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My FPS issue is related to GPU load. it never goes above 60% most of the time sits on 40% idling doing nothing Basically (Reported issues in sli but I'm just using 1 card.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/540810/ oooh Hi resolution texture pack..... damit have to wait a day as Apparently I live in the past and cannot downlot it yet same as the patch.


precombined objects: OK there it lots of info around but with what we're doing with combining Multiple World space mods and texture packs that alter meshes etc I've found through trial and error that using the Fallout 4 Native error correction to be the best method so far i.e. remove everything apart from the Big nif.


The "Best" way to deal with precombined objects (I have not found an automated way of doing it as yet) is every new thing changing the Cell needs to be added to the XCRI References and if it's a nif then the Precombined, All things removed have to be deleted from the vanilla references.

Beantown is the only mod I have seen so far using this method (I have not altered those entries in any way as they seem to not cause issues.) but only in 3 zones I believe. I have asked how he achieved/done this but as yet not received a response as yet.


I'm only a NOOB as well and have to Chuck Norris a lot of things as Info is scare on the ground.

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The Odd thing is that if I zoom using a scope I get +10%gpu usage but it pegs 60FPS even in 10-12fps areas .... Might make 90Deg fov glasses with 1x zoom and call them NVIDIA Beer goggles

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Oh and One last thing pre vis if an onject with an enviroment space (Box thingy in CK) is placed in a cell if you look "through" it you cannot see other objects placed behind it (i.e. Concord Subwayrunner, that whole zone is an advertisment for all these pecombined things.)




So when you enable Pre Vis FO4 jsut calculates what it's ment to SEE then it all works. Removing XCRI References works similar to bUseCombinedObjects=0

bPreCulledObjectsEnabled=0 is like Thor's hammer that will defiantly "fix" everything even without edits, but you get Micro load stutter as it calculates everything all the time without pre-cache to adjecent cells.

Note: these are my opinions and observations not something written in stone.

Edited by Gernash
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When I'm using navmesh + worldspace patch together with all the worldspace mods (lexington, subway, beantown etc.) some buildings in Concord flicker rapidly. Is that happening to anyone else? If I disable the patches, the problem disappears but there's 1 spot in Concord where ground disappears until I get close.


To add to that, I only use Navmesh, Worldspace and betterSettlers patches from this wiki, as I don't use all the mods (I use it as a general guide) so Core and other patches are not used.

Edited by StratDOS
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Flicker? you use DOF? turn off and see if it persists.

That didn't fix it, unfortunately. It flickers black really fast, it only happens to the green buildings in Concord, I'm guessing those are the ones added by Beantown etc.

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F4SE  0.3.0 LooksMenu v1-2-1Realistic Guns and Bullets Overhaul 3.3Workshop Rearranged.

Looks like F4SE breaks a couple other dependencies, like Shadowboost.  Luckily, I made a copy of my exe before I attempted the upgrade, so I was able to fail-back gracefully.


BTW, do you have any thoughts on the Official HD Upgrade?  The specs on that seem ridiculous, like it's all 4k or something.

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I'm running it atm Some of the sign writing and engraving are clearer but other then vram usage not too much difference. The specs are hinting at 2k-4k resolutions I believe.


Been playing  all day with Graphics performance.... the best I can do is stop the 12-20fps dip and have 30-40fps at the lowest but you cannot use fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=0 so any MOST scrap mods(The ones that make co objects and dont need sprint fix edit are OK.)  my worldspace patches or Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Revised (It uses the remove all method for combined objects)


If you are getting MASSSSSIVE FPS drop in son areas try disabling hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp or Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Revised


If that doesn't help then all worldspace mods and worldspace patches. If FPS becomes "Fallout 4 Normal" then just enable beantown with no worldspace patches. Also change fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=4096



Green flickering, In my case some objects flicker seems to be mainly with ENB if I disable ENB then it goes away. For me it seems to be some sort of LOD or MIPMAP issue.

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I've looked at the mod page of those mods they look promising. Will load them up at some point.


They dont appear to conflict with much, there is some item placement form Modern weapons, Mojav and 3DNPC. "May cause floating placed items"

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