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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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7 hours ago, pedxingx said:

I found out I had an older version of Legacy of the Dragonborn installed. I updated to the latest version of 5.6.3 and now I have the same CRC as you.  I made another clean save and rebuilt the dyndolod output again. I still have the same problem with the guild house disappearing on me.

I was able to reproduce, will be fixed next version.

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Hey sheson, I have a question regarding DynDOLOD grass LOD and ENB complex grass. 

If using complex grass compatible textures for a grass mod (e.g. Folkvangr) and I have pre-built grass cache and grass LOD from a point in time before I had installed complex grass compatible textures, would I need to rerun grass caching and grass LOD generation? 

In other words, I am interested to learn about possible interaction between ENB complex grass, grass caching and DynDOLOD grass LOD - if there is any.

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38 minutes ago, David2408 said:

Hey sheson, I have a question regarding DynDOLOD grass LOD and ENB complex grass. 

If using complex grass compatible textures for a grass mod (e.g. Folkvangr) and I have pre-built grass cache and grass LOD from a point in time before I had installed complex grass compatible textures, would I need to rerun grass caching and grass LOD generation? 

In other words, I am interested to learn about possible interaction between ENB complex grass, grass caching and DynDOLOD grass LOD - if there is any.

Regarding grass cache, refer to NGIO description https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42161
"IMPORTANT: If you change anything about your mods or grass related settings you need to delete every file in that directory so that grass can be generated again, or you will not see any changes or even have bugs like floating grass (if terrain is changed) or grass in objects (if object placement is changed). If you only change drawing distance it's not required to delete cache files."

Grass cache contains used grass NIF, positions, rotation. If only the textures of grass are replaced and nothing else,  then that does not change grass cache positions.


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23 minutes ago, sheson said:

Regarding grass cache, refer to NGIO description https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42161
"IMPORTANT: If you change anything about your mods or grass related settings you need to delete every file in that directory so that grass can be generated again, or you will not see any changes or even have bugs like floating grass (if terrain is changed) or grass in objects (if object placement is changed). If you only change drawing distance it's not required to delete cache files."

Grass cache contains used grass NIF, positions, rotation. If only the textures of grass are replaced and nothing else,  then that does not change grass cache positions.


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! The complex grass compatible textures are the only update I made to my grass mod setup, so with your hint I assume I will not need a new cache.

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Crashed on processing Falskaar with Alpha 90 (as well as latest Scripts and resources). (Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 17465) while processing Falskaar.esm [REFR:1900DBA9] (places TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:19A1D4A3] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:19A1CF42] at 16,-22)))

(Nothing is overriding that ref, its just the vanilla falskaar one. The base tree record from skyrim.esm hasnt been changed either)

Logs:  https://mega.nz/file/54tlxYoI#clIwmLTNTXvw72bLvQ3ygR6yDO3pv3Mk_atZ4r8Xf6o
Bugreport attached.



Edited by DarthVitrial
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15 hours ago, sheson said:

I was able to reproduce, will be fixed next version.

Thanks for you patience and effort in reproducing the bug. I thought reporting this issue was challenging. Its sometimes hard to describe things only through forum postings.

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Hi Sheson, I'm trying to generate Grass LOD's with Dyndolod 3 (I tried on Alpha 88, Alpha 89 and Alpha 90) for a new grass mashup called QW's Grass Patch 2. It combines Folkvangr, Origins of Forest, and Cathedral 3d Pines. But the grass lod's didn't work. I've got DyndolodGrassMode = 1 in NGIO. Also I "Recalc Bounds" in CK for Folkvangr. I used QW's 1st grass patch (using Veydosebrom, Cathedral Pines, and Folkvangr) and never had a problem. Here are the logs from Alpha 90. Please let me know if you need other logs, or if you can see where I messed something up. Thanks!

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt TexGen_SSE_log.txt

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Like the title says, I'd like to know how to decrease the brightness of Ultra/3D tree LODs?

I tried lowering the ambient/direct values in TexGen, I tried lowering brightness (which turned out to be just for the 2d billboards I think), tried lowering the light values in the _passthru lod meshes, none of that's worked.

Any help'd be great.

EDIT: Found some help at this link: https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD

though I'd happily get people's input if there's other things I could do.

Edited by tweedledumb99
Found a source that might help
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3 hours ago, broncofan0211 said:

Hi Sheson, I'm trying to generate Grass LOD's with Dyndolod 3 (I tried on Alpha 88, Alpha 89 and Alpha 90) for a new grass mashup called QW's Grass Patch 2. It combines Folkvangr, Origins of Forest, and Cathedral 3d Pines. But the grass lod's didn't work. I've got DyndolodGrassMode = 1 in NGIO. Also I "Recalc Bounds" in CK for Folkvangr. I used QW's 1st grass patch (using Veydosebrom, Cathedral Pines, and Folkvangr) and never had a problem. Here are the logs from Alpha 90. Please let me know if you need other logs, or if you can see where I messed something up. Thanks!

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt 1.84 MB · 1 download LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt 42.36 kB · 1 download TexGen_SSE_log.txt 290.5 kB · 1 download

Go through the https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#No-Grass-LOD-Check-List one by one.

10 hours ago, DarthVitrial said:

Crashed on processing Falskaar with Alpha 90 (as well as latest Scripts and resources). (Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 17465) while processing Falskaar.esm [REFR:1900DBA9] (places TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:19A1D4A3] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:19A1CF42] at 16,-22)))

(Nothing is overriding that ref, its just the vanilla falskaar one. The base tree record from skyrim.esm hasnt been changed either)

Logs:  https://mega.nz/file/54tlxYoI#clIwmLTNTXvw72bLvQ3ygR6yDO3pv3Mk_atZ4r8Xf6o
Bugreport attached.

bugreport.txt 435.96 kB · 1 download

Is that 100% reproducible?

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3 hours ago, olga1816 said:

Hello !
Please tell me why my DynDOLOD generates 8 k?
Here are my settings



Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.
Do not make screenshots of text, copy and paste the text instead.

The amount and resolution of textures added to the object LOD atlas determine its max required size.
If it is larger than the MaxTextureSize setting in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_Default.ini, additional object LOD texture will be generated.

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22 minutes ago, sheson said:

Прочитайте первый пост, который журнал и журнал отладки загружать при создании сообщений.
Не делайте скриншоты текста, вместо этого скопируйте и вставьте текст.

Количество и разрешение текстур, добавленных в атлас LOD объекта, определяют его максимальный требуемый размер.
Если он больше значения параметра MaxTextureSize в файле ..\ DynDOLOD \Edit Scripts\ DynDOLOD \Presets\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_Default.ini, будет сгенерирована дополнительная текстура LOD объекта.

I'm sorry, thanks for your answer.


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2 hours ago, tweedledumb99 said:

Like the title says, I'd like to know how to decrease the brightness of Ultra/3D tree LODs?

I tried lowering the ambient/direct values in TexGen, I tried lowering brightness (which turned out to be just for the 2d billboards I think), tried lowering the light values in the _passthru lod meshes, none of that's worked.

Any help'd be great.

EDIT: Found some help at this link: https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD

though I'd happily get people's input if there's other things I could do.

There should typically be no need to change the brightness of properly made 3D hybrid tree LOD models if the crown mesh and shader is copied 1:1 (and doesn't use shader settings not supported by LOD). https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model

The crown and trunk brightness settings (https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD#3D-Tree-LOD-Brightness) might  only be applied to such properly created 3D tree LOD models containing those "crown" and "trunk" identifiers.

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