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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Hei, I am getting a bit confused when installing "NPC - Retextures - Optional Installation"


This one i think i got it right, just to be sure:


When you say:, The Companions by Mizzog - AIO - Mizz Ed.esp, you mean the download where the link goes. I say that because later in the "Retextures Merge" there is some changes to upload made by Engame, and Engame have there a file-patch for Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The companion Guild. I have installed the one that the link first commented goes, and not touched ESF-Companions Guild.


The second question is that i cannot find this: "The Ordinary Women.esp (USLEEP Version" nor in Engame download files neither in the main "The Ordinary Wonen" download page

Where do I find that USLEEP version? (Otherwise the merge provided won't work i think)

1. ESF companions and The Companions by Mizzog are different mods. One changes appearance the other changes skills and stats... so no need to install the patch from Endgame Overhaul.


2. you don't need that patch. Just download the NPC retextures merged from nexus. You need it only if you dont use all NPC retexture mods and want to do your own merge.

Hi all,  I have a Sep 4 stable build using the CR V 1.25.  I'm tempted to move forward with the new AAE but don't want to update the guide elsewhere in order to use the CR V1.28.   

Would I encounter issues going about things in this manner?


Uninstall previous AAE and Sirjesto's Patch Merge.

Install new AAE V2.0 normal and Sirjesto's updated patch merge

Uninstall BYOS and merge.  

EDIT conflict resolution to remove all references to BYOS.  


Does the CR V1.25 only reference the older AAE v1.51 or am I able to "cheat" the process and run the old CR v1.25 with the new AAE 2.0 ?   

yes those are the stept except that the 1.25 does not contains new edits for the new AAE. Check the CR subguide for the modified edits to modify them youself

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RS children is one of the mods I don't use from SRLE - while I like a lot of what it does, to me the children don't look like they fit in Skyrim... Then again I don't use the NPC retextures either so I can't say how that works for you guys. Anyway, the look + all the patching required is a no go for me. Rustic Children looks fine, the boys eyes are just slightly girlish, whatever. The clothing, obviously, looks awesome and goes side by side with rustic Clothing.

If I were to use a more complex child mod it'd be something like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62676/?

It's abandoned, and not fully functional, but a great idea. Authors made it a resource though, so maybe someone will pick it up.

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Aside of having voted (for RS) i like very much the new Rustic Children, and coming from Gamwich is a guarantee of quality, it is a much more clean install, but because it does not touch meshes, I have the feeling that the children have still a bit of "potato head".

Honestly, if i will start the install LOD anew, I will switch to the Rustics, more simple.


The mod posted above "children Overhaul" seems to be a mod to consider in my opinion, race kids should be in Skyrim

Edited by richardo11
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Ok guys and girls. What do you think about the children mods? Should we keep the RS Childrem mod that is in SRLE base now https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55555/? or would you like to switch to Rustic Children https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63353/? ??


Keepin RSC will let you be closer to SRLE base and Neo's choice and let this guide be only an addon.


Switching to Rustic Children means there wont be the need to install all those patches and merge them like RSC and no more potato head bug.


Here is a poll. Please vote and comment. Thanks.


Edit: i had to redo the poll as that one allowed multiple votes. Please revote.



what is the potato head bug?

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RS children is one of the mods I don't use from SRLE - while I like a lot of what it does, to me the children don't look like they fit in Skyrim... Then again I don't use the NPC retextures either so I can't say how that works for you guys. Anyway, the look + all the patching required is a no go for me. Rustic Children looks fine, the boys eyes are just slightly girlish, whatever. The clothing, obviously, looks awesome and goes side by side with rustic Clothing.

If I were to use a more complex child mod it'd be something like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62676/?

It's abandoned, and not fully functional, but a great idea. Authors made it a resource though, so maybe someone will pick it up.

One can hope. :D

what is the potato head bug?

This: https://imgur.com/TqKUgFU. When I used RS, I had to use the patch, but even then, I still had kids with this bug. A bit creepy. :D

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Since Neovalen's Skyrim Legendary Revisited has not in his mod list any armor/weapon merge, I should understand when i read at the end of the New Weapons and Armor section:


"Weapons & Armor merge - SRLE Extended"



means that, that "Weapons & Armor merge - SRLE - Extended" it is a merge from Skyrim Legendary Extended Pack?


