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...I'm really pissed with this "glitch". It starts when I'm install few mods; not a lot, few! (When the game is totally vanilla I'm not facing this "glitch").
Currently, I have installed VERY FEW mods, following CFS111's Guide here (and I'm on Step6):


Well... what's the "glitch":

When I'm walking/running/moving OUTDOOR (not while I am interior), the shadows from the ENTIRE world (not just near me), are totally gone - dissapeared! When I'm stopping, all shadows appearing as normal! I thought it was my (quite much tweaked) ini files. So, I deleted them (made backup first) and I created brand new (via Launcher running). No tweaks, just the default ini files that always been created when you running for first time the Launcher...
...but the "glitch" is there, haven't gone!

It's driving me crazy! I can't understand why's this happening... I also update the GPU (nVidia GTX 1070) drivers, nothing changed. I made a new profile in MO2 (without mods, totally vanilla game) and... the "glitch" gone! There isn't any shadows "dissapearing-reappearing". So...? What? I can't installing mods anymore? Because when I'm start installing mods, the "glitch" is coming back...

Here are what I have in nVidia Inspector (perhaps here is the problem?):


Please, can anybody help me to solve this?
It's super annoying, I can't play the damn game like that...

  On 2/9/2022 at 1:35 PM, lupus_hegemonia said:

...I'm really pissed with this "glitch". It starts when I'm install few mods; not a lot, few! (When the game is totally vanilla I'm not facing this "glitch").
Currently, I have installed VERY FEW mods, following CFS111's Guide here (and I'm on Step6):


Well... what's the "glitch":

When I'm walking/running/moving OUTDOOR (not while I am interior), the shadows from the ENTIRE world (not just near me), are totally gone - dissapeared! When I'm stopping, all shadows appearing as normal! I thought it was my (quite much tweaked) ini files. So, I deleted them (made backup first) and I created brand new (via Launcher running). No tweaks, just the default ini files that always been created when you running for first time the Launcher...
...but the "glitch" is there, haven't gone!

It's driving me crazy! I can't understand why's this happening... I also update the GPU (nVidia GTX 1070) drivers, nothing changed. I made a new profile in MO2 (without mods, totally vanilla game) and... the "glitch" gone! There isn't any shadows "dissapearing-reappearing". So...? What? I can't installing mods anymore? Because when I'm start installing mods, the "glitch" is coming back...

Here are what I have in nVidia Inspector (perhaps here is the problem?):


Please, can anybody help me to solve this?
It's super annoying, I can't play the damn game like that...


It's most likely an INI setting for shadows and provided by a mod (if this only happens with a mod installed). Look at each mod and see if one of them has an INI override.

Aside from that, you can use BethINI to configure your game INIs and avoid issues caused by improper INI settings.

Mod INIs load with their plugins when named accordingly. If you use MO, then I think the INIs will load with the mod regardless, but @DoubleYou will know for sure.


You seem to have customized the Nvidia inspector profile to use ambient occlusion? I don't think that works. You should use mostly default settings for Skyrim Special Edition. Not all nVidia settings work for every game. 

Also, please upload your ini files, tell us about your mod manager, etc. Need more hard details. 

  On 2/9/2022 at 1:50 PM, z929669 said:

It's most likely an INI setting for shadows and provided by a mod (if this only happens with a mod installed). Look at each mod and see if one of them has an INI override.

Aside from that, you can use BethINI to configure your game INIs and avoid issues caused by improper INI settings.

Mod INIs load with their plugins when named accordingly. If you use MO, then I think the INIs will load with the mod regardless, but @DoubleYou will know for sure.


Currently, since I'm following Charlies' Guide, I haven't installed anything consurning shadows/lights etc.
If you check his mod, I'm in his Step 6 - and there isn't any mod altering shadows, lights, etc. And for first time (after many years) I'm using again the MO2.

Also, I used... my tweaked ini files... brand new (from Launcher) created... and BethINI tweaks! Nothing changed, the "glitch" still remains.

  On 2/9/2022 at 1:58 PM, DoubleYou said:

You seem to have customized the Nvidia inspector profile to use ambient occlusion? I don't think that works. You should use mostly default settings for Skyrim Special Edition. Not all nVidia settings work for every game. 

Also, please upload your ini files, tell us about your mod manager, etc. Need more hard details. 


