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Posted (edited)

Pack now formally under update.  Post 5 (https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=162236) holds the old information. 



Link: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Everything_%2B_The_Kitchen_Sink



(2017 07 20) Since these STEP Packs will be formally discontinued come STEP 3.0, I will be moving this pack to "Mod Picker", and continuing work on it there.  

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Pack rebuild in progress.  Refer to post #5 archival (for post #2) for the old info in you want to build this pack using STEP 




--Requiem Patching Info Goes Here--

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

MCM Menu Notes.



  • These are the MCM settings.  Some of these settings are required or you may experience CTD and general buggieness (or some mods will be running). Please read through them all.
    • I will highlight all the critical settings.  Everything else is personal preference/advised. 
  • When the game first starts, you will be in the Alternate Start Live Another Life dungeon where you select your start. Don't Open any menus at this time.  Just sit and wait for the start up scripts to finish (all those messages at the top left of the screen).  Wait another 20 seconds for good measure, then go to the Mara Statue, select your start, and go to the bed.   
  • Next, let the Requiem scripts and do the Ultimate Immersive Classes selection to get your starting equipment.  Now, when no other start up messages are running, I would do a save, and then start on the MCM menu set up.  
  • You can NOT do all the settings all at once!  As you start stuff up, you will need to let the scripts run, some (such as hunterborn) may need 20 seconds.  Just let your charname sit there and be patience. It can take 15 min or more do go through all the MCM setups. If the MCM menu stops responding (ie you click on a menu item, but nothing shows up after 10 seconds) then it means there is a script waiting to run, and you need to exit out of the menu and let the scripts run.  Don't just keep clicking on stuff.  Bad stuff happens if you do.
    • Again, be patient, you only need to do this once, and you want to do it right or you could cause irreparable damage to your save game if you rush it. 



Edit: 2016 11 13

Game start up should look like this: 

  1. Set up character appearance, give a name
  2. Wait for ALL mods to finish their scripts.  Do NOT talk to the Mara Statue, do NOT open the menu, don't save, nothing.  Wait (1-2 minutes) for all scripts to finish running.  Once you have waited 15-20 seconds and no new messages pop up, proceed. 
  3. Talk to the Mara Statue, pick your start. Sleep in the bed
  4. Wait for the Requiem start up messages and the Ultimate Immersive Classes to run.  
  5. Save Game.
  6. Find an indoor's location (like an inn) and now set up the MCM Menu. 



MCM Menu Set up (2.0 Alpha)

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Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Patch Notes Reserved



Archived POSTS (2017 06 26)

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Edited by Mr_Moal

I've been playing a bit when I have time, and I am encountering some crashes, but only when the papyrus logs are disabled. Today I was reading through all the MCM menus, and came across SafeAutoSaves noting that I had vanilla saves enabled when I should not. After disabling vanilla saves, have not had any subsequent crashes over 1hr of game play. So that may have been a contributing factor.

Another bug is a frame rate drop, less than 1 fps. I suspect it's because I hit some button related to the ENB that I should not have, so I edited the ENB key settings to move the keys out of the way, and I have not had that problem again.


Immersive citizens is awesome, and even though white run is a bit empty without the city mods, it is still nice to see citizens acting more human rather than stupidly like normal. Now if only I could completely get rid of all Z texture flicker, that would be very nice.


Hey, thanks for putting this together.  I love Requiem and it's nice to see an updated guide to adding the STEP packs, etc. to it.  I am in the middle of an SRLE + MMO + parts of SRLE Extended playthrough, but will definitely keep an eye on this for my next one!


I've done a major go over of the Requiem and patches esp's leading to some major stability improvements.  I think most if not all of the bugs I've come across up to now are solved.   Bugs I was tracking from the wiki page will be archived here.  Bug smashing makes me feel feel like the old days of Pokemon and "gotta catch them all"     ....   ...  ya, ...



