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Yo Gernash are you thinking about finding a protege or a co-pack author to work on this pack? I would volunteer but I am still a novice at best when it comes to patching. This is still the most comprehensive guide there is for fo4, and that won't change soon...it just needs some serious dusting off and updating

Posted (edited)

@Gernash, here are some suggestions I would have for an update in the future:


-Remove ELFX, there seems to be some redundancy/doubling up with this mod that makes dark areas too dark to see in even with a flashlight. I believe it is doubling up with NAC and the ENB preset.


+Add Manufacturing Extended (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15429/?) and perhaps its add-ons Manufacturing Extended Expanded (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18345/?) and Soylent Green (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15776/?), this adds some immersive ways to make items


+Add Workshop Synth Production (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16354/?) and its fix (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25785/?), some might think this mod is a bit OP, but it allows you to build you own custom villagers. I would consider this an optional settlement mod.


+Add Conquest (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12511/?), for immersion, after all why should we be confined to just setting up shop in specific spots, if we are already building things from scratch anyway, why can't it be anywhere?


+Add Sim Settlements (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21872/?), again for immersion, allows settlers to build there own stuff so that you don't have to. There is also an expansion pack for it (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25213/?)


+Possibly add Any Mod Any Weapon (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4515/?), some might say it is OP, adds a fun macgyver feel to weapon crafting, so probably optional


+Add True Frags (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19464/?), more deadly explosions


+Add Wild Plants Farming (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16810/?), Immersion again, lets you grow a wider variety of food.


+Add Beast Master (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14265/?), lets you tame creatures, not really for immersion but a cool option for some companions


+Add Faction Housing Overhaul (there are like 5 of these, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_name=faction__housing__overhaul), upgrades various factions to make them more worthwhile to pursue.


+Add Diamond City Enhanced (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12005/?), makes Diamond City more of a diamond city. There is a worldspace glitch just past the bulkhead door on the left, it probably just needs patched.


All of these mods mentioned seem to work without additional patching, Wild Plants has patches for VIS and UOF4P and Beast Master build into the FOMOD. The worldspace is the only problems I found but can still be played through.


There are also a few problems/fixes that should probably be addressed:


-The High Resolution Texture Pack is not really mentioned in the guide, but it probably shouldn't be used, I had several glitches when using it. Some of the issues were even darker shadows (this made even wearing sunglasses or power armor impossible), as well as a black face bug when using a custom skeleton (CBBE). There is a fix for the black face (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21907/?) but I couldn't find one for the lighting. It should probably just be noted not to use it since the texture overhauls more or less cover all the important stuff.


-As mentioned, ELFX also causes problems with shadows being too dark. I tried a Sweet FX config that was supposed to help with that, but ended up just cutting it because it was compensating for that too.


-There are a few worldspace glitches I ran into, namely Quincy when using the Start Me Up option to start there, I am floating a mile in the sky with some objects and the terrain far below. You can't really move in this area at all due to invisible terrain as a result. Also the one to the left past the bulkhead in Diamond City.


-I've also had issue with objects becoming invisible if I clip them while walking around, they reappear when I step away but if it is say a bench, I would have to jump over it. I haven't really noticed this everywhere, it might just be Diamond City with that Enhanced mod I mentioned.


-The biggest problem, that I can't really seem to find a fix for and can't really ignore is the completely random CTDs pulling the c0000005 access violation error. This is not an issue with the computer, this is the only game that does it, and only while modded (at least through MO2, haven't tried NMM). I believe it is some kind of issue with using Windows 10 Pro. At first I thought it was a mod I had that altered Dogmeat, which it worked fine for about 4 hours after removing that (compared to immediate CTD when I got close to Dogmeat). However, I've had it randomly at various points with various other mods (like the UHD Pipboy mod) or even when just starting the game. It doesn't seem to have a reason, and nothing I have tried gets rid of it completely.

Edited by Ukerin
  • 4 weeks later...



only major difference is the patch for Modern weapons(due to cut weapon mods restored) and menu changes in workshop rearranged.

there are some subtle issues with Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch and alternate start  nothing game breaking.


I've updated all the mods on my PC and I'll post a patch update.


I'll not include/update any worldspace at this time. (Basically I'll remove them from the load order to be a separate entity.) 

Posted (edited)



I'll be removing all world space mods and Lighting in the next patches. 


Worldspace mods require my time to remake

Lighting mods are subjective and unless I write up the process of calibrating a monitor it will all be to hard (you currently turn off sun glasses in the NAC HOLOTAPE that will remove the "EFFECT")

Edited by Gernash

Hey Gernash, that's great news.  I finally picked up FO4 GOTY and found your guide and am looking forward to my first play through.  I didn't dl any of the world space editing mods, to be safe, and was wondering if Radrose patches would be a good alternative until yours are up to date (though I'm not sure how up to date his are either), as well as some of the specific patches that the guide recommends we skip.  Of course I had to add a few other mods as well so the other patches might be needed, with a look via FO4Edit as well.



Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2017 at 1:07 AM, cstarkey42 said:

Hey Gernash, that's great news.  I finally picked up FO4 GOTY and found your guide and am looking forward to my first play through.  I didn't dl any of the world space editing mods, to be safe, and was wondering if Radrose patches would be a good alternative until yours are up to date (though I'm not sure how up to date his are either), as well as some of the specific patches that the guide recommends we skip.  Of course I had to add a few other mods as well so the other patches might be needed, with a look via FO4Edit as well.



Radrose is an alternate set of xml and item naming mainly, you would have to remake all the Modwiki to suit. I used the Better mod descriptions as my base. (with VIS and Fucftional Displays for DEF_UI Naming)

Edited by Gernash
  On 10/17/2017 at 1:31 AM, Gernash said:

Radrose is an alternate set of xml and item naming mainly, you would have to remake all the Modwiki to suit. I used the Better mod descriptions as my base. (with VIS and Fucftional Displays for DEF_UI Naming)

Is that mainly what the FO4 patches are for, naming?  Not as much conflict resolution as Skyrim?  If that's the case, it sounds like I might be safe to start a game and add the patches later, is that correct (again with the understanding that I'm avoiding the worldspace editing mods)?


Main MOD conflicts will be 


  • Weapons Mods
  • PA Mods
  • Settlement Mods (when they use altered vanilla meshes)
  • Settlement Mods (IF you want nice build menus hence the heavily altered ones I use)
  • Monster and companion overhauls e.g. C.A.S.T. required a metric &*()tonne of alterations to even work, things like RO that are awesome, cause many hours of headaches when used in 100+esp's  
  • Anything that alters worldspace and adjusts meshes.
  • Clothing mods
  • INNR (item naming)
  • Balistic mods
  • Sorting Mods
  • HUD Mods
  • Lighting mods
  • Unofficial Patches
  • Texture mods that overwrite each other.

If you look at the Mod layouts I've tries to group similar mods together so you can see the ones that will have some overlap.




Sim Settlements 




Wild Plants Farming, Northland Diggers, Immersive vendors etc


Do people still want the Vanilla way of building vendors etc? if you use Sim Settlements do you still make your own plots and vendors?



If it's still a thing maybe people can give a list of mods that can be added to a separate section/Area in settlement mods.



WildPlant farming

NorthlandDiggers https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9710/?

Summer Roses https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14226/?

Korax Glowing Flora https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17551/?


Settlement mods (Contender to be added?)

Ground https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17691/?

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