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wellden last won the day on January 5 2017

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  1. Yes I should have clarified...sorry about that. He was referring to autoclean and I suppose cleaning those 2 DLC in general as xEdit could "possibly", he said, interpret the changed FormID's as ITM's (which the older cleaning method would too I imagine)...therefore he advised against cleaning at all. I know he doesn't recommend cleaning DLC in FNV either...although like you...I always have. I did not this time per his advice ...as you said, he knows a thing or two ;) When I cleaned the navs from the Pitt and BS, LOOT reported them as clean...go figure! Oh and speaking of newer mods...this one by StewieAl of FNV fame adds the falloutcustom.ini (which combines fallout.ini and prefs.ini) into one ini that is read first at runtime...making ini edits so much easier to copy/paste among a slew of other useful commands if it is to your liking. You might have seen it already but thought I would share if you don't mind. Edit...Yes "Quick Autoclean"!! Hate not being able to edit posts!
  2. Glad to help. I just fixed mine (been busy with other things) and the only mod updated from the list was DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm that I saw. Also of note, since Sreetlights.esm is above BrokenSteel.esm, the "ID to replace w/original" in Michael's instruction list you linked will be "0400.*" instead of "0300.*" I just bet we could still clean the remaining DLC with the exception of Pitt and BS...but your call there ;) Thank you for a wonderful guide all these years and for continued work on it.
  3. Can't edit post so to clarify #2 no autoclean used on DLC's
  4. Hi Kelmych - Just a note fwiw that I just had a discussion with @RoyBatty on discord (#troubleshooting TTW) last night and today about any procedures he recommended and this was his take : 1. deleting the navs can potentially break some mods, but he still recommends doing it as described only waiting until full modlist is in place so xEdit should update any ID's in the list 2. since he says xEdit can possibly flag the changed ID's as ITM's, he recommended NO autoclean to be used Just wanted to share this info and hope it helps. Some folks were asking Michael (GP) and don't know if he got around to asking him or not...so I did
  5. Thank you and fixed! I am in LE and unmerged MM. This made the compatibility with Better Dynamic Snow much better, just leaving me a few conflicts to resolve in xEdit and the mountains now only have very few places like in the pic. Don't know how you do all of this but am really glad you do....many thanks!!
  6. Hi sheson! Hope I am in the right forum here. I recently remodded 32bit skyrim just for kicks. Seems I got kicked. I am using 2.37 standalone and 2.30 resources. The mod (and the author is helping all he can) is Majestic Mountains. I am using "darkside" and the matching lods at 1024 (tried 512 too). My apologies if posting mod breaks forum rules, but a really nice author and the mod looks great and I also use it in SSE (no problems with lod generation in SSE). Having taken my load order all the way back to vanilla (Skyrim LE) and that mod and running DynDOLOD, the problem persists and the author mentions UV problem and 1st lod level (I assume lod level 4?). When I hide the "objects" folder of .bto's in tamriel world (in MO) of course the problem is gone, but I would assume this would also apply to other worlds generated (I only was testing tamriel for speed) When walking closer to mountains, they pop into view correctly. I am including my full log with all worlds and an image of ingame. I have never run into this since DynDOLOD came out and while I am aware of mesh rules, would appreciate any guidance you might offer in how to use them if need be to rid this problem. I have RTFM many times. "Custom settings for specific mods", but need to learn to fix this myself if possible for this mod. Everything else looks great. Majestic Mountains is merged into "Landscape and Environment Merge" and I have tried this without merging as well with the same results. Using relinker for merges. Please let me know if you need anything else and thanks for your time Log Image
  7. I love the guide here and wanted to add my 2 cents about Wyrmstooth, which I have played many times and loved. Probably not the best mod ever made...but it goes without saying in my mind that his talent is evident when you first step in. You are definitely playing a way above average mod here. It's like ICoW....there's just something about it. Or LAL and the list goes on...if there is a suitable way to get it in that is agreeable with the guide authors this would be a good thing IMO
  8. Thanks for everything! Got it going now :) Great work as always...you had 16 endorsements for DynDOLOD when I first downloaded it (17 counting mine) and changed Skyrim forever
  9. Sorry for any confusion. I was referring to terrain lod generation with xLodgen and world map flicker. I will test the settings more to see what what lessens this. I was asking (albeit in a bad way) which settings could be adjusted to control this flicker. Thanks for your time
  10. Hey sheson...just wanted to ask you. When running DynDOLOD on medium and xLodgen terrain LOD32 optimize unseen at 600, I noticed pretty heavy flicker when panning the world map around the waters of Solitude. Backing 600 to 550 seemed to correct that. Now re-running DynDOLOD on high (with LOD32 optimize unseen at 550) the flicker is back with a vengence. Is this the correct setting for this? I saw alt3rn1ty mention this earlier...but no resolution. I know you said xLodgen and DynDOLOD were independent of each other..so my question is..what do you recommend to control this? Not a big deal at all..just curious...Thanks!
  11. Thank you sheson for the clarification. This is the order I have been using (I got lucky) I thought Texgen was still needed for objects. Many thanks for the amazing work you put in for the community
  12. I too was wondering about the order everyone is using. Thanks alt3rn1ty about the tip of 600 for optimize unseen...was using 500 with good results. I am still using texgen with Dyndolod, but only terrain lod with xLodGen (SSE). Would appreciate any advice!
  13. Hey! Just upgraded a few components and am remodding AGAIN, but backed up the merges so I don't have to do that over again! Mine with the base game is fine...it's later on I have the problem described. Last year I had a build that was as close to flawless as I can imagine and the only things changing that I know of are the 4GB LAA isn't applied at runtime anymore and the UOP plus addition. Tested it without the latter, still the same. I should note that I NEVER had to use Enboost with the Fallout series until this year. I use it for Skyrim 32bit and Oblivion, but never FO3 or FNV. Had to for FNV this year to eliminate a good bit of the problem described. No files to share ATM, but will do when finished. Going to test without Enboost again and see! I never use enb...just a sweetfx preset that I love ;)
  14. Hi all- Been modding for many years and am pulling my hair out on this one (not much to pull anymore) Always use Essarrbee's wonderful guide for pointers and a few mods of my own. The last 2 builds, game runs smooth as silk 98% of time...except on load after FT. Then panning mouse causes bad fps lag (almost like screenshots) for a few seconds until smooth. Things different on last 2 builds: 1. modded game on my ssd instead of hdd like before (never had this on hdd...odd) also clean install creators build win 10 (eh?) 2. cannot use breplaceheap in NVSR due to out of memory errors... =0, no errors (oddly enough COULD use it on hdd) exact same system (i7, gtx1070, 16GB system ram) am using nvse_config 3. tried many ini tweaks 4. went back one mod at a time and found NMC to be main culprit..optimized it with ddsopt (again..never had to on hdd)...still there. Tried smallest pack and better...but always used medium before (unoptimized) with excellent results I know not a lot to go on, but if anyone else has experienced anything remotely like this with a working fix or something close to one , please advise! Thanks for all you do gang!
  15. FWIW...having enjoyed using all of these guides as well as me and coming across this thread and some others, I decided to test with fairly heavily modded Oblivion. I will test some more, but I too have noticed a slight fps increase by uninstalling this mod (minimap reboot). Nexus member forli says he found it incompatible with OBGE, but wasn't sure about OR
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