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Hmmm. Maybe a module to bring in a decent survival mode like around that mod I suggested earlier?  If it can be done without changes to CORE.  I like the IDEA of survival mode but Bethesdas implementation is clunky as hell (and having no saves on a modded game is asking for trouble).

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Great job on the core package. Everything is working now, however it did require some extra work over the guide because initially it would crash in the main menu:

- In the guide its mentioned to disable OCDecorator.esp and Homemaker.esm but other .esp's have dependencies on this.

- In one of your patches there is a dependency on ms_sms.esp (Settlement Management Software) but you removed this mod from your guide

- In the guide the modwiki patch is mentioned twice


Other things:

- weapon workbench is working now, but thats probably because all the weapon mods are disabled :)

- armor workbench now is crashing

- I still have the issue where weapons are prefixed with [10mm]



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
Snap'n Build.esm
Settlement Resources Rebalanced.esp
OCD FarHarborDLC.esp
CleanSettlement Greenhouse.esp
AES_Renovated Furniture.esp
Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp
CWSS Redux.esp
Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
Armorsmith Extended.esp
Armormsith All DLCs Patch.esp
Crafting Workbench.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Removed Crafting Experience.esp
Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp
Craftable Armor Size.esp
Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Summer.esp
Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
VIS - Holotape Settings Patch.esp
DIFR - VIS Patch.esp
SuperMutantOverhaul - Vis patch.esp
Functional Displays - VIS Patch.esp
Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp
Live Dismemberment - LiebermodeNoHeadshots.esp
Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp
Realistic Death Physics.esp
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
Move (Get Out the Way).esp
Dogmeat's Backpack.esp
ValdacilsItemSorting - Raider Overhaul TAGS.esp
Vivid Waters - VW.esp
WorkshopRearranged - MODWiki.esp
CS Greenhouse - WS Patch.esp
WorkshopRearranged - VIS.esp
WR - ImmersiveVenders Patch.esp
RaiderOverhaul - AK_VIS_BM-Patch.esp

Edited by darthf1
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Thanks for the pickup on homemaker and ocd Will fix.


load game make a new save

exit game

Disable all mods

At start menu check mods and make shure there are no mods in there.

load game without mods check if all crafting stations work and all base menu in workshop

If all ok save and exit

load mods start game test.

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Hi Gernash, thanks for your guide, i was searching for a FO4 guide since a long time and yours seems to be complete with a lots of details. 

I'm in the beginning of the process of installing your mods and i think there's a problem with the Nexus link of this one, Modular Kitchen, the link referring to the Alternate Settlement mod.


Thanks for all Gernash!!!

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Hey Gernash for one just wanted to say thank you so much for your Guide for Fallout 4.


I started following it the other day and started downloading all the mods yesterday and woke up this morning and my head exploded. lol


What i mean it's probably just cause i woke up but a slight confused with the new setup with the WIKICore and Archived section of the mod since yesterday i was downloading lots of mods that were now in the archived section does this mean that they were archived cause of bugs or no longer supported? and the WIKICore is the new way to go? I focus towards immersion and realism in my play throughs and liked your guide so yeah so sorry if i should of read more and you had the answers in my face... lol

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Head explosion was the reason for the change.

I wanted to set it up so so I could add Separate Mods and not "Break" the main section after people take time downloading and setting up. Was driving me nutty making patches and people had to go through every mod to find a change.

So The "MODWiki CORE" will be the "Standard" framework. (only changes I can find so far is I'll change lowered weapons (issue with some oddball terminals and using on gun lights(reviewing) and VIS (not all items being sorted using VIS all DLC version)


If you were following the "Old" guide

CORE--->>>>I recommend using the new settlement mods section,

OLD GUIDE---->>>If you want Pretty textures use both the old texture sections (for landscape and objects)

CORE---->>>>then use the rest of the core section (there should only be small changes.)


The main removal was the weapon section and SKE+ from the "OLD" version.

All new patches are fully modular.



For the weapon section there will be a Heavier loadout as a plugin in the next 24 hrs I'm just reviewing mods atm, My issue is OP mods like Bleed affect to 50cal combat shotgun lol makes the game silly.



