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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Any advice on where in the build to implement (which sections of the guide) a few extra mods and whether to add them to certain merges (like Miscellaneous Merge for example)?


1  Opulent Thieves Guild

2  All Thieves Guild Jobs concurrently

3  ESO Skyshards (and compatibility patches)

4  Hearthfire multiple adoptions

5  Unread Books Glow

6  Faster Mining

7  Bulk Ingot Recipes

(8 SOS - now added into Vitruvia instructions on Nexus)

9  Flower Girls + adventures

10 Lockpick Pro

11 three new gear mods (mostly cheaty)


(Also tried to add the "Marriage all (Love)" one, but that one screwed up some questlines, not giving the necessary options when talking to NPCs.)


Hi Lexy! Everything works but I'm crashing at saving... Any idea on the possible reasons ? Thank you... I' quite busy so I don't play a lot but will do it in Christmas time loll :-)


I ran DynDOLOD and in the log there were a multitude of cases where it didn't find something.  For example:


Missing model "meshes\bscyrodiil\landscape\plants\vinelong01.nif" - ignoring CYRTreeVineLong01 [TREE:090CC255] in BSHeartland.esm


Missing model "meshes\bstamriel\landscape\trees\bsktreeredwoodcoastalforest04.nif" - ignoring BSKTreeRedwoodCoastalForest04 [TREE:08601139] in BSAssets.esm


Missing model "meshes\bstamriel\landscape\trees\bskvurtwlbristleconebentdead.nif" - ignoring bskvurtwlbristleconebentdead [TREE:08600B02] in BSAssets.esm


<Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\treepineforestdeadashl01_00017f5a_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>


<Note: textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestdead02_000b927b_n.dds normal map not found, using flat replacement>


I searched the mods folder for each of these files and did not find them, so am thinking there is not some path/overwrite issue causing it.  I just wanted to make sure that this is to be expected - particularly there seem to be a ton of normal maps for trees not found and it uses a 'flat replacement' instead. 


I ran the game it it seems to work!  The LOD looks good (coming from new vegas so...:), so perhaps DynDOLOD did work correctly.  Just wanted to see if those errors/missing files were to be expected or if I had borked it somewhere.  Thanks.


Hi Lexy! Everything works but I'm crashing at saving... Any idea on the possible reasons ? Thank you... I' quite busy so I don't play a lot but will do it in Christmas time loll :-)

Well I guess I forgot cleaning esm... I 'll try and come back... Just read it!


I ran DynDOLOD and in the log there were a multitude of cases where it didn't find something.  For example:


Missing model "meshes\bscyrodiil\landscape\plants\vinelong01.nif" - ignoring CYRTreeVineLong01 [TREE:090CC255] in BSHeartland.esm


Missing model "meshes\bstamriel\landscape\trees\bsktreeredwoodcoastalforest04.nif" - ignoring BSKTreeRedwoodCoastalForest04 [TREE:08601139] in BSAssets.esm


Missing model "meshes\bstamriel\landscape\trees\bskvurtwlbristleconebentdead.nif" - ignoring bskvurtwlbristleconebentdead [TREE:08600B02] in BSAssets.esm




I searched the mods folder for each of these files and did not find them, so am thinking there is not some path/overwrite issue causing it.  I just wanted to make sure that this is to be expected - particularly there seem to be a ton of normal maps for trees not found and it uses a 'flat replacement' instead. 


I ran the game it it seems to work!  The LOD looks good (coming from new vegas so...:), so perhaps DynDOLOD did work correctly.  Just wanted to see if those errors/missing files were to be expected or if I had borked it somewhere.  Thanks.


yes, that is perfectly normal nothing majorly to stress over.


If I wanted to add this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19162/?tab=description

Would there be any conflicts? I assume not since I don't think anything in the guide touches RaceMenu, right?

nothing touches Racemenu so you should be able to add that without issue.


Hey guys the STEP DEV version of the guide has updated so please check the changelog. Barring things breaking this will likely be the last update until the New Year so let me wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Thanks man, you're the best :) Thanks!


One last question...(please don't hate me) There's no problem selecting compatibility options in FOMOD installers and then not using the mod you DL'd the compatibility for right? Just wind up with an extra ESP that I can deactivate? Like right now I"m staring at Burma Compatibility for Campfire and IA. I know this one wont matter because it's very minor if I chose not to DL it, but I'm thinking of potentially bigge rmods.


Thanks again for taking so much time to respond to my long se tof questions :)

Oh, also: It seems fomr looking at the merge page that those merges are custom, so leaving out mods wont affect merge patches... it would only be a problem if they're necessary in the CR patches the bottom of the main page? And even those I could fix by removing them with SSEEdit?

Apologies - been a busy week and a half of finals, plus all the work I'm doing at the VA helping other students get ready for Spring Semester.


