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Everything posted by OMGoblins

  1. IDK at this point. I love love love love love and appreciate appreciate appreciate all the work Neovalen is doing on SR:LE. I was holding off on doing a full, fully cleaned, install of SR because I thought LE was around the corner and then when the first revision came out it was pretty much scrapped before I knew it. Now I'm not sure. I like where the current SR:LE is at and is heading, but it's still missing a lot of what I want in my install. I've been debating about trying to mish-mash the origional SR and the current LE, but I just don't know how up to date the June or July 14th SR is. With the v2.0 unofficial patches coming out soon I feel even more reluctant to put the work together until those get released since idk how many more edits and cleaning will be required, I would rather do it all at once TBH. I'm really itching for some Skyrim though and I keep checking these forums although they seem pretty dead compared to just a few months ago :( I hope it isn't because of the move, I know I was a little lost and confused when my favorites link stopped working.
  2. As Aiyen and Neo said, it's not really worth to SLI for Skyrim and really in general it's not the "ideal" way to go. Generally speaking you are always better off going with a single card over a two card setup (whether it's SLI or Crossfire) because a lot of games aren't optimized for it and some are never even updated to be. Usually when games are released there are problems with dual card setups and many of the patches I see are still fixing/improving dual card performance long after single card performance has been optimized for any certain game. So that's one inconvenience you will run into with a dual card setup. This of course can vary from game to game, but it seems to be a fact with almost every big name game I've seen- just going through the patch history for Nvidia/AMD will confirm that dual card problems persist after single cards have been fully optimized. Another problem is that you will never achieve 100% performance increase by adding another card. Even when it comes to one of the best (if not the best) scaling multi-card performers, the GTX Titan, you won't double your performance by adding another in SLI. Now this can be off-set if someone is adding another older card to their setup in SLI rather than upgrading to a newer single card because the older card has depreciated in value enough to make it worth it. In your case however, I'm doubtful this is the case. It's hard to say without knowing exactly which 670 you have, but since it's still from the latest gen (since the only 700 series cards we've seen are all re-branded GK104 boards) you aren't likely to find them at super discount prices quite yet, even on the secondary market. Maybe you can find one at enough of a discount to make yourself comfortable with the performance gains, but I would advise against it. The biggest problem with running SLI is that besides not gaining 100% performance increase with each card, there are some benefits you wont see at all. In your case I would argue the biggest weakness of your card (for Skyrim specifically- as it's plenty good for other games) is your 2GB RAM. At your resolution of 1920x1200 (which I run as well) you will be okay with 2GB as long as you cut back on your textures, but ideally you want 3GB or more. I've seen a few people posting performance screen shots on here lately, using a mix of 1k and 2k textures and they've had a bit over (2.1-2.4 GB) VRAM usage. That's pretty consistent with what I've seen with my own install. Now with other games besides Skyrim heavily modded with textures- you won't have any problems with a 2GB card, especially at 1200p. So it's really up to you whether increased performance in Skyrim is worth changing cards. Adding a card in SLI will do nothing for this problem because they don't add their VRAM together, it just doesn't work like that. So the biggest weakness I see with your current setup wont become a strength adding another card. If you are looking for advice on what to do, I would personally recommend selling your current card and buying a better single card solution. Although my first question for you would be: how well does your current card overclock? or are you interested in overclocking? Because if you aren't then it becomes harder to suggest a replacement. Personally I love to overclock and I think you might as well, judging by your i5-3570k (same card I have, very nice). With that in mind I decided, personally, to go with a MSI R7950 3GB Twin Frozr. When I bought this card a year ago, it was $309 AR with 3 games. Well it hasn't moved much since- currently $319 w/ Crysis 3 no rebate LOL. Although there have been other 7950's at $250 recently, I use slickdeals alerts to keep on top of the Nvidia and AMD video card sales. The only problem is some of the newer 7950s are becoming voltage locked, I think the Sapphire 7950 base-model, I think it's called Dual-X is still voltage unlocked though and I believe the MSI one still is for sure as well (as well as using a 7970 PCB). I always go with MSI cards because of the cooler.    