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Honestly I've never checked the x button with this loadout. I just did and it appears to be working for me.

Are you using the pip-boy mod in the guide?

Are you seeing the screen in monochrome with colored icons?

You may have not disabled armor keywords in Conceled armor....

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If you are using Vivid Weathers, the owner states you should NOT use Enhanced Color Correction as both use their own color LUTs. Just wanted to give people a heads up if they wanted to use ECC, then they should probably go the True Storms route. Vivid Westhers users shouldn't use ECC.

I have been playing with WOF as the effect is sporadic at best BUT, you can see the bullet in a scope, with Enhanced Color Correction disabled the effect works so do a few others I tested. Thanks for the heads up on this!!!! it will be removed.

Edited by Gernash
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Hey bro I will test it this weekend as I have been learning new systems at my job and also have been prepping for 3 electrical engineering mid terms so I haven't had time to play this week. Pretty sure I will end up peppering you with stuff at that time lol. Keep up the great work dude! kind of a side question, but what is version 2.0? at the top of your wiki

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well it was version 1 now it's version 2 :woot:


But really, it just means I've got everything more organized in the patch and layout department and can focus more on tidying things up.

Nobody has been asking for anything lately so the natives might be happy or run away due to the massive changes over the last month.


need sleep......

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go to sleep brother lol. you earned it. Maybe when you wake up in a million years you can give me some advice on how, or rather if, I could choose another enb during a fresh install of your pack. The one I really want is Olympus, but would be happy with Vogue or photorealistic commonwealth. Again, I am doing a fresh install of your pack and am at the part in the beggining where I will install the ENB. Advice? when you wake up of course...Oh and my MSI can handle whatever with an fps from 45-60 so not worried there. 




OH, and check out lexington interiors, it would go great with beantown as it trakes away some of those nasty boards in lexington, 26 buildings in fact, to place awesome interior spaces.. for more immersion of course...just a suggestion, since you don't have any mwahahahahahah

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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have you tried dropping them on the ground and entering workshop mode then tabbing them into the workbench?

This works



Honestly I've never checked the x button with this loadout. I just did and it appears to be working for me.

Are you using the pip-boy mod in the guide?

Are you seeing the screen in monochrome with colored icons?

You may have not disabled armor keywords in Conceled armor....

I missed your last point about disabling armor keywords.. it works now .)

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