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Hmm, try disabling the weapon mods all of them I'd say it's either cut weapon or the other one if you didnt reinstall them when you moved over to the core. as that was setup for different overhaul and WOF is needed as It's patched in


NO mod is optional in a Plugin pack

Edited by Gernash
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Hmm, try disabling the weapon mods all of them I'd say it's either cut weapon or the other one if you didnt reinstall them when you moved over to the core. as that was setup for different overhaul and WOF is needed as It's patched in


NO mod is optional in a Plugin pack

I deleted everything and reinstalled from scratch (apart from anything put into the data Fallout 4 game folder like F4SE and ENB.  I'll play around with mods after folks leave (just arriving now).

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OK quick update.  Removed all wep mods (and disable weapon patch).  armorbench now works.  Reinstall them all one by one to make sure done correctly and CTD's again. so it's something interfering with them definitely.  


I'm doing weapons plugin 2 by the way.   My next step is to go through and reinstall the crafting mods just incase and see.  

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OK finally got to the bottom of it.  Answer was I'm a numpty (and dosed up on lemsip).  I'd forgot to hide the armorkeywords.esm when installing concealed armors.  that was the problem with both editing my modded weapons and the armor workbench.


So finally looks like I have a stable install.


Is there any ETA o the animations plugin out of interest?  

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HAHAHHAH, I just worked out innr records....many hours of annoying edits then.....the sky parted....Low and Behold





This guy with 94 downloads is a God I tell you....Best Plugin ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHH dont tell GSDFan ::P:

I'm trying to make your sorting all cool and pretty... Didnt you not notice the naming of allll the mods and weapond and items in your weapons bench, I mean like allllll offfffff themmmmmmm like 280+ items and desctiptions. No?





will have to change the descriptions to this sh+t and that sh+t and the other

Edited by Gernash
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HAHAHHAH, I just worked out innr records....many hours of annoying edits then.....the sky parted....Low and Behold





This guy with 94 downloads is a God I tell you....Best Plugin ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHH dont tell GSDFan ::P:

I'm trying to make your sorting all cool and pretty... Didnt you not notice the naming of allll the mods and weapond and items in your weapons bench, I mean like allllll offfffff themmmmmmm like 280+ items and desctiptions. No?




I didn't look that close yet. I was more kicking myself and calling myself an idiot for missing a simple change and wasting a day on it :)   Also well done.

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Always important to resolve overwrites with "hide esp" in the Non texture section of the mod list so if you install a mod it obvious there is a naughty file in there.


more complicated installs like skyrim I use notes as well

Edited by Gernash
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Ok just launched up my old save (many many more hours and levels) and it works great. I managed to craft up one of each crafting table (weaponsmith, armorsmith etc) and all managed to maek somethign with no issues including editing already modded weapons.


One thing I noticed with amorsmith was theres a LOT in there but no backpacks or similar plus outfits limited.    I know there are patches on the armorsmith extended mod page for various packs of outfits including one for backpacks.  Would there be any issues with installing these packs and then adding the armorsmith pathces that come with it or will this screw up all the work you are doing with your patches for VIS etc?  Or is that something you might do as a separate plugin (extra clothes and/or weapons to import?).  


I've also seen the below which seems interesting considering a lot of the weapons already have "on back" models in the weaponsmith bench already int he pack




And this went up today from Elianora which basically overhauls all of the companions:



Edited by rhodsey
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Yea, I am am going to do backpacks, dog pouches/armor just trying to make the inventory and crafting "complete" before starting a new section.


I dont think these harnesses will cause an issue but I've not looked at them, If you install them they will have a KW that gets added my thaught (like the conceled armor) If it does, I'll be adding them as a global mounting point you can just craft at your armor bench rather then seperate harness.


the Elianora link is down.

the one I've been using is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6630/?

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Hey one mod i did like for Dogmeat since all the backpack mods for him i felt sorry for him lumping around them big ol sacks on his poor back makes you think he is going to collapse any time now haha so yeah i decided to use... K9-Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat, It looks like it fits well and is lightweight for him to wear so no more worries about your dog falling behind from exhaustion. lol

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Yea, I am am going to do backpacks, dog pouches/armor just trying to make the inventory and crafting "complete" before starting a new section.


I dont think these harnesses will cause an issue but I've not looked at them, If you install them they will have a KW that gets added my thaught (like the conceled armor) If it does, I'll be adding them as a global mounting point you can just craft at your armor bench rather then seperate harness.


the Elianora link is down.

the one I've been using is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6630/?

Yeah thats the same mod.  Not sure why my link broke.  Not sure what you mean by a KW?

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Then I look forward to it :)  I'm debating whether to continue a playthrough or wait for you to work.  thats not to rush you just wanting to make sure I get the game as stable and feature rich as it's able to at the moment.


By the way I was looking at that Horizons mod (the survival Overhaul).  don't think it'll work with the guide just because it touches so many parts of the game and isn't really modular (for example it tweaks combat damage alreadyw hich the weapon overhauls already touch plus changes healing and that might conflict as well).

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I might do a bit of research onto survival mode. As I say I like the idea of it but i've heard some of it is a bit poorly implemented (for example only saving at bed) there's several mods that give you alternatives to save plus ways to fast travel between your settlements if not everywhere etc.


Will have a look at what you might be able to include in a survival mode plugin and report back.

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