Sorry if the question is stupid, but i do not know what to make about it.

Edited by richardo11
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I'm thinking about getting a gtx 1070. Does anyone else have one to let me know what the performance will be like at 1440p?

I'm using a gtx1070 in my video series, so you can go see first hand the performance I'm getting (although because of my video capture equipment, I have to run at 1080p rather than 1440p). I am basically running the stock SRLE Extended LOTD guide, very little did I change.


Also, it should be mentioned that I'm running Win8, so I'm not fully taking advantage of the card. In fact, the GPU itself is hardly breaking a sweat running the game, my limiting factor is that 4GB memory limit.

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Since Neovalen's Skyrim Legendary Revisited has not in his mod list any armor/weapon merge, I should understand when i read at the end of the New Weapons and Armor section:


"Weapons & Armor merge - SRLE Extended"



means that, that "Weapons & Armor merge - SRLE - Extended" it is a merge from Skyrim Legendary Extended Pack?


Sorry if the question is stupid, but i do not know what to make about it.

yes this is merge added but SRLE Extended it will be further down the page what mods are merged.

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Is anyone here running Another Sorting Mod 2016?  I'm just wondering if it's worth installing, and whether the 9 patches I'd need are safe to merge?

Hi Dunc,


I am running a custom version of it.

But yes you can safely merge any of its patches. Make sure you tag the merged esp as "Names" in WB so the BP can handle some of its conflicts (they will be a lot)

For weapons etc not covered by the BP you will need to CR it yourself. Nothing difficult...just tedious!

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Ok guys and girls. What do you think about the children mods? Should we keep the RS Childrem mod that is in SRLE base now https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55555/? or would you like to switch to Rustic Children https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63353/? ??


Keepin RSC will let you be closer to SRLE base and Neo's choice and let this guide be only an addon.


Switching to Rustic Children means there wont be the need to install all those patches and merge them like RSC and no more potato head bug.


Here is a poll. Please vote and comment. Thanks.


Edit: i had to redo the poll as that one allowed multiple votes. Please revote.



So 30 votes and only 2 comments on this.... nice. Anyway i will let the poll until monday.

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1. ESF companions and The Companions by Mizzog are different mods. One changes appearance the other changes skills and stats... so no need to install the patch from Endgame Overhaul.


2. you don't need that patch. Just download the NPC retextures merged from nexus. You need it only if you dont use all NPC retexture mods and want to do your own merge.

yes those are the stept except that the 1.25 does not contains new edits for the new AAE. Check the CR subguide for the modified edits to modify them youself

Thanks Paul,  'modify them yourself' lol easy for you to say.  I've come this far I guess it's time to figure out CR...  


Curious about CR V1.25 - It lists bring your silver merged.esp as a Master yet I don't see any reference to that esp in the CR subguide.  Why would it be a master then?.   Basic ? I know sorry.    Thanks 

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Thanks Paul,  'modify them yourself' lol easy for you to say.  I've come this far I guess it's time to figure out CR...  


Curious about CR V1.25 - It lists bring your silver merged.esp as a Master yet I don't see any reference to that esp in the CR subguide.  Why would it be a master then?.   Basic ? I know sorry.    Thanks 

because you need to check for the old guide.

 There is a Warning at the beginning of the subguide that it links you to the old subguide. There you can see all refferences to BYS

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Ok guys and girls. What do you think about the children mods? Should we keep the RS Childrem mod that is in SRLE base now https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55555/? or would you like to switch to Rustic Children https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63353/? ??


I've used RS Children in the past, and I like the looks of it in game.  But I'm currently not using it because of the multiple patches and CR requirements.  The hassle of dealing with it outweighed the benefit, IMHO.  I was reluctantly considering re-adding it for my next playthrough (because the default children are really ugly), but now that I know about Rustic Children, I'll just use that.  I think the simplicity is worth the switch.

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So 30 votes and only 2 comments on this.... nice. Anyway i will let the poll until monday.

I think the poll results speak for themselves :P


I think things that require alot of effort should provide alot of benefit... RS Children requires alot of compatibility patches and potential troubleshooting for something that's a miniscule part of the game...  Rustic Children is a simple texture replacer that looks good enough and provides none of the headache.  Small feature; simple solution.

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