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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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and in the crash fixes ini have you set a custom memory value?


Yes, it configures how skyrim allocates memory. The problems you describe sound like your memory management is not well configured.

OK maybe this is the problem, i never bother with crash fix because i thought you only need it if you have crash, i installed it and just did the recommended configuration, never look on it since now, and i cant find any crashfix.ini, just this one: CrashFixPlugin.ini. Im going to follow those recommended tweaks here them i will report back. Thank you, i appreciated your help.

Edited by CVkiller2013
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OK maybe this is the problem, i never bother with crash fix because i thought you only need it if you have crash, i installed it and just did the recommended configuration, never look on it since now, and i cant find any crashfix.ini, just this one: CrashFixPlugin.ini. Im going to follow those recommended tweaks here them i will report back. Thank you, i appreciated your help.

Additionally your 970 only really has 3.5gb of full speed ram... the extra .5gb is classed differently...  If your stutters are appearing when you hit that 3.5gb mark that could be your problem.  Google can fill you in on the details of the 3.5gb memory issue on the 900 series cards that have 4gb of ram.

Edited by jdsmith2816
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I'm really, really lost on merging plugins. Maybe it has something to do with my brain at 2AM, or maybe I'm missing something. So, for merging plugins, I've setup the profile and such, and now I have to put the ESPs to be merged at the bottom of the right pane, in the order that they are specified in the guide, check for errors, and merge. Can I make multiple merges with one launch of merge organizer? Does left pane order matter at all? Does it matter if, when launching from mod organizer, extra ESPs and left-pane mods are selected? 
Two additional question: Is choosing one of the options in the WLSO page mandatory? Or can I get by without one. Also, in the WLSO page, if I were to choose, say, option 1, should I do option 1's merge instead of the normal WLSO merge? (I noticed they have a lot of ESPs in common) Anyway, this is a lot of questions, but thanks in advance to anyone who answers them.

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I'm really, really lost on merging plugins. Maybe it has something to do with my brain at 2AM, or maybe I'm missing something. So, for merging plugins, I've setup the profile and such, and now I have to put the ESPs to be merged at the bottom of the right pane, in the order that they are specified in the guide, check for errors, and merge. Can I make multiple merges with one launch of merge organizer? Does left pane order matter at all? Does it matter if, when launching from mod organizer, extra ESPs and left-pane mods are selected?

Two additional question: Is choosing one of the options in the WLSO page mandatory? Or can I get by without one. Also, in the WLSO page, if I were to choose, say, option 1, should I do option 1's merge instead of the normal WLSO merge? (I noticed they have a lot of ESPs in common) Anyway, this is a lot of questions, but thanks in advance to anyone who answers them.

Regarding the wlso questions. You don't have to choose a weather optional. Revamped exterior fog is considered core. I would recommend choosing NLA though, it's beautiful and not too taxing. If you choose one weather optional you do the merge of that optional. you also remove (or deactivate) mods that are not used (like revamped exterior fogs or dark dungeons if you go with ele - lite).


Gesendet von meinem A0001 mit Tapatalk

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If I could kiss you, I would. You've legitimately alleviated so much frustration, I can't thank you enough.

NP friend, go forth and conquer :D  It took me eight days of head scratching to get to the bottom of it when it happened to me, just glad the pain can benefit others!

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paul666root, on 08 Nov 2016 - 9:28 PM, said:snapback.png

Does only Skyrim freezes or your entire PC when you are ingame?

Does this happen even with ENB off ?

I think i saw sometime a screen of your SPM that shows 100% to GPU. How much is the temp on the moment of crash?

Does this happen only on Skyrim ?

Have you tried a vanilla Skyrim and see what happens?

Also if you get to 4GB video memory then you are reaching the limit... is your vram at 4gb or your ram in SPM?

Try to disable all texture mods and try without those like Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD, Dragonborn, dawnguard (those you install with BSAs) even the official HIGH DLC pack dont use it, dont run Dyndolod at all, disable from General World Improvement mods, disable TAFM merge and its mods, dont use any ECTV and no SMC. Try like this and see if you still freeze.

