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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 9/11/2018 at 2:23 AM, AthlonAI said:

Thanks everybody for the clarification on my questions on textures and Dyndolod.  And I apologize for my numerous questions about the kye_srceo_patch.esp on the ssedit! I just forgot that I played with it last time and it's your screenshot that reminds me that I might have change what was displayed on the view pane... Part of the learning curve!


On another note you might be pleased to know that I've seen PapyrusUtil is out tonight for 1.5.50.

And CBP too!


So to follow up on my Trello questions:


Dawnguard Epilogue - What is the planned placement? I note that planned placements are on all accepted mods except this one.


Elemental Dragons - Two items here: Would this replace our current Dragon replacer (making it more likely to get the items needed for the Museum)? Second: Will this prevent mobs from being killed, say for example the denizens of Coldharbour during the Grey Cowl quest?


Thane Weapons Reborn - Textures too clean or not, this seems like a needed thing. Receiveing weapons from the Jarls now means more than just another weapon I have to display manually somewhere, yes?


Think that's the main ones, other than endorsing some of the ones on the Test Bench (EXPERIENCE! OH YEAH!). Per our discussion earlier, I'll post Trello comments here instead for the Team.

  On 9/10/2018 at 9:03 PM, MongeHDS said:

@DarkladyLexy in terms of quality and optimization who is better Veydosebrom or Verdant?


I prefer Veydosebrom but since that disappeared off the SE side Nexus and there no information why I decided I go with Verdant since it was an easy swap.  Now you could use the LE version of Veydosebrom but you would need to convert the esp in the Creation kit and run Nif Opt on the meshes.


  On 9/10/2018 at 10:30 PM, CosmicDan said:

Don't be so hard on yourself. While I don't know how much of this guide is your 100% original research, this is amazing work and clearly a labor of love. The fact that there are no other Skyrim SE modpacks out there (well, none that I could find that didn't look fake or dodgy) is a testament to your hard work.


Do you/your team have a donation link?

No, I don't Many have asked if I have a patron and I don't. I actually don't like the idea of asking for money. 


  On 9/10/2018 at 11:42 PM, CosmicDan said:

@DarkladyLexy - I have an Idiot-check tip for the guide. Right at the end of it all when ready to launch for first time, we can easily make sure we extracted all the BSA's by checking the Archives tab in MO. Any of the BSA's without a checkmark on them have had their dummy ESP removed and we haven't deleted the BSA, which implies that we forgot to extract them. This caught me with two of the HUD mods, it's a good way to be sure all the resources will be loaded :)

That is not a bad idea I'll do that.


  On 9/11/2018 at 3:31 AM, MongeHDS said:

Which mods are missing being updated?

Well, I am pretty much only wait for SSE Engine fixes and CBP to be-be update for Skyrim 1.5.50 and SKSE 2.08 then we should be OK to upgrade. 


  On 9/11/2018 at 3:37 AM, Shadriss said:

So to follow up on my Trello questions:


Dawnguard Epilogue - What is the planned placement? I note that planned placements are on all accepted mods except this one.


Elemental Dragons - Two items here: Would this replace our current Dragon replacer (making it more likely to get the items needed for the Museum)? Second: Will this prevent mobs from being killed, say for example the denizens of Coldharbour during the Grey Cowl quest?


Thane Weapons Reborn - Textures too clean or not, this seems like a needed thing. Receiveing weapons from the Jarls now means more than just another weapon I have to display manually somewhere, yes?


Think that's the main ones, other than endorsing some of the ones on the Test Bench (EXPERIENCE! OH YEAH!). Per our discussion earlier, I'll post Trello comments here instead for the Team.

Dawnguard Epilogue - haven't worked that out yet I keep getting distracted by other things.

Elemental Dragons - I have not looked at Elemental Dragons so don't know and to b honest I have never played the Grey Cowl of Nocturnal so don't know.

Thane Weapons Reborn - I did have another quick look at this and it has improved this might go in once I start digging more to Omega.