Sorry for the Headache, But I'm hoping this will be better in the long run.

After the weapons I'll be doing a Survival/Realism Plugin.


If you have a suggestion please don't hold back, I listen "I may not agree" but I do listen.

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Thanks for the Reply, Well for the "head explosion" guess i know how you felt haha, Anyways i was thinking of doing that with the Core (All it's Mods) + Archive (Textures Only) so thanks for confirming that and yeah when i first saw all the settlement mods i was like dayummm... I use Homemaker and some of the ones you placed on the Core Mods so that is sweet, As for Weapons etc section okay i will check back later etc.


Umm suggestions well i used to use Better Locational Damage & Better Explosives since i felt Explosives just didn't do it i mean like you throw a Grenade and it sets off like 5cm from target and all that happens is he limps were with this it did major damage usually Raiders die instant and Mutants like bigger mobs would take it but it did more damage than before, As for Better Locational Damage it reduces damage done to the body so if you shoot legs or arms it does less than it would body and head etc, Specially liked the Ghoul Edition of that Mod were only headshots will kill them well body shots can but you prob pump a full round before they die etc it made Ghouls like Zombies haha so ran it with Clickerfied Ghouls - The Last of Us Clicker Sounds For Ghouls, Was funny.


As for Lighting i saw you removed some there too, Lighting in honesty i am testing them all myself but so far using what you use in your Core section but with Interiors Enhanced - Darker Ambient Light & Fog since i felt Vanilla had too much light in spots that is supposed to be Dark specially good around dark infested places with Ghouls with the mods above i said haha.


If i have more i will sure throw it out and see if you like or so.


Thanks again!

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Sorry for new post couldn't edit my previous.


As for the Lowered Weapons you mentioned i personally use Button Lowered Weapons - First & Third Person since you can keep the weapon up or choose to lower it, Some may not like it due to the fact to holster you have to hold down the button twice since holding holster lowers then while lowered it holsters etc.


I myself use VIS seems more support out there for it with major mods but when it comes to DLC have noticed some hiccups.

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Yep, Lighting was reduced as was textures due to people having issues with "TOO Dark" and To much of FPS impact. So the CORE now is more of a One shoe fits all I will have "plugins" for those section, just I'm only 1 person soooo it takes time (I can just slap things together but I'm not going to.)

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Yeah the Mod Author of Interiors Enhanced - Darker Ambient Light & Fog said that his mod with Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks will make your game absurdly dark, Tried the two and came to pick Interiors Enhanced since he Darkens the Source were as Light Tweaks he darkens the picture so in most areas specially ENB's it can become very very dark.


Textures yeah have to watch for i noticed since some are optimized and others not so much, I tend to stick with 2K Resolutions for Gameplay since 4K i don't use since i have a 1080p monitor and wasn't worth the FPS drop for a sharper texture compared to 2K, The Texture mods you have up in the Core are ones i use myself and have come to like and haven't had issues with so far.


Excellent choice too was your ENB with the Subtle many people can use the ENBBoost with that for some increase in their gameplay having 32GB RAM and R9 390X Boris's VRAM test gives me 33GB results so i place down 30GB in the VideoMemorySize and usually stick around 50-60 FPS sometimes dip to 40 FPS in heavy areas with all your mods and some of my mods combined and another is that Subtle isn't so overdone, It's perfect.


Haha and yup understandable no rush, Take your time just throwing out some mods i've used and hopefully it can help or so cause yeah used to follow these guides way back in Morrowind to Skyrim and now here i am for Fallout 4.

Edited by Verenios
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Personally I like it dark as in I'm in a cave no light source..

Yep no light = pitch black check

if there is a candle in the distance I can see stuff over there in the "Glow" check

if somebody shoots in the dark I can see the "tracer" rounds. check

But it's not for everyone so "CORE" it is. I'll be adding special notes in the "PLUGIN" section to explain expected changes and usage so people can make more "informed" choices and not be pushed int "My way or the highway"


Hopefully others reading this will have a better understanding of the changes to the mod list and can be patient while I'm doing the updates to it. I'll try to bring back the landscape and objects later today as well.

Edited by Gernash
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