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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Isn't it safer to create a separate mod out of the overwrite, and after you use the bashed patch to deactivate the esp's for the Pre smash merge, deactivate it in the left pane? This makes updating a lot easier, in my experience at least.

This is what I do. If you leave the Bashed Patch "mod" enabled when you re-sort the disabled mods it also means you've got a nice linchpin mod at the very bottom of your list to drag everything underneath. Just disable it after you've done the sort.


Also you can drag the plugins for your (in my case) 'Super Merge.esp' into a newly created Empty mod so if you have to update any of those mods or rebuild for whatever reason you can just enable/disable the mod in the left panel.


Saves having to move each plugin to the optional (and back) each time ya gotta rebuild the Super Merge


I still don't really understand the benefit of this. So long as you disable any FNIS_Output in MO2 before running FNIS, with the default option (i.e. redirect unticked) all the output is sent to the overwrite folder, not to any of your other mod folders. Functionally this is identical to using the redirect function to send the output elsewhere, just in one case "elsewhere" is the overwrite folder and in the other "elsewhere" is %specified_folder%. You have to manually overwrite the contents of your FNIS_Output MO2 mod folder afterwards either way, unless you are using the redirect to point to your FNIS_Output MO2 mod folder, which would be foolish as you would then have no ability to roll back if anything fails during the process.


I suppose one advantage of using the redirect is that it catches the case where you forget to disable the FNIS_Output before you start, but I can't see any other advantage. Am I missing something?

If you run GenerateFNISForUsers without the RedirectFiles option, GenerateFNISForUsers may overwrite assets in the mod folders. Unfortunately my frazzled brain couldn't remember the details correctly, so here it is from the MO2 team:


@Greg it might overwrite assets in the mods folders without informing you. Has no relevance for NMM users, but for MO users it's a real problem

@Greg Using overwrite (or any other virtualized folder) as the output for FNIS is very bad! People should use a deactivated mod or a folder completely unrelated for the output.



If you run GenerateFNISForUsers without the RedirectFiles option, GenerateFNISForUsers may overwrite assets in the mod folders. Unfortunately my frazzled brain couldn't remember the details correctly, so here it is from the MO2 team:


Well with the utmost respect to outdatedtv and AL12, while it's true that it is a possibility, unless you have mods within the virtualised file structure that contain files with identical filenames to the files generated by FNIS, this will never actually happen. As, apart from your FNIS Output, this should never be the case, it's a scenario which should not realistically occur.


I have no idea what the issue with using a virtualised folder for FNIS output, the overwrite folder in particular was designed to be a catchall for files generated in this way, and "very bad" obviously doesn't explain anything. I'd love to know a bit more about this - I might pop by the discord and ask them myself. For what it's worth, I can say with confidence that apart from a brief period when there were issues with MO1 handling child processes (as FNIS spawns several) running FNIS from within MO and capturing the output via the overwrite folder has always worked fine.

Posted (edited)

Are you thinking about adding Wyrmstooth?

This has already been discussed if you would search this forum.  Unless I am totally wrong Lexy's SRLE Extended LotD SE stance is that unless it becomes an official release on the Nexus it isn't going to happen.  This is a ToS issue with the S.T.E.P. forum in order to honor the original mod makers wishes.


Here is an earlier post:

photo-thumb-6759.jpg?_r=1512239949 Posted by berndaroy on 23 May 2018 - 02:42 PM in Skyrim Revisited (Skyrim)


Their working on converting Wyrmstooth as well

godescalcus hi! For what it's worth this question has been raised on the LOTD site, and the team have stated that they would not recognize any version, then the last posted (1.16.1)by the original author and posted on nexus. People were asking for support with the newer version and LOTD, but the team do not believe this is supported by the original author or released with his/her consent. So if used here when released, any problems may have to be addressed here....this is my understanding with that mod.



     If you want Wyrmstooth, convert it and use it but any issues that arise will be on you to fix.  Lexy has enough on her plate with this guide, she doesn't need issues with someone else's mod.

Edited by Kneph13
Posted (edited)

Just Created an account to say thank you to you lexy and everyone working on this build guide. amazing does not come close to describing it. :) please keep up the good work.


I do have a question, the mods tagged as "HQ" are not also tagged as "optional" .if given the option for the texture downloads is it ok to Download the lesser textures (ie. 1K/2K) resolutions instead of 4k and continue with this guide. Or is 4k mandatory for this guide?

Edited by BlackJackal

Just Created an account to say thank you to you lexy and everyone working on this build guide. amazing does not come close to describing it. :) please keep up the good work.


I do have a question, the mods tagged as "HQ" are not also tagged as "optional" .if given the option for the texture downloads is it ok to Download the lesser textures (ie. 1K/2K) resolutions instead of 4k and continue with this guide. Or is 4k mandatory for this guide?

thank. No 4K is not mandatory pick the resolution that is best suited to your system.


No will not be added Wyrmstooth so if you add it you're on your own to fix issues.


Guess you've all heard by now that Wyrmstooth has officialy been ported released by Jonxr

Posted (edited)

Guess you've all heard by now that Wyrmstooth has officialy been ported released by Jonxr

No official support from us unless it is on the Nexus. (From the original author)

Edited by sirjesto

Ok so i posted this on LE forum, but it may be awhile before it's answered.....So would anybody know how to reset Whiterun exterior, around the gildergreen tree? I have finished the civil war quests and this area still reflects a slight war scene(battle for Whiterun). I know there is a console command to reset interiors, but not for exteriors. It's minor and I'm drawing to the end of this guides quests(LE) etc, and can live without it if need be. Would be good to know, though, and i use Expanded towns and cities.........any thoughts from WISER heads would be appreciated


No official support from us unless it is on the Nexus. (From the original author)

The first upload of Wyrmstooth 1.16.2 to archive.org was done by plonk420 on May, 13 2016. More recently, the uploader edited the description: "UPDATE: Seemingly, the author uploaded their absolute final version here (note: as stated, it's unsupported): https://archive.org/details/Wyrmstooth1.17A" - that was version 1.17A for Skyrim LE and was uploaded on May, 1 2017 by Jonx0r. Much more recently, on April 8, 2017 he released version 1.17B for LE.


News: TODAY he released his own SSE port.


No questions about the LOTD team's decision, but why must it be on the Nexus? If this were a fake account on archive.org, it would be a long standing fraud that could have already been exposed.


Again, this is not to insist that Wyrmstooth should be added back to LOTD support or to this guide, I respect both your decision and Lexy's. Just to make sure we're all talking about the same published mod. What a damned good mod! I do have it on my build and take responsibility for any issues derived therefrom. None, as far as I've seen. Even the author says he hasn't nailed down the water flows properly for SSE - that sure sounds like a perfectionist, as Jonx0r was known to be and as can be appreciated by playing WT.

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