Also forgot to mention if anyone needs to backdate Skyrim Sthaagg created a very handy little guide: Guide - How to repair your skyrim after update - Unbreak your prefered skse mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19658

  On 9/10/2018 at 7:47 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

Maybe what I need a user or two willing to poke me when important issues crop up on the forums but I have been give a good kick up the arse and I will do better.


I realize some users had an issue recently over the removal of the tint layer from KYE SRECO but I honestly didn't think it was that big of an issue cos it basic xEdit stuff don't forget this is an advanced guide and I won't spoon feed you all the time I expect you to know certain things but that has now been resolved and we can move on.

Just a thing, is there any reason to remove tint layers? I have had those errors in other plugins in the guide too, but I just ignored them. You can merge the KYE patches if you set to ignore errors > reset errors > check for errors > errors ignored.


I have added a warning saying the guide is not fully compatible with v1.5.50 of SSE we will just have to wait for mods to update the annoyance of Bethesda's stupid Creation Club rubbish.

  On 9/11/2018 at 5:57 AM, adrianoz said:

Just a thing, is there any reason to remove tint layers? I have had those errors in other plugins in the guide too, but I just ignored them. You can merge the KYE patches if you set to ignore errors > reset errors > check for errors > errors ignored.

you can do that if you want I removed them to make my life easier and no to have Merge plugin ***** at me.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2018 at 9:23 PM, Shadriss said:

Will do - although I'm as curious if others are seeing this as well, because if nobody else is, this means it's on my side, and I don't need to bother the author. In essence, checking other indications before I go full nuclear.


Because the textures will affect them - when you run TexGen, it's setting up to use your installed textures for LOD purposes. Even aside from that, a look inside the files will show (or I imagine it does) that there are LOD files in there... it's not always something that will be mentioned by authors, since most modders (IE, the casual modder) don't care about that level of detail. We, on the other hand, do... and that's how we find things out... by going into the file structures.


EDIT: WRT HHHD, I did a quick file comparison in MO2, and there is no texture overlap between this and Zul du Dov - HHHD only covers the outside, and ZDD the interior. Placed with the other Luxor mods, the only mods getting overwritten are Noble Skyrim and and the window noalpha texture from DynDOLOD Resources, and is in turn having it's windows overwritten by Rustic Windows. Other than those, no issues, and I think no other adjustments need be made. Placed it between College of Winterhold HD and Fort Dawnguard HD for these results.

On my phone sorry about editing.

Can confirm shield problem exact as you described. Even if you put it on display (museum armour room)it's still broken.

Edited by kodoyama
Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2018 at 11:42 PM, CosmicDan said:


If you've Windows 10 and a recent-ish build of it, you can check dedicated VRAM usage in Task Manager > Performance tab. I doubt it is VRAM though - I get constant 60fps indoors and 40-60fps outdoors on my 970GTX, FXAA and Borderless Windowed (which also includes Vsync). VRAM saturation usually results in stutter/fluctuations when moving around rather than a constantly bad FPS (unless you're like 1000% over-committed in VRAM usage though, which wouldn't be the case).

Just checked, I'm using 5.9 GB in task manager and over 6GB in MSI afterburner. VRAM seems to be the only component getting taxed. Everything else is pretty good. Normally when I run AAA games, fans turn into jet engines and temperature rockets up to 80 C, but remains a cool 45 C with this config of SSE and I get around 40 fps at most. This is with 980Ti for those wondering.


I recommend implementing the new 2K downgrade updates for those having same issue.

Edited by opty123
Posted (edited)

Today I've found out that some mods of the guide are considered as problematic, Footprints and CLARALUS in particular:


But I'm not sure if this information is relevant. I don't know how old this list is and it is for LE.


Also I've found this reddit thread, at the bottom of it people talk about SkyTEST being problematic. Is it true nowadays?



I've also made a thread about this myself:



I'd like to see your opinions on all of this.


And speaking about CLARALUX: is Lanterns of Skyrim a good alternative?

