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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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A couple of minor points in the Merge Plugins section, if I may.


First of all, I'm assuming that the copy/paste of the Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp and the interface folder are to address the errors thrown out in Merge Plugins for the eff patch.


Secondly, with regards to the Aetherial Crown mod, which also throws up an error, how do I resolve this?

the RDO is actually more to stop the MCM going all screwy so you deactivate the main mod post merge.


the Aetherial Crown I believe is a false positive just tell Merge Plugins to ignore the error. Again I have not had report that actually doing causes issues.

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I've been doing further testing. With the guide as-is you will see the issue with anywhere that uses imperial candles with smim alone. If you use the full RCI suite some shuffling around will be needed. Either way you're going to have texture issues with candles.


OK I Have been looking everywhere am not actually seeing any issue in my own game so until I do I am inclined to leave it alone for now but can you give me some exact locations in game so I can go and have a deeper look.



You guys are providing a curated guide that people are trusting for either their entire setup or part of it. You should be paying attention to changelogs and checking for mesh/texture conflicts when adding, removing or updating mods. Few users are willing to take the time to learn to find and fix conflicts with Tes5Edit (many believing its merged patch is a 1-click fix), many fail to understand the reasoning behind a bashed patch. Do you really think people are going to think they need to check for mesh/texture conflicts given the fact that this guide has copied over the instructions from Neovalen and Paul666root for textures/meshes to delete/not install? They're not, they're going to think you did that already and found no problems. Then when they *do* encounter issues they'll either be worried they did something wrong themselves or be met with the response I have. I'm trying to help people avoid the former here, I didn't expect the latter.

I do try my best to help but I can't test everything I am a busy Lady. I actually do rely on you guys to do your testing and troubleshooting but if i can't see the problem my end then I can't fix it.

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OK I Have been looking everywhere am not actually seeing any issue in game so I am inclined to leave it alone for now but can you give me some exact locations in game so I can go and have a deeper look.



I do try my best to help but I can't test everything I am a busy Lady. I actually do rely on you guys to do your testing and troubleshooting but if i can't see the problem my end then I can't fix it.

I've been fixing my game as I go. Due to all the starting new game I've been doing while tweaking my setup I've only been noticing issues in dragonsreach. when I started seeing *more* issues I went ahead and started checking out nifs in nikskope through MO. I'm doing all this on my relighting skyrim variant not my elfx variant so I'm probably seeing more issues than most users will see, but *all* will see issues.


Yes, I do appreciate you have things other than this guide to do, thats why I posted alerting of the issue with candles. I really didn't appreciate being told I'm using the wrong texture, or to not load the esp in a mod that doesn't have an esp, or "we're glad you fixed your enchanting table, our guide doesn't have texture problems with candles". I really don't go around wasting peoples time for fits and giggles - this is taking up my time too, I really wish Brumbek had paid more attention before importing the RCI meshes to some of his.

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Well I just had to step away from the PC for a while and realised I should probably explain how I got here in the first place.


Two weeks ago I decide to resume playing skyrim for a while after a break with other games. Decide to just zap my existing setup based on SRLE and go with SRLE Extended LotD - I'd just skip legacy and its optionals. At this point I notice the soft dependancy on RCI's candles from SMIM 2.06 onwards. The guide doesn't include RCI yet so I install it prior to SMIM with the candles.


At this poing I'm still building the Vividian/ELFX/Vivid Weather instance and start testing to see if there's anything I want to tweak or change. I notice the candles in dragons reach having black squares. I figure ok, just hide the rustic candle texture. I'm still not "playing" yet so don't notice the enchanter table problem.


Fast forward two weeks, I'm now happy with my Vividian/ELFX/Vivid Weather instance of MO *and* my BleakENB/RLS/Vanilla weather instance. I start playing with the bleak enb instance.


I check the guide and notice the addition of RCI, but it doesn't match Brumbeks instructions. "Huh, maybe I missed somthing" I think, "the folks maintining the guide probably know something I don't lets go and test!"


Before exiting the game I notice the enchanter table being broken. I start posting on the thread and digging further into what is going on - planning on posting updates as I go.


I get some patronising replies but keep digging. I disable RCI, unhide the Rustic candle texture and go looking at non-conflicted SMIM meshes in nifskope, primarily focused on meshes that suggest they have a candle in them. I find the same issue I had earlier. Candles with black squares because the mesh isn't the vanilla candle mesh and the texture does't match.