So why do I recommend this card? That some would argue is inferior to a 670? And at stock, they would be correct. In my experience and in my research I haven't found that to be the case when both cards are overclocked though. It's been argued ad nauseum why AMD went with such conservative stock clocks compared to Nvidia's aggressive stock clocks, personally I have no clue. I upgraded from a MSI 560-Ti Hawk 1GB which was a very good overclocker for me and worked very well for my modded Fallout: New Vegas playthroughs. Skyrim was a whole other level of beast though and I knew I needed to upgrade especially in the VRAM department if I wanted to push the level of beauty in textures and ENB. Anyways- here is what I was able to do with my card *straight out of the box*. plug it in, update drivers- no problems. Run MSI Afterburner and start tweaking. I ended up going to 1200Mhz core and 1700Mhz memory clock speeds with no problems stress testing. When I went to play Skyrim I did get occasional artifacting though, which was annoying. I ended up finding from someone on here that I should put the memory at 1525Mhz and then I had no problems whatsoever. This is a pretty nice overclock, but 1100Mhz core is considered the "Standard" you should expect from a good 7950 card. At 1050Mhz/1500Mhz your card will be as good as a 7970 Ghz which is generally better/on par with a 680. But you can push these cards even further, I don't know what 1200Mhz core 1525Mhz memory is equal to, but it's damn powerful I'll tell you. I might be able to use higher memory clock now, idk, but I've upgraded my RAM and cpu since I last tried, plus the drivers have advanced quite a bit. I haven't actually even tried pushing the card further, because I don't need it lol. All this was on stock 1.2 voltage, I like to keep my cpu and gpu at stock voltages just to keep energy costs efficient. Now I know you can overclock a 670 or even a 680, but I haven't seen them able to overclock 40% like the 7950, seems much more like 10% because GK104 seems to have an upper limit, even on the newer 760/770. Both have their advantages, but if you are looking for a more powerful single card solution then I think the overclocking headroom and bigger VRAM, wider bus width (384-bit vs 256-bit) are what clinches it for me. All of this is from my personal experience, but I've found I'm not alone in my observations and after doing a lot of research to make sure I was pretty well informed (I build gaming systems as a job). Using the anandtech GPU bench you can find some useful numbers, but since everything is at stock you really need to be able to project what kind of power you can get out of a card, which is hard with these top models. I also found this thread on OCN that's recent and almost unanimously people recommend the 7950 over 670 for ENB modded Skyrim. As well as recommended another good option for an unlocked, powerful model- the HIS X2. Some say they like it better than the MSI TF3, both use the 7970 PCB so both are going to be solid overclockers (latest review states 1175/1740 overclock for the HIS, I've seen many 1200 core clocks for the MSI). I know you weren't specifically looking for an alternate single card solution and were instead asking about SLI, but since that isn't an option to give you what you want (the ENB performance) I'm just trying to help (anyone who might read this) find that perfect performance solution (not to mention it's a similar or lower price than a lot of the 670 I see on slickdeals which range from 290-320 for the 2GB and 400+ for the 4GB versions). I would say one last thing: the 4 game "never settle: reloaded" bundle is gone from most online retailers and most cards only come with Crysis 3 right now, but there have been leaked rumors and images of what's to come. With the "new" 700 series cards coming out and 8000 series coming out later this year or early next, I would look for the current 7000 series to drop a bit more fairly soon and the next  "never settle" bundle to drop at the same time. an AMD VP has already linked Battlefield 4 to the next bundle and there have been rumors (unconfirmed/denied) of some other titles linked to the future roadmap of the promotion: GRID2, Company of Heroes 2, Total War: Rome II, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Lost Planet 3, Raven's Cry, and Watch Dogs. It's hard to tell what will actually be included, but with the huge success the Reloaded bundle with Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, and Bioshock Infinite had- I think we can expect big things in the future. Ciao.
