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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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I suppose theres no "good fix" for script latency issues? Or at least I think tahts why my bow breaks 2-3 seconds after I was attacked. Or why it takes 1-2 seconds for things to react to me running my horse into them...


Also why is the Wet&Cold go-home feature disabled in the recommendations? Takes too much script time or causes issues or something?

wet and cold go home is disabled because it breaks CRF dialogs.

Any advice on where the SMC Patches Merged.esp should go in the load order?

after SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp. Download the new load order txt and it will sort.


Hey Paul,


I know Book of UUNP isn't in the guide, but I'd figure I'd ask you about using it with this build anyway.


So I read on the mod page that it is supposed to have menu objects, so you can tell which part is which during crafting. Problem is, I do not see them in my menu. So I'll see 3 hide armors, but all 3 look identical. I end up having to craft all 3 and then test them one by one before selling the ones I don't use. It's a little annoying.


Do you see the menu objects?


Hey Paul,


I know Book of UUNP isn't in the guide, but I'd figure I'd ask you about using it with this build anyway.


So I read on the mod page that it is supposed to have menu objects, so you can tell which part is which during crafting. Problem is, I do not see them in my menu. So I'll see 3 hide armors, but all 3 look identical. I end up having to craft all 3 and then test them one by one before selling the ones I don't use. It's a little annoying.


Do you see the menu objects?

If you use YASH you need to run bashed patch for Book of UUNP to work.

for Requiem is a little more complicated.


If you use YASH you need to run bashed patch for Book of UUNP to work.

for Requiem is a little more complicated.

I am running YASH, and I have run the bash patch.


I'm talking about the "preview" you get in the crafting window. All three hide armors look exactly the same, until you put it on your character, then you see the difference.


I take it from your post that you don't get the same issue then?


I am running YASH, and I have run the bash patch.


I'm talking about the "preview" you get in the crafting window. All three hide armors look exactly the same, until you put it on your character, then you see the difference.


I take it from your post that you don't get the same issue then?

the preview is the same for me too. I think he only made one for all same type armors. Variants are different only if worn.


Hey Paul,

I'm trying SRLE LOTD with a few of these mods thrown in. I'd like to put Civil War Overhaul in my load order but I can't find the CWO patch for usleep or The Forgotten City in the "Optional Pack." Has it been taken down? I already have a copy of CWO (and DCO) from before the mod was hidden by the author. 


Thanks for the help ^^ I appreciate it.


Still got some odd issues, sometimes NPCs seem to teleport around. I suppose thats when other NPCs are in the way or something and thus they can't reach their destination?


Also I noticed that a lot of the ECTV additions don't see to be marked as property properly, like I can take a lot of things without it being considered stealing (I don't as I think that would be odd, so its more of a novelty issue).

One thing I noticed is that when I'm in the Alchemy or General Store in Whiterun and go to the front door theres a spot right at the door that flings me around a bit for some reason... No clue whre that comes from. Any ideas? And thanks in advance ^^


Ah, seems the interior overhauls are Skyrim Radioactive Glorified, not ETaC.

Correct;  I thought about going through and updating ownership but... it'd take so much time for so little effect.


The latest skyrim glorified fixes the collision issue you're talking about.  Have you updated?


Oh, didn't see it updated, will check which one the latest in the guide is (once the wiki starts working again). Do I need to restart on a new savegame when I update?


Also, I know it isn't really part of the guide, but if you have any time to spare: what are the thoughts on compatibility with Holidays, Hunterborn, and survival/realism mod stuff. So like RND, You Hunger, Living takes time, Loot and Degradation, Flora Respawn Fix, Dynamic things?

Not expecting a detailed guide, just wondered if you know of any glaring inconsistencies or issues with those.


From my research:

Holidays -> has an ETaC patch, so that should work I believe. Not sure if Skyrim Radioactive Glorified would interfere with it, but the activities are outside as far as I can tell.


Hunterborn -> comes with Requiem compatibility stuff, so unless I miss something it should work well enough.


Dynamic things -> should work I believe, says SMIM and such things don't need a patch.


Flora Respawn Fix -> Not sure if its compatible with all the extra flora mod stuff. Maybe thats why the guide didn't include it too.


You Hunger (to make food rarer) -> probably less compatible, as ETaC adds food, as well as Skyrim Radioactive Glorified. The latter doesn't seem to have a patch. Also the levelled list changes may be incompatible with requiem.


Living Takes Time -> I don't see why it would interfere, but I'm also no expert.


RND -> Not sure how it works with Requiem and its diseases, but requiem seems to have a patch for it.


Loot and Degradation -> Seems to have a requiem patch and some built-in compatibility.

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