Only Skyrim. Sometimes freeze right after error message and sometimes i just mouseclick and error message is hidden behind Skyrim and i can roam some more but then freeze. 

Even with ENB off and just ENBOOST its the same. 

I think GPU temp was 74 C and yes it was 100% usage.

Only Skyrim? I dont play any other games... Otherwise my PC dont freez ever. 

DIdnt tried vanilla. I played before modded Skyrim and it runs fine. I try it just to be sure. 

VRAm in SPM was max3669 i think? Disabled Noble Skyrim and ENB got me on around 3300 

I dont run Official HighRes. And this is my third install of this setup /initial install,unmerging heavy mods,remerging them back/ . Im not doing it fourth time . Tried before without ETAC and SFO but still i got Memory allocation error.

lekvarik, on 08 Nov 2016 - 10:28 PM, said:snapback.png

Vanilla Skyrim + Vivid Weathers/Tetrachromatic ENB + Noble Skyrim + WATER runs fine. SPF did disable some ENB efects tough. That didnt happen before. GPU max is on 53% ussage ,max VRAM 1294 MB ,max temp 66 C , Memory max is 1357MB ...

This means that your GPU is either having issues or it can't just run the whole guide. If you want to use the guide try everything without those texture mods i said before. If you dont... use any other guides available around.


Ok. After hours of testing as you recommended. I first uninstalled all the had and city mods. I started adding one by one /meaning whole merged packs/ to get what are the most heavy mods for my PC. 

I figured out that without TAFM , ECTV, Noble Skyrim , LECM my game runs fine. I started as before docks in Solitude, check Dragonborn Museum and embark thru Dragon Bridge to Whiterun. All runs fine. But! When i added DynDolod to the slimed down setup, i got same memory allocation error. So i figured my problem is with DynDolod.


Then i added removed mods to get the whole setup as before just without DynDOLOD. And i traveled from Solitude thru heavy Dragon Bridge /around 30fps with ECTV/,checked Meekos cabin /it was always heavy area the woods there/ and runed into Whiterun without slightest problem. 

SPM showed max values as follows: Memory 4161MB   //   VRAM 3551MB   //   CPU 73%   //   GPU   99%   //   GPU Temp 76 C   // 

The values seems to me not very different than with DynDolod installed before when i got the error messages and freezes.


It is posible to DYNDOLOD have such impact that it has such effect even on slimed down LO?

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Additionally your 970 only really has 3.5gb of full speed ram... the extra .5gb is classed differently...  If your stutters are appearing when you hit that 3.5gb mark that could be your problem.  Google can fill you in on the details of the 3.5gb memory issue on the 900 series cards that have 4gb of ram.

Ok after some test here what i found. with CustomMemoryBlock=1 and CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=128, when i open console in game i get max usage of memory block of 80,86%, so i didnt change those anymore.

with AlignHeapAllocate=1 the game stutter less, but still unplayable, than with  AlignHeapAllocate=0.

When im out of town the game doesnt stutter even if Vram get above 3.5GB, some places it reaches 3.7 and almost no stutter. The game stutter a lot when im in town or near ECTV stuffs even outside.

SPM show im using only like 5-6GB Ram, but in taskmanager i found that sometimes i get 99% usage of memory, the number bellow total memory reach to 0. 

So maybe its  a memory problem or its ectv fault. Now im thinking in buying 16GB memory, or use ordinator.

Do you guys see any other options? Thank you for your time.

Edited by CVkiller2013
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Ok after some test here what i found. with CustomMemoryBlock=1 and CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=128, when i open console in game i get max usage of memory block of 80,86%, so i didnt change those anymore.

with AlignHeapAllocate=1 the game stutter less, but still unplayable, than with  AlignHeapAllocate=0.

When im out of town the game doesnt stutter even if Vram get above 3.5GB, some places it reaches 3.7 and almost no stutter. The game stutter a lot when im in town or near ECTV stuffs even outside.

