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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 172


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I'm sorta desperate for answers - nothing I've read has been able to help me on this matter so my last option was to create an account here. The title of this thread is self explanatory, I've done everything exactly as stated in a video tutorial, so I'm not sure why I was hit with this once I ran dyndolod. Is there version incompatibilities or something deeper than that? I'm not too sharp when it comes to things like this - if possible, keep the explanations a bit beginner friendly. Thank you.

- I've provided some pictures, I can provide a bit more if possible.

(I forgot to add - when I begin to install the resources, the dyndolod resources "core files" box is checked off and faded out - I'm unable to click on it.)




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6 hours ago, blyad said:

Turns out your software is really great way to stress test CPU, It was because of temps.
I left it for some time alone, without watching YT or anything, and it passed.

pic while rendering LOD

I also think it damaged my RAM

cpu temps.png

Simple Windows programs like xEdit/DynDOLOD or LODGen using standard OS functions can not damage RAM any more than any other program by simply using it.

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On 7/8/2022 at 6:18 AM, Kryptkeeperss said:

I'm sorta desperate for answers - nothing I've read has been able to help me on this matter so my last option was to create an account here. The title of this thread is self explanatory, I've done everything exactly as stated in a video tutorial, so I'm not sure why I was hit with this once I ran dyndolod. Is there version incompatibilities or something deeper than that? I'm not too sharp when it comes to things like this - if possible, keep the explanations a bit beginner friendly. Thank you.

- I've provided some pictures, I can provide a bit more if possible.

(I forgot to add - when I begin to install the resources, the dyndolod resources "core files" box is checked off and faded out - I'm unable to click on it.)

Moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Upload the log and debug log when making posts as explained on the first post.
Use the "Copy message to clipboard" link and paste the text instead of posting screenshots as explained on the first post.
Click the "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" to open https://dyndolod.info/Help/DynDOLOD-Resources. Check the Troubleshooting section.

Do not install the game into special Windows folders like Program Files x86 to avoid issues with access permissions, UAC, antivir etc.

Yes, the error message is self explanatory. A required file that is installed with DynDOLOD Resources SE Core Files is not found in the used data folder of the game.
The FOMOD installer always has the Core Files checked. The checkbox can not be unchecked.

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8 hours ago, sheson said:

Simple Windows programs like xEdit/DynDOLOD or LODGen using standard OS functions can not damage RAM any more than any other program by simply using it.

I've got BSOD with error code about ram, but thats probably not true, it's all about temps.

I will change thermal paste and all should return to normal. Didn't suspected that since I changed it like 5 months ago, but thats apparently it.

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I'm using Alpha95, and I followed the guide for making a Clean Save, but it's not working.

I followed the guide here;

Clean Save | DynDOLOD

I'm using for my trees Enhanced Vanilla Trees SE-Lush Trees, and after doing the Clean Save steps, when I load back into the game at Whiterun and walk outside the trees aren't appearing.


So here's what I did.

1. I went right outside Warmaidens, then went into MCM and clicked to remove the mark for DynDOLOD.

2. Next the DynDOLOD deactivated message appeared.

3. I walked back inside Warmaidens and waited 24 hours, then I saved the game and quit.

4. Back on the desktop I unchecked everything, including my Grass Cache, here's a screen shot of everything disabled.


5. Then I loaded the game up again, when it started back inside Warmaidens I waited another 24 hours and saved again, then quit the game.

6. I started SSE up, loaded the last save, and when I walked outside Warmaidens and stood outside Whiterun, like the screen shot above, the tress for the EVT mod didn't appear.


Edited by mooit
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38 minutes ago, mooit said:


I'm using Alpha95, and I followed the guide for making a Clean Save, but it's not working.

I followed the guide here;

Clean Save | DynDOLOD

I'm using for my trees Enhanced Vanilla Trees SE-Lush Trees, and after doing the Clean Save steps, when I load back into the game at Whiterun and walk outside the trees aren't appearing.


So here's what I did.

1. I went right outside Warmaidens, then went into MCM and clicked to remove the mark for DynDOLOD.

2. Next the DynDOLOD deactivated message appeared.

3. I walked back inside Warmaidens and waited 24 hours, then I saved the game and quit.

4. Back on the desktop I unchecked everything, including my Grass Cache, here's a screen shot of everything disabled.


5. Then I loaded the game up again, when it started back inside Warmaidens I waited another 24 hours and saved again, then quit the game.

6. I started SSE up, loaded the last save, and when I walked outside Warmaidens and stood outside Whiterun, like the screen shot above, the tress for the EVT mod didn't appear.


