cities Skyrim;OpenCities, " after reading in the manual about it

WarnModFileName=Open Cities Skyrim;OpenCities, Occlusion


; order to scan for *_lod*.nif files. Indentical filenames (sans path!) found *last* will overwrite win







; ignore LOD models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard



; ignore full models for auto discovery with this (partial) path - comma separated list. Because adhering to the simple Bethesda filename conventions is hard



; (partial) EditorID of base element to ignore

IgnoreBaseEDID=loadscreen, _invis_, dbm_arrivalship


; Warn about and avoid using NIF that do not have any of these root blocks

ValidRootBlocks=BSFadeNode, BSLeafAnimNode, BSTreeNode


; Set to 1 to add activators as temporary references if possible. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

; See https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/



; Update TVDT occlusion data. Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin size because of additional CELL records that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

; requires Generate dynamic LOD to be checked



; Limit the number of threads in case updating height map from terrain/object LOD meshes requires large amounts of memory

; -1 = limit, otherwise set to a number greater than 0




; default setting to use in case specific worldspace settings are not defined

; Samples per cell, 1 = 1, 2 = 4, 3 = 16 - the more samples are used the more distant cells are likely to be disabled and the longer the calculations take


; additional height to add to oberserver height


; max render distance


; All = update all CELLs that have terrain height data

; +Border = "All" with a border region

; -Flat = "All" terrain that is not flat

; -Flat +Border = "All" terrain that is not flat and a border region

; +TVDT = "All" with a TVDT record

; +TVDT +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and a border region

; +TVDT -Flat = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat

; +TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" with a TVDT record and terrain that is not flat and a border region

; -TVDT = "All" without a TVDT record

; -TVDT +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with a border region

; -TVDT -Flat = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat

; -TVDT -Flat +Border = "All" without a TVDT record and with terrain that is not flat and a border region

; In any case, only CELLs that are part of the dynamic LOD Near/Far grids are updated

OcclusionMode=-TVDT -Flat +Border


; world specific settings *_[Worldspace name] (EditorID)

; by default worlds that have the small world flag set are skipped automatically

; force enable small world


; force disable large world


; different modes

OcclusionMode_Tamriel=-Flat +Border

OcclusionMode_Sovngarde=-TVDT -Flat

OcclusionMode_DLC01SoulCairn=-TVDT -Flat


; set to 1 to enable grass LOD in object LOD level 4, requires *.cgid grass files in data\grass\ folder from Grass Control and grass LOD billboards generated by TexGen



; 0 to 100%; 0 = no grass - unlike Grass=0, the grass LOD billboards will still be added to the object LOD texture atlas



; set to 1 to flag grass LOD as LargeReference, so that it unloads at the distance of uLargeRefLODGridSize instead of the usual uGridsToLoad distance



; grass LOD brightness multipliers




; make bottom darker to fake shadowing





; set to 1 to run LODGen.exe with --verbose



; set to a value > 0 and

; lower values = more main threads = more memory usage - not nessarily faster/slower

; higher values = less main threads = less memory usage - not nessarily slower/faster



; set the double_sided shader flag in object LOD *.bto meshes on these lists of meshes / textures masks (partial filename) for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows




; set to 1 to generate a terrain NIF that is placed under the actual terrain in order to block light for mods like Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows

; current DynDOLOD output can be quickly updated by keeping plugins activated and then deselecting all LOD generation options, then install new output overwriting old output


; Quality of the terrain NIF, higher numbers = less quality/smaller file size. If the quality is too low its shapes might pierce through the ground near steep terrain


; z position of the reference placing the terrain NIF, if too high its shapes might pierce through the ground



; set to 1 to enable notices



; set to 1 to enable warning messages



; set to 1 to enable debug messages; enables notices and warnings automatically






; Parent world name

[skyrim Tamriel]


IgnoreIfPluginExists=OpenCities, Open Cities


; Child Town worlds to check for new LOD

ChildWorlds=MarkarthWorld, RiftenWorld, SolitudeWorld, WhiterunWorld, WindhelmWorld


