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IF-88 Tactical Shotgun REDUX weapon changes were included on Weaponsmith Extended 2 Plugin v2.373 (2.4 Beta 32) .

Does it changes anything on the additional instructions for this mod?

The Additional instructions Just contain the information on how to add the new weapons included in v2.372 (2.4 Beta 31)

The only thing I've not done is remake the LList for the new weapons.

In the instructions I wrote, say to hide the \Scripts only some of the are in the LList from the weaponsmith update. I've started doing it but not complete.(yet another thing to do)

At some point I want to overhaul the way this is all done. 





Also, new bug, but I can't seem to fix it.


I seem permanently stuck in "sneak" mode animation in 3rd person and dialogue mode.


It doesn't *actually* put me in sneak mode and it has no effect on 1st Person view.  But it makes in game conversations REALLY awkward.  


This was a bug back in the day, supposesdly fixed now.  I tried old fixes, but they only work for a few moments, then the problem resumes. I have *no* idea what it is, but it's killing my immersion.  

None so far.  

"SHIFT"+ right click. you are in "Cover" mode. this a part of TAKE COVER You will also "Stick" to walls in this mode.

Edited by Gernash
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Yea I need to write a MANUAL on how to play with all these mods........(yet another thing)

I notice that you still refer to FalconOil as part 1 and part 2 but I think everything is together now.

I'll put a notice on it as I'm not going to do textures for a while. I want them this time around to be in a SET format (like the textures I linked you)

Then, make up an instruction list for generating a BA2 archive LOD and ATLAS.

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I'm having this really weird issue where the default Power Armor "Model A" rusted-over skin is basically overwriting all but the most obnoxiously powerful repaints, and just upgrading the armor plate doesn't work, like it does in vanilla.  The decals and stuff show, but the paint changes are lost for anything but the bright enameled colors.  


I'm using the Power Armor loadout as suggested in this guide, with only one extra mod for the T-49 Storyteller armor.


I tried removing the Power Armor Texture mods and that didn't work.  I deactivated the power armor mods, and that didnt' fix it either.  I'm honestly lost.  

There is a hide order for the PA textures but I've not posted it.(will happen soon)(not causing your issue)

Are you using the MODWiki-PowerArmor-PAtch?


T-49 Storyteller armor will have to be converted to the Z4PA framework.(I'm currently reorganizing my MO2 install so I can have a look in a while) 


try disabling T-49 Storyteller armor just the PA section mods and MW-PA-PATCH and check if it's all working (My patch needs to be after CORE and MODERN WEAPONS)

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Hate to ask this but are you considering doing something with the minutemen? There are two overhauls on Nexus with good intentions but no updates and they each have their own problems.

Last time I looked there was a scripted one and a LList+NPC adjustment type.


Please link the ones you are talking about and I'll have a look to see if the Quest issues are just because of an edited quest (can you describe the issue with the Radiant quest you mentioned?)

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Oh, not having issues ... yet. Was just making sure there weren't any. We Are the Minutemen (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6443) tweaks the radiant quests so you don't get more then one at a time. The other mod is Minutemen Overhaul (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13115). For such an important faction, they are badly made in vanilla game.

Edited by rayhne
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There is a hide order for the PA textures but I've not posted it.(will happen soon)(not causing your issue)

Are you using the MODWiki-PowerArmor-PAtch?


T-49 Storyteller armor will have to be converted to the Z4PA framework.(I'm currently reorganizing my MO2 install so I can have a look in a while) 


try disabling T-49 Storyteller armor just the PA section mods and MW-PA-PATCH and check if it's all working (My patch needs to be after CORE and MODERN WEAPONS)

I did try deactivating T49, that didn't help either.  Plus it worked fine with PAMAP, which I'd go back to, but that still doesn't fix the current issue.


Yes I was originally using the Power Armor patch until i noticed it seemed like the Core patch already had the fixes, so I just turned it off a few hours ago.  

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Ah the "patching" in the CORE for PA is for when you dont use the ZF4

the PA-PATCH is if you do use ZF4 and it overwrites the core and Modern weapons basically noting will work without PA patch with ZF4

Oh.  Oh dear.  Um.... I hope I haven't broken anything.  

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Okay apparently, it was one of the texture mod after all, and I didn't turn it off or notice it properly.  Turning off both PA texture mods fixed the isssue.  I used an extra one on top of your recommended one because I'd always used it, and preferred it, but it looks like that one was the issue.  Strange, it never did that when I used it by itself.  


I'm talking about this one.  https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3344/?

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it will be a mesh pointing to something....Most of PA textures are replacers and not separate textures (i.e. Paint jobs) 

BUT there are a couple that add a materials or mesh that points to their own folder this can cause issues if that mod is overwritten by anything else.

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Anyone currently using them?


Do they work for vanilla, homemake and SnB Doors out of the box?

I'm slowly going through Settlement the mods and I cant see how the KWD is attached to the doors.


Can somebody check if doors auto close.


I'm an idiot please ignore

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Hopefully this will be my last post before start playing.

I am kinda lost about the ModWiki patches. I've installed the CORE one, which I suppose I should have to.

Now I'm going through the whole list on Nexus and trying to figure them out.

I've followed the guide from top to bottom, but I've skipped almost all power armor stuff and its plugin section, radio stuff, the Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth and one or two texture mods which I didn't liked or where too big imo.


Looking at the guide's sort order I've noticed some familiar names which are missing from mine. I will compare the lists on np++ in order to filter the results. At the final lap I'm starting to get paranoid.

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