  • (solved "probably")Sudden FPS loss (1fps). I suspect it is related to pressing some setting from the ENB. I changed the buttons on the ENB to those I would be less likely to press, and have not had further problems.
  • (still investigating) Random CTDs. Some times, when loading a save, the game crashes immediately. But, strangely, if I reload the same save, it does not crash. CTD when exiting a building, yet doing the same thing again, and there is no problem.
    • I suspect this is related to SaveAutoSave. It warns you that you must disable the vanilla saves, which I had not done. After disabling the vanilla saves, I have not had these crashes after another hr of game play.
    • MCM info updated.
  • (cosmetics, get to eventually) Z-fighting. some textures (particularly mountains) flicker. This is a known problem with Skyrim. Some people have this worse than others. Also will see it on walls, roofs, etc.
  • (looking into) Papyrus logs. Can't seem to get them to show up. I have enabled them in the skyrim ini.
Posted (edited)

Currently looking for a solution to CTD.  At the end of the papyrus logs, I get the following chunk related to DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc.   From what I've looked up, this is a Better Vampires and Enhanced Blood textures interference.  Some say it only happens when you have a heavy load order, which would apply in this case. 



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Easy way out will be to disable Better Vampires for now.  I would really like to keep this, so if anyone has an idea to make things play nice, please let me know. 

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

I have some more clues to what is happening with Enhanced blood textures zbloodnpc script going nutzo.   Requiem renames DLC1VampireBeastRace to Vampire Lord, so of course EBT is not going to be able to find what it is looking for.  So I'm faced with either finding a way to patch EBT (need some way to open the script, and I'm guessing rename all instances of DLC1VampireBeastRace to "Vampire Lord") or finding some way to drop EBT from the load order.  


Anybody else have any ideas?

Edit Edit:  Using the no script version of Enhanced Blood textures (V1.1).  Loose a few blood splatters, but gain stability and less script load




  • One idea is to use Enhanced Blood Textures V1.1 which has no scripts.  This may be simplest because the STEP Extended Patch has EBT as a master.
    • No more vBloodscript errors in the papyrus log now.  


next:  SM Drop Lit Torch is the next one that is causing a problem.  Don't know if its a conflict perhaps with the lantern mod, or something else. 

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Alright. This pack you've created is probably gonna be my last attempt at trying to get a somewhat stable skyrim install with Requiem. Would you like me transcript any crashes i have? Gonna get this installed within the next 2 days as i have time off work.

Edited by HatchetWarrior
Posted (edited)

Hello, thanks for the interest.  I am currently trying my best to crash the game by trying out as many of the mod's functions as I can (frostfall, horses, lights, followers, etc).  

Currently tracking down why SM Drop Lit Torch is causing problems.  


If you install the load out, I would not advise getting psyched out and starting a full play through right away. I would guess this build is a good 1-2 weeks away from being "stable" enough to do a play through. 



If you are willing to do some testing, use the alternate starts to test the various functions, particularly to play a little of the civil war to test CWO.  I would advise enabling god mode (tgm) just to speed stuff up a little.  

  • test what happens when you win a fight/loose a fight, and with tgm off, see if the Death alternative mod causes problems either. basically do stupid things and try to crash it. 


I also need to figure out if the CCO warnings are a problem or not.  

Take a script, or an error for something missing, and try entering it in TES5Edit and see what is over writing it (enter id values like 3F9A0 in the left box, and a written name in the right hand search box) 

  • solved.  the CCO-Reqtified instructions state to disable the requiem mineorescript.  following that there are no more papyrus errors. 



Edited by Mr_Moal

I'd rather be able to help someone put a pack together and trying to crash the game then just sitting idle and waiting for someone else to do it. I'll get this downloaded next few days and i'll try to crash it as much as possible.


wow, after finding out about the CCO-Reqtified note about requiem and that you need to disable the mine ore script from requiem, the papyrus log is now short enough that the little scroll bar actually got bigger.  That has got to be a first for me.  Major savings on papyrus log spam.   Shows how much I follow my own instructions about reading through at minimum the mod authors front page.   Guess I'll start a mod by mod walk through to check if there is any other funny things in the load order that I could easily fix.  


Its little things like this that cause unnecessary grief yet are easily fixed.  

Posted (edited)

Next bug to solve.   is the following entries in the papyrus log by SM Drop Lit Torch a problem or not


Edit, papyrus log

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I am investigating this because these logs showed up at the bottom of my papyrus logs after a CTD.  It could have been an interaction with another mod, or it may have some how been Drop Lit Torch.  But this mod is really simple and does not seem effect anything else that I can find in TES5Edit.  i have found vague references to other people having CTD they believe is related.  For now the mod is dropped (for simplicity sake), but I would love to add it back, just so useful. 
Edit Edit:  for now, I'm just dropping the mod and moving on.   
Edited by Mr_Moal
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