SPM show im using only like 5-6GB Ram, but in taskmanager i found that sometimes i get 99% usage of memory, the number bellow total memory reach to 0. 

So maybe its  a memory problem or its ectv fault. Now im thinking in buying 16GB memory, or use ordinator.

Do you guys see any other options? Thank you for your time.

You should configure your SPM to show ENB memory combined with Skyrim memory... Possibly what's happening is that multiple enbhost processes are being started as memory dumps but SPM is only reporting you the memory from the skyrim application...


In either case if your system memory is being exhausted then you're paging out to disk which will definitely cause stutters.  At this point I'd recommend upgrading your ram.


Using ordinator across a whole texture pack is going ot result in severely degraded quality... especially for things that are already properly optimized like gamwitch's stuff.

Edited by jdsmith2816
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Hi all, performance question here. After installing the guide, I am pleased to announce everything is working as intended. Problem I'm having now, however, is running out of memory. I'm fairly certain it's a limitation of my hardware, as I've checked to make sure that I did the multiple memory allocation steps (VideoMemorySize set correctly, Crash Fixes options set, etc..) It happens occasionally when out in the wild, but I already trimmed out pretty much all of the TAFM module. I only have SFO and Enhanced Vanilla trees installed (with vanilla trees option, so supposedly improved performance.) My FPS stays at 60 pretty consistently, but expectantly dips to around 30 in towns. It sometimes goes back up to 60 in certain parts of town, based on where I'm looking I guess. I've gotten the "Skyrim has run out of memory" crash in Whiterun multiple times now. The memory blocks are showing me that they're both at around 50% before crashes, even in towns. Am I going to have to cut out ECTV entirely, or can I take out Dawn of Skyrim and just install ETaC (I actually really like the changes it makes to the smaller towns.)? Or am I messing something up with my memory allocation?


Thanks in advance!




OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

CPU: Intel Core i5 4670K @3.4GHz

GPU: Nvidia GTX 970

RAM: 12 GB




EDIT: It is worth noting that I do not have SMC installed, and have made textures 2K or 1K whenever possible.


Bump? I think this got kinda buried.

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Dydolod can hit quite hard depending on what resolution of lods you choose. Have you tried decreasing the resolution in texgen and choosing the low preset in dydolod?


Gesendet von meinem A0001 mit Tapatalk

The load vas similar when running DYNDOLOD and when it was disabled. I mean in SPM monitoring. So no different max values... maybe 100-200MB /still under 3700MB/ on Vram. RAM diference vas unde 100/around 4150MB/. But advices here slowly kicking me into solution so i do the DYNDOLO and TEXGEN low res experiment.

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You should configure your SPM to show ENB memory combined with Skyrim memory... Possibly what's happening is that multiple enbhost processes are being started as memory dumps but SPM is only reporting you the memory from the skyrim application...


In either case if your system memory is being exhausted then you're paging out to disk which will definitely cause stutters.  At this point I'd recommend upgrading your ram.


Using ordinator across a whole texture pack is going ot result in severely degraded quality... especially for things that are already properly optimized like gamwitch's stuff.

I have done that. Probaly is my RAM, i will buy 16GB, its a pain because it will take 45 days to arrive to my country:)


Ordinator is a perk overhaul.


Have you tried using lower texture sizes? And dyndolod to medium or even low preset?

DDL is taxing and if you really just want to play the game only you can live without it.

kkkkk. Yes it is, im talking of Texture optimizer, that as ordinator.exe. I like eye candy, cant play skyrim with normal graphics. Live in third country no PC component for gamers, have to buy from others country so price+shipping+tax equal 2 or more normal price, which i think if 16GB dont cut it, i will be waiting for SSE modding. Its a shame, you guys have here a pretty nice guide. My Pc can handle all others guide without problem, but just the one i want it doesnt, bad lucky. Thank you all. wish you the best. Almost forgot, i can handle it without ectv, but i wont. kkkk



kkk, me and you have some writing problem:) Ordenador:)

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