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  1. Hi, writing about support for the new Community Shaders PBR assets. Hopefully not much would be needed from your side. I will mention some facts I believe are causing issues with LODs. Because the PBR textures are incompatible with vanilla, we use unique paths (textures/pbr/ prefix) to avoid uninten...
  2. I will keep this post brief. Make use of the Help buttons and hover over settings. Do not hesitate to ask questions and provide feedback. This is an ALPHA version to test things and iron out bugs. Certain things may be incomplete, not work as expected or change considerably between versions. Re...
  3. This is a beta of [FNV|FO3|FO4|FO4VR|TES5|SSE|TES5VR|ENDERAL|ENDERALSE]LODGen with terrain LOD meshes and textures generation. This is for experienced mod authors and users that know how to use xEdit, xLODGen or DynDOLOD already. Installation and Setup Download xLODGen beta 130...
  4. I downloaded and installed DynDOLOD from NexusMods a few hours ago. (Version 3.00 Alpha 99) Running the TexGen portion the first time, I received the following error message (text version): [Window Title] TexGen [Main Instruction] Skyrim.ini can not be found. [Content...
  5. Hi! I'm having a couple of DynDOLOD related issues. To begin with, I am using both Legacy of the Dragonborn and Drengin's Blue Palace (+appropriate patches), and the terrace looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3h967n3ako2vxvqjqrfxr/20240114225455_1.jpg It looks like the custom...
  6. I just have a new Property Not Found In Scripts. With Serana Dialogue Addon mod. I included document of the errors. I have Rally's Solstheim AIO mod too. I also tried to install his individual mods that are in the AIO and got same message. I contacted both authors and the one said if it doesn't...
  7. xLODGen beta (47 or newer) and DynDOLOD (2.70 or newer) can be used to update or generate TVDT Occlusion culling data on cell records, which is famously wrong for some cells in Tamriel causing rectangular holes in the distant LOD. Please read the included documentation Skyrim-Occlusion-Readme.t...
  8. Persistent OpenGL error. Not always on the same file however. [02:04] Error: OpenGL: F:\Tools\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\lod\largeimperialtentlod framebuffer objects unsupported. [02:06] Error: OpenGL: F:\Tools\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\lod\whtrimstone1lod framebuffer objects u...
  9. I seem to run into an "assertion error" every time I run Texgen or Dyndolod. Not sure how to go about fixing this; files attached: TexGen_SSE_Debug_log.txt TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  10. I have an issue with Lod Models overlapping with the actual models. All models within the vicinity on first load are fine but when I move away alll lod and billboards for grass, trees, rocks and structures fail to disappear. I ran in order NGIO SSELODGEN, ACMOS, TexGen and lastly DynDOLOD using sett...
  11. I have a big issue. Everything is installed properly, i've read all the precautions and rules around the new versions, but still i'm getting: "DynDOLOD Resources SE version information not found" With another modlist, the previous version did run after i set the needed exceptions in Window...
  12. Ok, so Ive run into a problem: Im getting the "Lod Billboards not found"-message which is weird since I haven't changed a single mod since my last LOD-generation when everything worked just fine (Alpha 30)... I've successfully completed Textgen three times now with no errors so I have no idea w...
  13. I am getting this error when I try to run DynDOLOD: [00:15] Processing 18533 base records for 3267 object LOD and 384 dynamic LOD models [00:50] <Warning: Property not found ccmtysse001_crusaderglobalshrines in scripts\ccmtysse001_shrinecounter.pex ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl ccMTYSSE001...
  14. DynDOLOD DLL NG for Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition and Skyrim VR The DynDOLOD DLL NG supersedes DynDOLOD DLL SE and DynDOLOD DLL VR for DynDOLOD 3. DynDOLOD DLL NG does not use papyrus scripting for dynamic LOD anymore and also fixes large refere...
  15. Got Error C0000142 while running LodGen ("Error: Texconv error C0000142 textures\lod\trees\treeaspenbranchcompautumn03.dds "H:\Dyndolod\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -m 1 -aw 256 -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM -o "C:\Users\redhe\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOLOD_SSE" "C:\Users\redhe\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOL...
  16. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91840 This finally happened.🤣 So, is there a way to prevent DynDOLOD from including these loading screens in its plugins? I'm not bothered by them but I imagine some people out there are. Removing them using xEdit should be easy, but you...
  17. I'm getting errors from dyndolod reporting that Worldspace Editor ID Tamriel is changed by other mods, but none of the mods listed actually touch 0000003C. Various COBJ, ARMO, and ARMA records are listed from the mods. The one thing I believe they all have in common is that they all use ESPFE plugin...
  18. hi, i recently updated my dyndolod and now i have problems running it (i have a fatal error when i run TextGen) - i deleted the hold dyndolod folder and created a new one [00:08] xEdit Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (E:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImple...
  19. Hey! I cannot seem to get this to work after the last update. Getting a wrong "Wrong papyrus scripts found for DynDOLOD.dll" error. I am pretty sure everything is up to date so idk what to do. TexGen_SSE_Debug_log.txt TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  20. I'm running on macOS through wine. My mod list is pretty much pristine and done. ParallaxGen works perfectly, Pandora works perfectly. TexGen my 5th attempt in 10 years of modding skyrim still refuses to work under wine. It reports missing textures: Error: File not found textures\dlc02\archit...
  21. Hi everyone, I've been using DynDOLOD for years and have been using 3.0 for awhile with no issues, I updated to the newest DynDOLOD 3.0 and the newest DynDOLOD SE Resources 3 today and after uninstalling both the old versions and installing the new, ran TEXGEN64x for SSE with no issues and installe...
  22. Texconv error 80070003 - what is it?
  23. I'm getting an error "Fatal: Could not find ini" when running the textgen.exe. I did move my Steam and MO folders to a different hard drive a few weeks ago and am just now updating my Skyrim mod list. I'm having trouble finding out how to fix this, does anyone have ideas?
  24. >Large reference bugs workarounds: disabled (DynDOLOD.DLL: NG, Scripts: NG, Deleted references: yes) There's nowhere i can enable this, this is the dyndolod_sse.ini I dont get debug log, where are those references that i need to clean. Should i enable some other option to get it? So...
  25. DynDOLOD for Skyrim and Enderal 2.3x - 2.8x minor version update post | Major version update Post | Skyrim Special Edition / Skyrim VR / Enderal SE Important This update includes updated papyrus scripts in DynDOLOD Resources 2.45 that require a DynDOLOD.esp generated by DynDOLOD Standalone...
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