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BethINI is current captures (only changed the ones that were different.)


I'm still going through the list I linked you can edit that doc as well. I'm trying to tick off all the simple stuff and add basic notes for the hard stuff. In the uper section all the under construction stuff had to be modified  the rest should be OK but may require tidying.


Realy bot much can't be done till

  • I at least finish the list
  • then I'll do the texture section
  • then go through the top bit.
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So I'm doing a rebuild (just for fun and testing) and have gotten up to setting up the ENB. Went into the game for a look-see and my FPS is 21. 




Going back through the guide; maybe I set something up wrong.


Also I've noticed that using either BethINI or the config tool again will make your Fallout4Custom.ini a duplicate of Fallout4.ini.

Edited by rayhne
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Those that are aware I've overhauling the wiki trying to make it easier to not miss information while installing all the mods, I've also been  going back in the forums and pulling any relevant info.


One thing

-Lighting and NAC-


The need to use the stand alone version of NAC to not use it at all seems to be a common theme.


The HOLOTAPE seems to add an imagespace to some sunglasses so when you adjust the settings it changes the lightspace (I'm assuming that is why people were trying to use Darker nights ad the couldn't get some of the HOLOTAPE settings to "work".)


I've uploaded a MODWiki-NAC-Patch (for elfx,NAC,NAI)


This will be in the New CORE, to get the lighting to work you will need to get some sunglasses (Not sure if there is another way, Tell me if there is)

If you enter Power armor the effect will vanish as the Helmets use a different imagespace. (I've added the NAC imagespace to PA Helmets as well)


Shadows, Does anyone know "ANY" information on shadow effects? In 3rd person everything is fine but in 1st person they are just awful.

I'm assuming it's a camera setting of some sort.

Edited by Gernash
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Why not leaving it as a patch for CORE instead of merging it to CORE ?
IMO it will make modwiki more flexible for people who don't like a lighting mod or want to change weather mod
But it's maybe too much time consuming to maintain a bazzilion of patches

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I will be going back to a SMART FOMod installer that detects what you have. I'm just going through the setup now trying to make it Modular (end user will have 3-8 MODWiki Patches depending on mods)


The NAC patch is a lighting patch and will be separate.


I personally was more inclined to have a standalone lighting patch (no holotape of ZOMG so much stuff) and just have a base setting for image-space the  an enb on top (simple-ish) 


This way there a thousands of combination and permeation people can get lost in.


Personal experience:

Installed the NAC

ZOMG the colors..

Followed the instructions and recet everything

ZOMG the colors..

fiddle around go it OKish then installed an ENB

ZOMG the colors..

reset the enb 

ZOMG the colors..


  1. in the end I figered out you have to
  2. not have enb installed to start with,
  3. Put a pair of sunglasess on
  4. on turn off the sunglass effect (Beerbottle color yellow/brown tint with some sort of milkiness on my game)
  5. disable the FX for disease,addiction and alcohol
  6. reset the SKY
  7. then sleep till 9pm and adjust the night level
  8. then sleep till 9am and adjust the sun brightness
  9. then install enb

The Mod is awesome!! But I need to locate some more in-depth info as it is so comprehensive it's easy to get lost.

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yea, the lighting is is excellent it functions quite well (On the most part)   



Some of the settings effect in the HOLOTAPE (adjust night darkness without sunglasses) seem to directly controlled through the sunglass effect.

I've been testing in PA (with my patch) and no sunglasses to see differences. 

As a beta there are some oddities but it's quite amazing over all and you don't need a full-on ENB (I have one for some control e.g. shadow>brightness and >gamma>contrast)


-adding the Varied Tappers, Varied Raiders, Lots more settlers and enemies mods

they are added through the better settler clothing as not everyone one want to play with their settlers.


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Fixing broken settlers

Limbs broken/missing 

Hair missing

Not wearing clothing(or removing clothing after fast travel)



go into the console and click on the settler

SettlerID.moveto player
If they are still broken
go into the console and click on the settler
recycleator   (This may need to be done a few times as the new settler is very random in regards to gender)
then go into the workshop menu and assign settler to any settlement
wait 3-5sec
then assign settler to the current settlement
(You will need to cloth them unless you soft-reset them)
Edited by Gernash
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