  3. Agree that most of these mods aren't needed or already included. Organized Bandits is one mod I am interested in and haven't gotten a chance to take a look at yet. Another is Immersive Patrols. I think I remember hearing these two might have some conflicts, but it was going to be something I look at when I get my installation done. DCO is something I've always wondered about. First I tried Enhanced Mighty Dragons, it definitely made the dragons much harder to kill, but not really much harder to fight tactic-wise. Even though it made the dragons a lot more varied, they all really didn't have very varied AI. I wonder if DCO would be better or not. I am definitely looking at Deadly Dragons for my dragon mod of choice this next time around, but I'm not sure if DCO is recommended on top or not. I know there is a compatible version, but I haven't seen any information from reliable sources aka someone from these forums LOL. Another mod I personally like is Immersive Settlements, it's still growing and expanding, but it's pretty impressive so far. I really found the daily live of Skyrim to be lacking. The adventures are epic and the fights are epic (with SR that is) but the worldspace isn't really touched upon to my tastes. Sure, everything looks amazing, but I feel like there isn't enough going on outside of the Dovahkiin's story. The mod's I've settled on to rectify the situation are the following (on top of SR + the SkyRe guide) 1. Immersive Settlements - Really fleshes out the settlements to make them more complete and give them a deeper feel. 2. Immersive Patrols - Adds patrols and NPCs of various factions, resulting in battles and traffic in the worldspace, rather than seeing a traveler or two every couple hours on the road you will get the feeling you aren't the only person out in Skyrim needing to get somewhere. 3. Travelers of Skyrim - Adds more NPCs with specific functions to the roads, helps lend to immersion of a level of inter-province economy outside of the shipping companies. 4. Inconsequential NPCs - Amazing, adds many "inconsequential" NPCs that are just concerned with living their lives scratching out an existence in the harsh climate of Skyrim. 5. a housing mod or two. Thinking a Breezehome one maybe and possibly The Eagles Nest or something else that feels like it has some life for a player home. I think Organized Bandits would be a nice addition to the list to breath new life (and carnage and death) into the world. Another mod that I am following closely that really finishes off the world to my liking is Civil War Overhaul. Not all of these mods are in a final or even first complete draft state, so there are bound to be some problems. So I am taking my time learning how to install properly and work through problems, etc. waiting for SR LE to mature along with these mods. Undoubtedly some of these mods use scripts and add more NPCs so I might have to cut back on some mods or texture sizes, but I think it will give a much better impression of living in a large country filled with enough people to actually make the existence of these cities and places believable. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd like to hear. Thanks for sharing, OP, and hope you like my suggestions as well.
  4. No' date=' I used all 2k texture packs :) Â There in lies the problem, but I will wait for SR:LE none the less.[/quote'] Are you planning on updating your current SR when LE comes out or completely uninstalling SR for a clean install of LE? Not sure it will even be possible or at least worth it. A lot will be the same, but it sounds like there will be a number of added/removed/changed mods so you are still going to need to do a bit of work to get everything to play well. I am personally waiting to install LE. If I install SR before it comes out I will be starting from scratch. It shouldn't be a HUGE problem to update it, but it's going to be a tricky process in a spot or two I'm sure. Much better to make sure that when you run into bugs (because I'm sure it will happen) that you can narrow down the cause to to help fix the guide, rather than creating bugs because of how it was updated.
  5. I gotta agree, Sounds like you have a reasonably stable game. It looks to me like you have Skyrim Revisited, along with the ASIS-SkyRe, and on top some extra mods? Or at least ones I'm not recognizing off the top of my head. Really, I don't know how many .esps you have, but that could be an issue if you are getting up to 255 as the commonly accepted cap iirc, but you could run into problems with less even maybe? You say it's not a RAM issue, but it could still be a script issue, or a combination of the two producing too much overall strain at once. You could try cutting back a few textures here and there or optimizing a few more or cutting out some heavy scripted mods. I don't think you're going to get that magic bullet answer because I'm not sure there is one. If you installed the guide correctly, followed the ASIS-SkyRe guide correctly, properly optimized textures, properly cleaned other mods you added, properly followed BOSS and edited BUM, properly configured all the bashed/general/compatibility patches, and have good hardware settings (with good stable overclocks if you have them) then you shouldn't have too many problems. What you are describing sounds like a slight pain, but as long as there is nothing reproducible or occurring multiple times in multiple places... then I think you are about as good as you can get. Save often etc, otherwise it becomes a question of do you want all the XYZ features and deal with a little bit of chaos or do you want 100% stability but miss out on XYZ features. If you can get the game more stable, then that's awesome! But, I think I was playing with worse freezing and CTD than you when I had my installation (it was really dirty and quickly put together). I mean I was crashing left and right sometimes and had multiple times I had to load an old save just to get my current one to load. I still played the heck out of it for awhile, now I decided I would like to get my game to your level of stability and so I'm redoing everything correctly. I would say that the one thing that sounds like it is a bug or something is up is the random NPC attack, I don't think I've heard of that happening- but... if it's just happening in Riverwood then I think you should be okay as those NPC aren't really important. It sucks, but.. it's a small thing compared to the majesty of the rest of the game.
  6. I like this, any comments on the performance hit and how it achieves its effects? Like does this mod add more scripts? It sounds and looks great though for giving really intense storms. I have just started checking out more of your mods, MannyGT, and they all seem quality. Looks like this is compatible with all the popular weather mods included in STEP and SR.