; ignore the references linking to this (partial) editor id base element

Ignore=treereach, treepine, treeaspen, treeclover, treegourd, treekelp, treethicket, treevine, shrub, fern, flora, wrtreecircle, windmill, mountain, rock, fxwater, water1024, rapids, dirtcliff, drift, road, hay, wrpondwall, fence, stonewall, shackroof, impstoneblock, whprisonwallcap, whouterwallstatue, mrkmillroof01, crafting, fxglow, whgate, whdoorfrontgate, slightpost, signrtpost, mrkkeepcollonadecolm, mrkbrazierhangingdeco, mrkwarrensarch, mrkarch, candlehorn, candlel, candles, candle0, rtcanals, rtlamppost, fxmist, door


; Child Town worlds bounds, SW, NE, min height - used to automatically do LOD for trees as object LOD and to copy back disabled NeverFades added by confused mod authors









Did you change anything else than setting TerrainUnderside=1 or why did you post the entire INI?.


Check that what we see is actually is the underside NIF. Open console, click it, check its NIF name that More Informative Console prints. Should been part of the screenshot.

Edited by sheson
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I am having the same issue at exact the same place, but I don't think it's directly cause by VolumetricMists as I get mistest_nif anywhere if I click into the clouds, so I can't say, if it is exactly this thing.

Also it's only one sided, from above you can look straight through it







Same place, but only DynDOLOD.esm and DynDOLOD.esp are disabled



Maybe you need them, so here are the logs: (btw coordinates are near 'Tamriel -4 0)



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I am having the same issue at exact the same place, but I don't think it's directly cause by VolumetricMists as I get mistest_nif anywhere if I click into the clouds, so I can't say, if it is exactly this thing.


Also it's only one sided, from above you can look straight through it`tll`



Same place, but only DynDOLOD.esm and DynDOLOD.esp are disabled


Maybe you need them, so here are the logs: (btw coordinates are near 'Tamriel -4 0)



I guess the underside reference doesn't like to be clicked. Open console and disable LOD with tll. It should look like this:




You must have a plugin that modifies the terrain in the area also affecting the normal terrain LOD generation, maybe more obvious on the map. Try lower TerrainUndersideQuality values in the INI.

All I can say for sure is that this didn't happen with alpha 3.22.

Do not enable new feature added in Alpha-23 if you want it to work like Alpha-22.

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I used the tll command, but the plane wasn't gone:

I also renamed the "Tamriel_Underside.nif" file, so that it wouldn't be loaded - same result.


Will try, what happen if I lower the values or rerun it with the option disabled completely.

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I used the tll command, but the plane wasn't gone:


I also renamed the "Tamriel_Underside.nif" file, so that it wouldn't be loaded - same result.


Will try, what happen if I lower the values or rerun it with the option disabled completely.

I you renamed the NIF which should clearly remove the terrain "mountains" in the distance and this thing stays it is something else. 

Most likely an underside that is supposed to be for another worldspace. Probably Markarth, try to rename that one, too.


Edit: Markarth is not it.

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I test further.


I walked around a bit, this plane seems to be over half of the map:


Probably a worldspace that is a childworld of Tamriel, but with its own static object LOD, but uses the Tamriel SkyCell, just like Markarth.

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It's caused by "DeepwoodRedoubtWorld_Underside.nif" I renamed it, and the plane was gone.


In Nifskope the mesh looks like this:




Cool, that will help with the next update. In the end I will probably have to add a script that enables/disables them so they are only active for their worldspace. SkyCells are shared both ways.

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Cool, that will help with the next update. In the end I will probably have to add a script that enables/disables them so they are only active for their worldspace. SkyCells are shared both ways.

Good, that this will help you.

For now I'll keep the file renamed/hidden.



I realised another thing for Japhets Folly.

I had genereted Terrain Meshes/Textures via SSLODGEN and saw in nifskope, that the underside.nif for Japhets Folley needs a texture, which doesn't exist/wasn't generated:



I edited the JaphetsFollyWorld.32.-9.-6.dds to JaphetsFollyWorld.16.-9.-6.dds



I don't know if I'll ever notice this ingame, but maybe this could be adjusted?

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