In short, look at Godescalus' comments, and keep in mind that where this guide is concerned, there are no definative answers. There is a reason it's marked as an advanced setup - I'm operating at the extent of my modest modding knowledge. If you have specific questions, I would, at this point, refer you to the Discord. Just avoid irritating Bumbles by using the search box to look for common issues first. :)


So this build is killing my FPS so I was just wondering ...


Any suggestion on are to help with that?


And if I decide to remove optional mods, will that effect the conflict resolution patches?

FPS is mostly killed by the ENB. Depending on which preset you use, some have more impact than others, so it's a matter of taste and what you can stand FPS-wise.


As to the other, for the most part yes. There might be a few that are still in the CR patches (Looking at you, Sofia!), but most of them aren't in the CR. Experiment and check. :)


Thanks for your reply.  I had reinstalled Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE and failed to reinstall your .esp replacer for DBM_IW_Patch.esp.  I failed a pre-Idiot Check there:) Thanks again.


You aren't the first, you won't be the last. Lexy knows *I* have done that exact same thing a few times. :)

Another noob moment here; realized that I've been generating merged patches on new profiles where the vanilla esms were active (forgot to activate the cleaned_esms mod).  Should I regenerating my merges or does it matter?



As Lexy indicated - no issues. Carry on in a semi-intelligent manner. 


I was confused by the instructions in the Wrye Bash section, as there are some double-negatives:

A popup asking to deactivate mods prior to patching may appear. If a mod is marked "NoMerge", simply uncheck the box next to it then click [Ok]. This will deactivate the mod files not marked "NoMerge" and they will be merged into the bashed patch.

The popup I get is called 'Deactivate these mods prior to patching', but then the Sub-box is titled 'Mergeable', and then the description above talks about mods that are marked as 'NoMerge'.  On the one hand, based on the outer window title I think I should deactivate these mods, but on the other hand the sub-box seems to indicate that these are mergeable (i.e. not NoMerge).  I see no other mods that are marked 'NoMerge'.  Anyway, if you could give me some direction here I'd be grateful. 



Simple answer - if there is no popup marking NoMerge, then there's nothing to worry about. I think it's a leftover from long ago, and left in as a Just In Case Measure. (Side note, I once served with a cook on board my submarine whose name was Justin Case. You can't make this crap up.)


Any advice on where in the build to implement (which sections of the guide) a few extra mods and whether to add them to certain merges (like Miscellaneous Merge for example)?


1  Opulent Thieves Guild

2  All Thieves Guild Jobs concurrently

3  ESO Skyshards (and compatibility patches)

4  Hearthfire multiple adoptions

5  Unread Books Glow

6  Faster Mining

7  Bulk Ingot Recipes

(8 SOS - now added into Vitruvia instructions on Nexus)

9  Flower Girls + adventures

10 Lockpick Pro

11 three new gear mods (mostly cheaty)


(Also tried to add the "Marriage all (Love)" one, but that one screwed up some questlines, not giving the necessary options when talking to NPCs.)

I can't speak for everyone else, but I put them at the end, after all the main mods but before Bashed Patch and the rest of the finishing line items. Seems to work well enough there. Of the ones you list, I use 1, 2, 3, and 10, so can tell you those won't cause problems. SOS might, depending on how much CR'ing will be involved. Can't speak to the rest... though I can tell from some of them you are a dirty man. :)


So couldn't make XLODGEN work. Went to DynDODLODx64 watched Phoenix video.

Got this:


[00:00:00.077]    DynDOLOD based on xEdit x64 (3F104FAC) starting session 2018-12-17 10:36:03
[00:00:00.089]    Using Skyrim Special Edition Data Path: E:\Installed Games\Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\
[00:00:00.092]    Using Backup Path: E:\Installed Games\Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SSEEdit Backups\
[00:00:00.096]    Using Cache Path: E:\Modding Utilities\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\
[00:00:00.100]    Using ini: C:\Users\16469\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini
[00:00:00.103]    Using save path: C:\Users\16469\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\
[00:00:00.109]    Using plugin list: C:\Users\16469\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt
[00:00:00.113]    Using settings file: C:\Users\16469\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_settings.ini
[00:00:00.118]    Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\16469\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt
[00:00:00.134]    Fatal: Error loading plugin list: <EDirectoryNotFoundException: The specified path was not found>

Whent to plugins.txt opened it and it's empty


Not sure how to proceed. Considering starting the guide from cero since I can't figure out where I screwed up though I imagine it was when I deleted the folder my documents and had to relaunch skyrim to recreate it.


All I can think of.


A little sad, don't really mind doing it all again, it's just I don't have the time right now, Last time used thanks giving to get through it. May be during the christmas holiday.


Yeah... you're getting a lot of odd errors. Starting from pure scratch might be the only option - don't be discouraged though. A great many of us have done that AT LEAST twice. Some a LOT more than that. Take it slow, take it deliberate, and ask questions if anything doesn't make sense - we'll help you get through it.

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