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Everything posted by runsbuns

  1. Hi again dreadflopp, just wanted to drop by and mention a little immersive mod "called Simply bigger giants and mammoths", does what it says on the tin:)
  2. Nice, will check it out:)
  3. Looking in Sseedit it seems ssedit Critters adds "Do Not Report Crimes Against Members" flag + the "Ignore Crime" flag, NARC only adds the "Ignore Crime" flag. So I would use narc if using skytest and critters if not.
  4. Nice modular and very stable modlist Dreadflopp:) Have some of suggestions: 1. Scarcity SE - basically reduces the vanilla loot fest. 2. Travellers of Skyrim - "adds 50 new NPCs that travel between over 30 locations in Skyrim" 3. SkyTest - Better animal behavior, there's a light optional file I have used without problems in the past. 4. Maevan2's Mature skin texture for cbbe - still the best skin texture in my opinion, with it's perfect imperfection options:) 5. NARC Remade - No Animals Report Crimes - self explanatory:) 6. Racial Body Morphs or FK's Diverse Racial Skeletons - "Gives all races and genders unique height and body morphs based on lore and abilities" 7. Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul - Good looking overhaul without "dollyfying" the npc's.
  5. Great mod list dreadflopp:) Just wanted to ask if not including the optional lodgen textures for Cathedral Landscapes is an oversight or on purpose? Also there's a mod called "Honed Metal Voiced" description: "Love the idea of ordering armor/weapons from smiths, but dislike subtitle-only dialogue or mismatched lines? This is an addon to Honed Metal SE, which switches out its lines with linked vanilla dialogue". Update: The silver Arrows page is missing
  6. Coming back to me3 after a loooong time the modding scene is a bit overwhelming(for me at-least). So I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a good up to date me3 modding guide, like the Neovalen modding guides for example?
  7. Just wanted to drop by and mention AI Overhaul SSE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21654?tab=description as a lightweight but still actively developed alternative to Immersive Citizens.
  8. Maybe try TechAngel85 guide before you mess with the big boys : https://wiki.step-project.com/User:TechAngel85/SSE_Guide/v2 , it's more modest in scope.
  9. Wondered that myself, but after extracting the hos file and finding no coif folder I would assume no:)
  10. Could the elfx enhancer plugin be interesting again with the new ELFX Enhancer Brighter Lights mod?
  11. Yeah kind of missing the city overhauls, maybe it's time to dust of the good ol' AI Overhaul
  12. It would be nice to see a loot mod in the guide, like: Unique Loot Dynamic Dungeon Loot MorrowLoot Ultimate
  13. Suggestion: Miscellaneous Quests...as Miscellaneous Quests
  14. I been trying to make my own personal light version of Lexy's guide, I still lack a lightweight alternative start mod for sse(basicly just a skip helgen mod), does anybody know of a stable,simple start mod?
  15. I think the UNP Blessed Body Fit Armors and Clothing ones are ready to use as is and the author of Immersive Armors CBBE and UUNP Refit writes this on the bottom of the mod page: Note that the prepacked default meshes are fitted to the either the CBBE Curvy body shape or the standard UNP bodyshape depending on your choice of CBBE or UUNP, with no HDT physics. If you want a different body shape or HDT support, you'll need to run the armors through Bodyslide.
  16. Just wanted to drop by and compliment the good work with the guide Darkladylexy Also I wanted to ask if you have looked at alternative meshes for immersive armors, like UNP Blessed Body Fit Armors and Clothing or Immersive Armors CBBE and UUNP Refit ?
  17. I found the lighting mods I used last time to give Geralt a more consistent look in & out of cutscenes. Cutscene lighting - https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2464Or No cutscene lighting - https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/858
  18. Nice to see the guide consistently updated Neovalen:) Last time I followed your guide I seem to remember having some trouble with Geralt's hair color having a yellow tint with your suggested mods . In the end though I seem to remember finding a lighting mod that alleviated the problem, but I can't seem to remember/find the specific mod, do you or anyone else remember a lighting mod that helps alleviate the yellow hair tint problem?
  19. The biggest performance saver for me, has been to focus my mod use for a specific type of playthrough. I know its nice to have many options during a playthrough, but you can really peel away at your load order if you limit yourself, here's a couple of basic examples: Robe wearing mage - You can proberly skip Immersive Armors and other weapon and armor mods? Vampire & Werewolfs - Maybe decide if you want if you want to be either and if so skip the other and maybe skip wearable lanterns and just use night-eye? New quest mods - I usally limit my use of immersion mods(frostfall ect.) and maybe skip Immersive Creatures when the focus is try out the new quest's. Besides that, if you do the reseach there are lighter alternatives(not as cool, but lighter) for alot of the mods you use like: RS Children to Rustic Children Deadly Dragons to Dragons Injector v1.5 Trade And Barter to Harder Trading Ect. It all comes down to what do you really need for your playthrough and what are you willing to sacrifice?
  20. How about a radio mod that adds to the limited soundtrack?
  21. You properly know about this one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5559/? ?
  22. Just found this guide, really hope you pick it up again at some point. Like many others, I usually overmod my bethesda games without fully knowing what I'm doing :confused: So a guide like this is appreciated big time
  23. Does anybody have the old Dawn of... Regs 3dnpc/Inpc patch ?
  24. Lets say I wanted to use a basic non-nude UNP without tbbp/bbp, could I install Unpb Blessed body with static options and overwrite it with the basic unp body mesh? Or should I just follow the old guide regarding animations and body mesh?: https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition&oldid=27202
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