Okay... So, I should disable that in Inspector?
Can you provide me, please, the usual/default settings for Skyrim SE - for the Inspector?

Here are my own (quite tweaked) ini files:

Skyrim.iniFetching info... SkyrimPrefs.iniFetching info...


Only those, they have .ini files:

I checked in the MO2's "Mods" directory and there are just these with .ini files.

I checked in the MO2's "Mods" directory and there are just these with .ini files.

These are my installed mods so far:


  On 2/9/2022 at 2:50 PM, lupus_hegemonia said:

Only those, they have .ini files:

I checked in the MO2's "Mods" directory and there are just these with .ini files.

I checked in the MO2's "Mods" directory and there are just these with .ini files.

These are my installed mods so far:



Only INI files for enabled mods can override the game INI settings. You should set up your game INIs using BethINI as described here. Once those are saved, test to see if you issue persists. If it does, you must go to your BethINI-edited INI files in the MO profile you are using and cross reference both of them against all of the mod INI files to see if any of those mod INI settings are overriding your shadows settings in the saved game INIs. You will not want to change all settings provided by mods. Just those that may be causing the shadows issue. See the INI reference doc for all relevant settings definitions.

Your driver settings (e.g., ambient occlusion) should have no impact on whether or not shadows show up in game, but you may still want to take DY's advice on those as well. I use AMD, and ambient occlusion via my drivers does impact my display in game for the better, but it's redundant with INI and ENB settings .... and none of them toggle shadows for me.



  On 2/9/2022 at 4:54 PM, z929669 said:

Only INI files for enabled mods can override the game INI settings. You should set up your game INIs using BethINI as described here. Once those are saved, test to see if you issue persists. If it does, you must go to your BethINI-edited INI files in the MO profile you are using and cross reference both of them against all of the mod INI files to see if any of those mod INI settings are overriding your shadows settings in the saved game INIs. You will not want to change all settings provided by mods. Just those that may be causing the shadows issue. See the INI reference doc for all relevant settings definitions.

Your driver settings (e.g., ambient occlusion) should have no impact on whether or not shadows show up in game, but you may still want to take DY's advice on those as well. I use AMD, and ambient occlusion via my drivers does impact my display in game for the better, but it's redundant with INI and ENB settings .... and none of them toggle shadows for me.


I wrote it already this... 
I tried the BethINI from the very first moment I faced this "glitch"; didn't help.


you must go to your BethINI-edited INI files in the MO profile you are using and cross reference both of them against all of the mod INI files to see if any of those mod INI settings are overriding your shadows settings in the saved game INIs.


And how am I doing this?


See the INI reference doc for all relevant settings definitions.


I already have done all of these.
I didn't "tweaked myself" my ini files, I checked guides like STEP's.


You open the mod INI files and look for any settings that also exist in skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini. If there are settings affecting shadows, disable those in the mod INI.

It's probably fastest to disable all mods that have INIs to see if that resolves. Then you will know one of them is causing this. Then enable them one by one until the issue comes back. then you have your INI to fix.

We don't support the guide you are following, and we have limited information, so you will need to troubleshoot like this.

  On 2/9/2022 at 5:41 PM, lupus_hegemonia said:

But, I already wrote you - and show you.
I have only 4 mods with ini files... and none of these have shadows' settings. They are irrelevant mods (consurning shadows).


Then disable half of your mods. See if the issue persists. If not, re-enable those and disable the other half. Check again. Continue this way until the issue is resolved and you find the mod causing it.


I removed all the mods, I turned back to vanilla... and the "glitch" is gone.
Now, I'll installing ONE-BY-ONE each mod and I'll checking the ingame, to see WHEN this "glitch" will appear.

Do we have a link about the default/recommended nVidia hardware settings for SSE?


I believe that changing the following in Skyrim.ini will fix your problem:


The bug only occurs in specific cases, and may be fixed entirely in the SSE Engine Fixes updated version for AE edition, but I haven't tested. The problem is intermittent, meaning that one moment everything is fine, and the next minute it's a big issue.

  On 2/9/2022 at 8:59 PM, lupus_hegemonia said:

I'm not using the AE. Will this run in 1.5.97 of mine?


You're question is unclear. I am saying that setting bDisableShadowJumps=0 as you have it is known to cause the shadow issue as shown in the video. That setting is irrelevant to the game version you are using.

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