  7. I actually thought there was some mention of prostitute NPC in Skyrim, like in riften? or whatever the thieves city was. Must have been my imagination. Nonetheless, I do like the idea and implementation of this mod. I like how this helps flesh out the daily lives and cities of Skyrim. Even though I would likely not take advantage of the services. I think the buff is debatable, but I am leaning towards liking it, especially if you can implement it to spouses. I'm not exactly sure what the buff is and I didn't see the explanation on the file page. So if you could provide that information, I would appreciate it. I think it should be a small enough bonus to not to make a big deal out of it. Overall while this isn't sexually explicit in anyway, it might be too much for some people, but I think it is indeed lore-friendly and definitely adds to immersion.
  8. I love how good these look. I am partial to the golden option myself, but both look amazing.
  9. Wow sounds great, really brings in some staple rpg elements that I never really noticed were missing. I like how it isn't *just* more weapons, it opens up more combat and strategic options.
  10. Gotcha, so all these textures are indoors only and not featured in the outdoor worldspace? (or at least not featured much besides the entrance) That makes a lot of sense and something I thought about before, it's nice to hear confirmation and thank you for clearing up the confusion Aiyen.
  11. So how does everyone actually feel about Mighty Magick, Forgotten Magic, and Apocalypse Spell Package? I see Apocalypse Spell package is recommended by T3ndo and SkyRe. I looked at it and I like some of it, but there is some that I just don't know how I feel about it- some spells seem a bit powerful or useless. Forgotten Magic Redone certainly looks cool with its system of upgrading spells, I like that a lot. I also think it fits in well being a limited selection of spells. This is the magic mod I like the best and definitely want to install. Mighty Magick though, I'm just not sure. It sounds pretty good when I read through it.. but I did already enjoy the magic perks overhaul in SkyRe and I'm not sure how this new magic system stacks up balance wise with the rest of the SkyRe changes. So what does everyone think?
  12. I really like the work skyrimaguas does so I think I will check this out on my next install. I think I too became bored with the look of rocks so maybe this will make it look a bit more interesting. Thanks.
  13. I liked the dungeons from my latest SR install, but I can't say that I was blown away by them or anything. I didn't really notice anything great or bad, so it was enjoyable. I personally really like raiserfx's work and I will likely try this out when I get my new install done, which could be awhile since IDK when I will work on it. I think they do solid work and as long as the textures look good optimized to 1K I will be very happy with using this mod.Â
  14. I am interested in seeing what people think about this, from my last install of Skyrim Revisited, I thought the caves and mines certainly looked okay. I'm not sure I was completely blown away by them though. I didn't install every little mod (but definitely did the big overhauls and the Snow and Rocks Textures HD). One thing I was disappointed with was the flow of walls to ore veins. I'm not sure what it was about it, but something just struck me as off and I will be looking to do something different to get a different effect. I have always liked the work from Raiserfx from the other mods I've seen and so I think this should get a serious consideration. The only thing I don't like is that it is 2K textures, I feel like no matter what kind of card you are using (MSI R7950 OC to 1200Mhz/1525Mhz 3GB) It just doesn't make sense to use anything above 1k for these elaborate (SR) installs. I would hope the mods would optimize down well and that would be my only concern.
  15. Same as others, I feel this looks and sounds great. Haven't used it yet, but I will definitely be adding into my next install (SR+Iroha guide). Good to know about the small tweak and I cannot wait to use this.
  16. I love the sound of this, I don't have a current install set up and I didn't use this for my last so I cannot comment on it, but I have read about it and it was definitely something I planned on incorporating following the SR and Iroha guide.
  17. Very interested for this mod to be vetted by others as I don't have a game install set up and will be working on that for the time being. I would love to have more enhanced sounds, especially the vanilla sounds. This sounds great and the only problem I see would be the esps, but if those could be combined into one, or even incorporated into an esp with some other mods that would be awesome. sounds very good though, lolpun.
  18. This sounds really cool, especially with no esp needed. Even if it doesn't cover every dragon added by dragon mods, it still seems like an improvement and maybe work can/will be done to incorporate this into those mods or a compatibility patch.