Edited by Yamnyak_King
  On 9/11/2018 at 12:30 PM, Yamnyak_King said:

Today I've found out that some mods of the guide are considered as problematic, Footprints and CLARALUS in particular:


But I'm not sure if this information is relevant. I don't know how old this list is and it is for LE.


Also I've found this reddit thread, at the bottom of it people talk about SkyTEST being problematic. Is it true nowadays?



I've also made a thread about this myself:



I'd like to see your opinions on all of this.


And speaking about CLARALUX: is Lanterns of Skyrim a good alternative?

Well we've been using all those mods on SSE since day 1 without issue we had them on the LE true we did use CLARALUX on LE but I know users that did. Think it mostly depends what you want from the game and how good your systems it.

  • +1 1
  On 9/11/2018 at 12:30 PM, Yamnyak_King said:

Today I've found out that some mods of the guide are considered as problematic, Footprints and CLARALUS in particular:


But I'm not sure if this information is relevant. I don't know how old this list is and it is for LE.


Also I've found this reddit thread, at the bottom of it people talk about SkyTEST being problematic. Is it true nowadays?



I've also made a thread about this myself:



I'd like to see your opinions on all of this.


And speaking about CLARALUX: is Lanterns of Skyrim a good alternative?

All three mods were heavily revised and taken off, what I would consider, more legitimate broken and bad mod lists. Granted, I just have a hard time listening to anyone who wants to blacklist a mod because they think anatomically correct mares are somehow vomit inducing (and also has no information on the page to tell when it was last updated). You can use Lanterns of Skyrim as a partial alternative to CLARALUX, but the latter does similar and more and, it's important to remember, this mod list was built and patched with it in mind.  


About you Reddit post, dude was having issues with Wet and cold because of Survival Mode (which many mods are not compatible with) and not the mod. If it does nothing for you, or you're running on a potato-ish PC, by all means leave it off. But it isn't a troublesome mod. SkyTEST, unpatched, has its issues. But it's been patched to Oblivion at this point and gives me no more issues than vanilla occasionally does. I run everything in Lexy's guide, plus Dynamic Things, Holidays, many more scripted mods (and then some). My 200 hour save is lean and rock solid. 

Posted (edited)

The only problem I have had with Skytest are random crashes for no apparent reason.  It is the Random Event and Random Spawn and Goblin monster spawns as was pointed out to me by Uncleseano.  Once I disabled those three in the MCM, the random crashes went away.

Edited by Kneph13
Posted (edited)
  On 9/11/2018 at 12:30 PM, Yamnyak_King said:

... a bunch of stuff ...

Let me drive this bus for a minute. Yam, consider a few facts for a moment -


1) The site you reference is an old one, and refers only to LE versions of the mods.

2) With only one or two exceptions, there are no real reasons given as to why they are 'unrecommended' (not even a real word...).

3) This guide, begun back in January (IIRC) has 511 pages to this point of development and user input, none (or few of which) reference any of those mods as problems, and not in the fashion that the page referenced appears to say they are issues.


In the early days of LE (which this one appears to be based from), there was a great deal of misinformation... Footprints, in particular, I remember as being a victim of this. I understand you saw something and decided to inquire - nothing wrong with this - but I would apply a little investigation (when was it published, what does it apply to, has it been updated recently) as part of that. This should be a standard thing for any website used for any purpose, not just for Skyrim.


Don't let the slew of negative answers here keep you from asking questions - I'd recommend doing your homework on something like this and, instead of asking if it's legit, present your own conclusion and ask for verification. *shrug* I think we're reacting more to the way the website you presented was put together than to your question - we aren't poking at you, we're poking at the person who put that site together.

Edited by Shadriss
  • +1 1

Luxor released a 2K version of High Hroghtar today . I downloaded the 4K version yesterday. As  I like consistency, for those kind of textures is it planned the guide going 4K or 2K or a mix of them that depends more on the design?  Is Markath 4K btw at 1.3 GB?

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