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folks are running late so just quickly went through and updated my install with the changes from yesterday.  Just so you know your VIS_Holotapesettings.esp patch still has mso_sms.esp as a master (settlement management softwarE) even though you've removed this from the guide.


gonna boot now and see if i still get ctd at armor workbench or glitches with adding mods to the pistol.

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Nevermind. Won't be doing that yet as Bethesda did a stealth patch this morning so version number changed and F4SE has stopped working again :/  need to wait for them to update it.

Na It looks ok........Are you installing the patches into the same folder or have you multiple folders?


All the patches go into 1 folder, I think you have a vault 101 and modkiki patch folder........

Yeah figured out my derp.  I'd installed the new one but forgot to change the name so it installed into the (deactivated) Power armor patch folder.   I've rmeoved every patch and reinstalled again. Now just got to wait for F4SE to update.

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just run through fo4 f4se doesent run many mods.

tried that just for bug testing.  Definitely got something wrong with my setup.  When I tried to mod a different weapoin it again went invisible and, in the weapon bench now only lists the receiver and legendary items as changable.  tried dropping it on the floor (which was fun as the model is now invisible!) then picking up. Changed the receiver but all that did was give me a floating receiver in my hands!  Also Armorbench CTD'd on me again.


Is anyoen else getting this or just me? If just me I might just bite the bullet and reinstall all my non-texture mods one by one.

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Nice thanks for info


BTW some of the things in my list are due to woring on next patch (THE VIS stuff at the end)

no problem i'm giong through it line by mine and changing mine to match (don't want to just copy and overwrite my txt rather see what issue is.


One thing I noticed on yourse you still have OCDecorator - No Experience.esp but you've had us disable that in latest version of guide.  Just incase you'd missed it yourself.

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OK just gone through your load order and set mine to match as best i can.  Theres a few esps you have that I don't and vice versa (my load order should just contain your core and plugins. i've not added anything myself until it;s working if at all).  As you say some of these might just be from your testing.  I'm going to double check the mods they come from later and reinstall if necessary.  Would be grateful if you can just markt he ones that you have that aren't part of guide (yet!) just so I can ignore them


Also still CTD on armorbench.  i noticed with the weapon mods the only ones i've having issue with is weapons i've already modded before.  I grabbed a random looeted pipe pistol and could mod it no problem.  


A bit later (after checking the plugins and folks have gone) I'm going to start a fresh game and run through to sanctuary and see if i can get into armorbench then. It might just be my save.


You have I don't
OCDecorator - No Experience.esp
No Halloween Decorations.esp
CWMR-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp
Weapons of Fate - Realistic Bullet Speed.esp
No Fusion Core Drain.esp
Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp
Live Dismemberment - LiebermodeNoHeadshots.esp
Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp
Realistic Death Physics.esp
ValdacilsItemSorting - Raider Overhaul TAGS.esp
ValdacilsItemSorting - Raider Overhaul - AE Patch - Compatibility.esp
I have you don't
Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp
Grasslands - Healthy.esp
No Crafting and Settlement Experience.esp
Edited by rhodsey
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