This is where I am now. I can't give you exact locations, but I can tell you that candles will be a problem.


Edit: uh actually I have  have the time line of when I started posting wrong but should get the situation across I think.

Edited by LordOfLA
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Can't edit previous post: Just poking around some more in nifskope - try looking around in the fort at helgen - start with the room you go to if choosing to side with imperials in vanilla start. I'm still using the RLS instance but checking ELFX meshes folder i'm not seeing it replace the imperial meshes that smim uses the RCI texture/mesh on.


Edit: Here is a SMIM candle mesh with the rustic texture: https://i.imgur.com/Yqk4h8x.png and here it is with the RCI texture that comes with SMIM: https://i.imgur.com/TWaueNh.png

Edited by LordOfLA
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OK I have now seen the black candle issue in my own game it mostly on the candles in chandlers no wonder i missed that wasn't looking there had to TCL up there to see it.


So I guess the solution is to do as you say drop leanwolfs enchanter meshes, hide the rustic candle texture and install the full RCI candles suite.

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I was just going to edit my previous post but here are the non-conflicted SMIM meshes using the RCI mesh/texture: https://i.imgur.com/o0LCyr2.png


Going by that I'm fairly confident it'll be evident in imperial forts at least.

I have now seen the issue you were right I was wrong and i apologize for being snippy and a bit arsey with you I'll get on with sorting out the fix.


Edit: can i as did you just select everything from the fomod and install before SMIM thus allowing Ruins clutter improved to overwrite Vivid weathers?

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Ok guys Ruins Clutter improved has been reinstalled and pushed up the left pane take note of the special instructions from RUSTIC ALCHEMY and ENCHANTING TABLES and remove LeanWolf's Improved Enchanter Candle Meshes.


Special thanks to LordOfLA for pointing out yet again what a big idiot I can be sometimes and for putting up with my slight bitchiness towards him again I'm sorry for being snippy with you.

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Not sure on what needs hiding where for the guide. I'm using SRO 1.6 with the PPR thats compatible with it instead of noble and I quite like SRO's textures for most of the things RCI retextures. Here's a screengrab from my BleakENB/Relighting Skyrim MO instance showing my current ordering: https://i.imgur.com/3Hhl2Vt.png I've yet to get in-game and test with what's what, now that I've editied leanwolfs mesh to use the rustic textures under a different filename.


I'm going to have to shuffle things around in my Vividian/ELFX/Vivid Weathers profile now too.


I was only using RCI originally myself to replace the ruins table from noble skyrim. The soft dependancy on RCI's candles from SMIM is a pain in the butt IMO.


I've also been using Lazyskeevers mods Gecko's Nordic Ruins Textures (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85382/?) and Gecko's Dwarven Ruins Textures (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85066/?) to replace some of the vivid landscapes stuff. The Nordic ruins retexture has much less coarse normal maps and looks quite a bit better imo.

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I either run nifskope via MO as with loot, or I add specific mod paths under options > settings > resources. You might need to do that and hit "auto detect game paths" anyway though.


I curently have https://i.imgur.com/UBsdyUJ.png under the archives tab and https://i.imgur.com/eTjvypa.png for paths for instance.


So I can either run via MO or standalone and just point it at the relevant mod(s) to see textures.


Edit: also make sure you're on the latest release https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases

Edited by LordOfLA
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LordofLa hi! just catching up on all the posts today, and i too would like to apologize with Ruins Clutter .esp (almost certain there was one the last time i had this issue which was awhile back, but obviously wrong). As said before we are all here to learn, others are more advanced in modding and using tools available, than others. I try to help where i can but if i have facts wrong, than its good to know that others are able to correct, and in the end we all benefit. Anyway hope that you enjoy being back playing Skyrim..best regards

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A quick question as I come back to working on this guide.  Should I just do it as is, make sure it's stable, then add a few other things, or just add the stuff as I go and hope it doesn't collapse like a house of cards?  Just... I'm not really sure how I'd do a conflict resolution patch if I had to - in the past I had decent luck just using patches provided by authors on Nexus.


Just... I'm kinda frozen by indecision here.  There's a few favorite mods that aren't on the guide...

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