  19. Yes, I hope I understood what you were saying and explained it right. I do feel like my explanation of what happened with the enemy AI probably isn't worth much because I don't have much experience with other enemy AI mods to compare to. Basically it seemed to make NPCs really aggressive. I only once saw an enemy say they yield- it was a lone spellcaster at a standing stone or some such. Something else I noticed was that my companions would say "I yield, etc" fairly often after being beaten down by a dragon for instance. They would fall to their knees, then when I healed them or they got up on their own they would yield and start running. I usually healed them more after that and they turned around and started fighting again, but I think they did so even if I didn't heal them. This didn't happen all the time either, mostly just with dragons (maybe exclusively so). I never saw an enemy run and hide though or seek cover, and I'm not sure if there is a mod that does that or not? I have heard that maybe SkyRe implements such AI for ranged characters and spellcasters, but I'm not sure- I can't say I noticed it. I definitely want to find an AI that focuses on making the enemies more defensive and harder to kill. It's rather easy for me to play defensive personally. Again, I was using multiple followers and playing a destruction/restoration mage so that made it easier. Next playthrough I will be a melee character with only one follower, maybe two.Â
  20. I used Enhanced Enemy AI with my recent install of most of SR + SkyRe (no ASIS). It was just a quick and dirty (8 hours) install with no editing and probably 90% of the mods from SR plus a few extras I added. I wasn't wow'ed by the mod, but I didn't see anything stupid happen either. It's the only AI mod I have used so I can't compare it to others. I think I will try SkyRe enemy AI next time. I will say the enemies were agressive as were my followers, it was mostly straight up charge eachother and go at it style. When I did a brawl against Uthgerd she pretty much powered attacked 90% of the time, which I think was a bad decision based on the way SkyRe combat works (being very stamina dependent) but I didn't see that type of behavior in regular combat. I was using multiple followers, Lydia (sword and shield) and Uthgerd (2H), Faendal (bow) and Jzargo ( destruction mage). I used 3 at a time. I was a destruction mage. Like I said, I didn't see much (if any) defensive AI from my companions, it was more charge and hack- same with the opponents. I didn't run into many shield wielding foes except for the falmer and I honestly cant remember seeing anyone using their shield, like ever. I feel that might be a part where SkyRe AI might be better? I did notice that enemies didn't bunch up tight together, but tended to spread out a bit.. same with Lydia and Uthgerd. Faendal absolutely refused to use a bow when given a crossbow (I hope the bow damage enchant affects crossbows too, otherwise he's a doofus) and he kept a good distance when fighting. Perhaps too far really, Im not really sure how effective he was, but I did find a lot of his bolts on dead bodies especially dragons so he must've been hitting them. Jzargo was the most effective after Faendal I think, he was often throwing lightning and was at a closer distance than Faendal. It did lead to him taking some damage, but not much at all. Lydia really just wanted acting as defensive as I hoped she would. She did well as a meatshield because I gave her really nice armor and shield, but there were no defensive tactics exhibited and she was repeatedly "knocked out" in almost every fight (I had all them set to essential). Enemies really focused on her though as the only melee threat while I was usually the second closest person using my flames spell I was rarely attacked unless I wandered too close or there was an archer (in which case they targeted me rather than shooting into the melee, which was good AI I believe, same with Mages). I don't know how the AI affected dragons, I was using Enhanced Mighty Dragons (Mighty or level 5 of 9 in terms of power I think). They were very hard and very long fights. Well not hard so much... just long. I would get one hit by dragons, but most of the time it wasn't a problem. They would repeatedly only go after Lydia as well, she could take a few hits, I would heal, etc. Even when she was knocked unconcious I didn't see them go after me or Jzargo or Faendal except with their breath weapon. Usually they would land, Lydia would run up and they would melee her, but as I approached into range they would 90% of the time use it against me and 10% of the time against Lydia (even if I was flanking), rarely did they pursue me, though the few times I got too close I was crushed by their tail or bitten and thrown and instantly killed. I noticed Jzargo and Faendal would take damage from the dragon fights as well, but mostly from breath weapons as well. I don't think the dragons pursued or attacked us real ranged threats very well at all. The only time I ran into problems was in against a They did a good job keeping their distance from melee and running from me and Jzargo as we closed in on them in casting range, but eventually they ran right over a cliff and down a mountainside and I had a hell of a time recouping my group (they spread out and went in crazy directions or stood at the cliffs edge even though the enemy was out of range and just stood there.. I eventually ran into them with sprint to try and get them to move and find a path, which worked when they were on the edge of the shallow cliff, but not the big mountainside one) and getting us all down to them (had to use EFF group stop combat, follow me, fast travel to get them to group up with me), only for them to go back up the cliff where my followers AI couldn't reach (and I had a hard time since it was very sheer cliff) only to chase them back down further to another cliff.  Anyways, there was some good parts about the AI, but most of it was terrible- although to be fair without essential status all of us would have been dead (well I healed really easily, so I would have ran). Overall, I wouldn't say it's bad and better than what I saw in vanilla AI (although I didn't play much vanilla, only 8 hours or so), but I will be looking at SkyRe's next because it supposedly enhances the AI to promote survivability over just sheer aggressiveness (which this mod wasn't lacking in at all- if you love aggressive enemies then get it for sure, because that part of it was very good). Depends on how you want to play.