Be sure you have the DynDOLOD plugins and outputs installed and enabled. Sort with LOOT.

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Why would I want the DynDOLOD plugins and outputs enabled when I'm trying to disable DynDOLOD?

Number 5 of the Clean Save guide;

5. Remove or disable the current DynDOLOD output, including the DynDOLOD plugins and Occlusion.esp. Consider keeping a backup.


P.S. I even went back to an earlier Save in the game, still no trees. I also temporarily moved the files out of; C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition, because it had DynDOLOD files, but this also didn't work.

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Ok, I decided to get on the horse and go over to the mountain, and the trees popped into view.

Hmm, now there appears to be a distance rendering issue, and I never changed the default settings for this, so not sure why I'm not seeing the trees when standing at Whiterun.


Before I could stand outside Whiterun and see these trees, of course they didn't look 3d nice.

P.S. Unless the rending options in the MOD Guide for SSE is setup like this. I personally used Ultra settings in the past, and I've changed so many options, maybe that's all this is.

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I now increased the View Distance, but I'm still not seeing the trees while standing outside Whiterun, I don't know what I'm missing, why they still won't appear with it set now at maximum view. hmm


Just so I'm clear in explaining all of this, I've followed the Clean Save guide before in the past, and then disabled all of DynDOLOD and I could then stand outside Whiterun and see the trees, that I'm not seeing now, that I'm only seeing now when I get close, like the screen shot above sitting on the horse.

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4 hours ago, mooit said:

Why would I want the DynDOLOD plugins and outputs enabled when I'm trying to disable DynDOLOD?

Number 5 of the Clean Save guide;

5. Remove or disable the current DynDOLOD output, including the DynDOLOD plugins and Occlusion.esp. Consider keeping a backup.


P.S. I even went back to an earlier Save in the game, still no trees. I also temporarily moved the files out of; C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition, because it had DynDOLOD files, but this also didn't work.

Your words:


5. Then I loaded the game up again, when it started back inside Warmaidens I waited another 24 hours and saved again, then quit the game.

6. I started SSE up, loaded the last save, and when I walked outside Warmaidens and stood outside Whiterun, like the screen shot above, the tress for the EVT mod didn't appear.

There should be NO LOD if you don't have DynDOLOD enabled. If you want LOD, you must enable DynDOLOD again. The clean save is when you are changing your object LOD with the same character.

  1. Disable DynDOLOD
  2. Clean save.
  3. Rebuild DynDOLOD
  4. Enable DynDOLOD
  5. Load save.

I have never needed to do the whole business of waiting 24 hours, so that's just not true. Maybe necessary for other mods in your save, but not rebuilding object LOD

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2 hours ago, mooit said:

I now increased the View Distance, but I'm still not seeing the trees while standing outside Whiterun, I don't know what I'm missing, why they still won't appear with it set now at maximum view. hmm


Just so I'm clear in explaining all of this, I've followed the Clean Save guide before in the past, and then disabled all of DynDOLOD and I could then stand outside Whiterun and see the trees, that I'm not seeing now, that I'm only seeing now when I get close, like the screen shot above sitting on the horse.

Your trees are only showing up in Loaded cells. Your INI settings are set for rendering NO distant trees with DynDOLOD, because DynDOLOD is rendering them in object LOD. If you want traditional LOD trees, you would enable them in your game INI again, but that's not what you want. Rebuild DynDOLOD or convert your setup back to traditional LOD.

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8 hours ago, mooit said:


I'm using Alpha95, and I followed the guide for making a Clean Save, but it's not working.

I followed the guide here;

Clean Save | DynDOLOD

I'm using for my trees Enhanced Vanilla Trees SE-Lush Trees, and after doing the Clean Save steps, when I load back into the game at Whiterun and walk outside the trees aren't appearing.


So here's what I did.

1. I went right outside Warmaidens, then went into MCM and clicked to remove the mark for DynDOLOD.

2. Next the DynDOLOD deactivated message appeared.

3. I walked back inside Warmaidens and waited 24 hours, then I saved the game and quit.

4. Back on the desktop I unchecked everything, including my Grass Cache, here's a screen shot of everything disabled.


5. Then I loaded the game up again, when it started back inside Warmaidens I waited another 24 hours and saved again, then quit the game.

6. I started SSE up, loaded the last save, and when I walked outside Warmaidens and stood outside Whiterun, like the screen shot above, the tress for the EVT mod didn't appear.


Moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread. 

Tree, object and terrain LOD are meshes and texture loaded by the game and not the same as dynamic LOD, which is what requires the clean save.

It trees have no LOD, then either billboards were missing at tree LOD generation time or the tree LOD distance is too short.

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