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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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..............The sort load order bit doesn't come till AFTER merge mods, after which you should have less than 255 esps.

The merge page does include instructions to sort before going through the merge.



This section will define merges to be completed using Merge Plugins Standalone. These merges reduce the final plugin count and thus allow room for further expansion. A guide to setup and use this tool for the purposes of this guide can be found Here. Once Merged the mods can be deactivated in Mod Organizer.


Before you begin doing the merges it is advised to sort your Load Order because some mods will depend on others being loaded before them. Go to the Finish Line page and check ONLY the part about "Sort Your Load Order". After all merges are done do it again.


Skulldozr, what I did (and what I believe the correct procedure is?) is, when merging, make sure that only the plugins that you are merging together are activated (and any masters they might have).  Make sure dependent masters are loaded before them, and make sure all  plugins you are merging are in the exact order specified in the guide.


It's a bit tedious, but nobody said modding was easy :D

Edited by Gyro
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Questions regarding the SMC Addon:

  • CoverKhajit is installed in the guide and in SMC. The installation in the guide completly overwrites the SMC Output. I think it can be removed?
  • Guide installation of Skyrim Skill Interface Retexture is marked as redundant in MO. I guess it's also safe to remove?


- its the same mod yes you can disable the one installed in the main guide

- yes that can be removed aswell.

I see. I was used to Neo's SRLE guide where you always had less than 255 esp at any given time and didn't think of the simplest thing - to deselect all and select the ones to merge. duh!


One other thing. When you download the load order.txt file you mention instead of running LOOT, you mention that the last mod would be Dual Sheath Redux, but my list has a bunch of mods more after it. Is this normal?


Also I have some esp or two that have the Better Dynamic Snow as master but I don't see it being installed in the guide anywhere. 

what esps come after DSR esp are mods that you installed and i dont have them in my LO. For example the survival mods in the guide marked as optional are not in my LO. what esps you got there?

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I'm pretty sure I didn't mess up. It says at one point for the mod Spice of Life - Forts that after installation, you download the merged esp by neovalen which includes the Better Dynamic Snow patch. That file requires Better Dynamic Snow.


Also NSUTR base installation has BDS compatibility patches which also require BDS. However there is no BDS installation anywhere in the guide.


Finally, I haven't deviated from the guide one bit, except the Height Adjustment Races - True Giants & Mammoth and a mod that spins the Skyrim logo in the menu. Everything else was done by the book.

BDS is from The Ruffled Feather mod and yes you install that in the guide.


edit: can you show me a screen with what esps you got after DSR ?

..............The sort load order bit doesn't come till AFTER merge mods, after which you should have less than 255 esps.

there is a notice in the Merge Page where you are told to sort the LO before merging. And it doesnt really matter if you have 500 plugins in MO as long as you check in MP only the esps you want to merge.

Edited by paul666root
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I will take another look on the Ruffled Feather folder to see whether that mod is in there. I remember clicking on it on its fomod installer. Weird that it was showing it as a missing master.

I've had some plugins continue to show missing masters even when the master was checked-go ahead and make the left panel do a refresh.  Mod Organizer seems to get a little slow on the uptake with this many plugins.

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i did set it to 128. But still about the same time my game freezes as it was when the value was 64

When the game is running, before it crashes, what values are you seeing in the memory blocks when you bring up console (~).  With AlignHeapllocate=0 there should be four (or six, can't recall) blocks, with =1 there will be only two.  If any of the values are above 95% then you still need to increase your custom block size (mine needed to be as high as 160 at one point).  And set ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 as per the guide.  The info out of Crash Fixes crashlog is of no use unless you have Meh's level of knowledge, so forget it.  You need to narrow this down methodically now.

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lekvarik, on 07 Nov 2016 - 3:14 PM, said:snapback.png


Didnt tried that yet. My setting is : 




Please try my settings, except for ReservedMemorySizeMb.

I did try. still Skyrim froze. Tried ReservedMemorySizeMb 256 and game no longer froze but CTD without any error message. Im thinking atleast some change. Tried to set 384 again got freez and previous error message. Raised the value to 512 and Skyrim after a while of playing popped up error message about memory allocation as before but mouse clicking erased error and game was playable.  Playable but some objects were pitch black as without textures. Image of it : https://imgur.com/a/8mijq


Ingame console show some percentage in few lines... What do they mean? All the lines have value all around 50-65%

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When the game is running, before it crashes, what values are you seeing in the memory blocks when you bring up console (~).  With AlignHeapllocate=0 there should be four (or six, can't recall) blocks, with =1 there will be only two.  If any of the values are above 95% then you still need to increase your custom block size (mine needed to be as high as 160 at one point).  And set ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 as per the guide.  The info out of Crash Fixes crashlog is of no use unless you have Meh's level of knowledge, so forget it.  You need to narrow this down methodically now.

I got 6 lines i guess ? All of them have value aroun 50-65%. I was raising ReservedMemorySizeMb from 128 to 512 and on 384 game didnt froze but CTD without any error message. On 512 again freeze for few seconds , mouse clicking erased the message and i could move but : https://imgur.com/a/8mijq he game looked like this... and i must exit via ctrl+alt+del not via menu.

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I got 6 lines i guess ? All of them have value aroun 50-65%. I was raising ReservedMemorySizeMb from 128 to 512 and on 384 game didnt froze but CTD without any error message. On 512 again freeze for few seconds , mouse clicking erased the message and i could move but : https://imgur.com/a/8mijq he game looked like this... and i must exit via ctrl+alt+del not via menu.

ReservedMemorySizeMb is for ingame stutter. If you experience that increase little by little until it stops or is minimal (this is from enblocal.ini) this will not help you with game freezing

dunc was asking if you set your CustomMemoryBlock=1 and CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=128 (this value is system dependant; set it to 64 and increase little by little until ingame console shows the memory blocks between 80-90% and none to 100%) you can increase this until you dont crash. i got it to 128 but maybe for you it needs more. dunc has it at 160

also try with AlignHeapAllocate=1 and AlignHeapAllocate=0 and see which is better for you


edit: also dont run other taxing programs with a heavy modded Skyrim like Chrome opened or Afterburner or any other taxing video memory programs.


also check your game with Skyrim Performance Monitor on and see if you reach or not your video memory limit

Edited by paul666root
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I'm tweaking the CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb. Just as an example this is what I'm getting:


     memory Block (16) current: 100%, highest: 100%
     Memory Block (32) current: 84.16%, highest 84.16%

     memory Block (16) current: 84.20%, highest: 84.20%
     Memory Block (32) current: 63.64%, highest 63.66%


It's the block 16 that matters? If so like the example shows the value 128 is a good one, right?

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Hi. Im about to do the CLARALUX merge, but since every time i follow the instruction only the Blowing in the wind.esp get to change its master to LECM Merged.esp, and in the end i have to enable blowing in the wind.esp in my load order, i need some clarification from you guys, if im doing something wrong. Here what i do:

i load my load order on Wrye Bash

I i left click on Blowing in the Wind - CLARALUX Patch.esp, them i go to right pane under master i allow edit.

Them i right clic on Blowing in the wind.esp, i dont find any option like change to..., so i go to right pane under master i right clic and the option change to... apear, on the folder that open i choose LECM Merged.esp, them i press the save under master in right pane of wrye bash.

After all this i will still have to enable blowing in the wind.esp, because CLARALUX Merged.esp will ask it as master.

Please tell me where im messing up. Thank you.

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