  21. This is one of the only mods I replaced the in the SR character mods, over realistic teeth. Like has been said it's simple and really not something that should be noticed if it's done right. I go back to the "realistic for time period argument" Are perfect teeth realistic for the time period? no. Do they look a helluva lot better than dirty rotten teeth? yes. I like it. I don't have a current installation going right now though, I am working on putting a new one together and will be including this for sure though.
  22. .... Vanilla seems better to me. EDIT: Plus, old books weren't produced in industrial scale, thus the more "unique" looks. ....I think these are fine. I'm not thrilled that you can't tell what skill you will level by picking one up - plus it's generally harder to identify skill and quest books - though this is probably more "immersive" if annoying. On my last playthrough of SR (only one actually) I didn't install Book Covers because it was such a big file and had a lot of cleaning that needed to be done (and I didn't clean anything-intentionally-just to see if I could get a quick game going, which I did very successfully). So I don't know if it was because I didn't clean or didn't add another mod, but I didn't see any indication of what skill would be leveled before I picked the book up. Some you could tell by names what it might be, but since it was my first ever playthrough I couldn't tell what 95% would level up what skill. It wasn't ideal for "min/maxing" but it was quite an immersive experience. I can say without a doubt that these new textures are a great improvement over the vanilla textures. The only reason I didn't add them is because of the size of the mod. It's larger than all my Skyrim 2K Lite mods together? How does this affect performance would be my only question. Because that is the only reason I would see to pass on this mod is if the performance hit on the RAM limit is too much. Just to add in-case no one knows, but the Author is combining his texture mod with the new book meshes mod that will make each book approximately 15% more effective resource-wise I believe, while restoring book mesh structure to pre-Skyrim default of wrap around covers rather than front/back/side/etc. I believe this will only improve the mod in every aspect. I would also point out that the whole "old books wouldn't look so good" argument is really tired at this point. Books aren't the only items that look brand-new. Tons of clutter including almost everything in dwemer ruins, pottery, draugr tombs vases.. also clothing, hair, skin are all "new and/or clean" looking, not what you might expect from people living in such a time. Let's face it, magic and heroic skill (including heroic crafting skill) are abound in The Elder Scrolls Universe and you just have to deal with it. For every 1 thing that should look dirty in some peoples opinions (even if it looks less good) there are 5 things that are clean, because they look better aesthetically.
  23. I used this mod with SR overwriting the 2 other hair mods currently in the guide. I love it, I used the 2k and I didn't use the optional or anything just the main file. I thought it looked great. I didn't have any problems with it and while I wasn't using an ENB I thought the hair looked very natural and just cleaner. I don't mean shampoo and conditioner clean, but rather it just meshed well with the rest of the scene. The NPCs don't have dirty clothes (despite not having clothes washers or detergent) they don't have dirty plates, etc (despite not having dish washers or Dawn) they don't have dirty skin (despite not having bubble baths and body wash). So why should they have ratty hair? It sticks out like a sore thumb instead of blending into the entire picture. I was using UNPB+Mature Texture (Clean, no moles/scars), etc. The basic Skyrim Revisited character mods. I feel like this mod looked the best when I compared to AOF. Apachii Hair is a joke in my opinion and I never use it for my install because it always looks ridiculous when I do (outside of a couple hair styles). This not only allowed me to use some of the *VANILLA* long hair styles I wouldn't have touched with just AOF, etc. It allowed me to look good and made everyone else look good too. I think it's silly to argue about how clean or dirty hair would likely have been when we aren't applying the same standards to clothes and skin and clutter, etc. I was also using the recommended Skyrim Revisited set up of RLO+CoT, etc, etc. The only thing I didn't do was add an ENB (yet).
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