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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. i actaully think it is Alternate Start. cos it has that flickerking issue in the prision cell, so you load gform the prison into an interior cell (like an inn) and you still get said issue. However if you load out then load back in it's gone. If you load outside you never get flickering issue when loading into an interior cell.
  2. it might be as the aren't being overwritten by anything.
  3. what sort of sound issue are you getting?
  4. yes it Wyrmstooth that keeps doing this
  5. just out of interest how compatible is Vividian ENB 7.35 with Vivid Weathers?
  6. I didn't really have much time to check out Thunderchild was have massive Script lag issue when i was trying to test it so i dropped it I agree i do prefer the older ENB I am not sure how compatbile it is with Vivid Weather I am still investigating. i have spend most of the day reinstalling then trying to figure out why is keeped flickering from light to dark which I belive I have narrowed it down.
  7. figured it out and working ini file had iRadialBlurLevel=2 instead of iRadialBlurLevel=1 also think Alternate start was doing some weridness too. but it all ok now.
  8. yes I have even created a new profile in MO disabled all mods but vivid Weathes. SKSE, and One Tweak and it still flickers.
  9. i haven't touched the MCM at all and it was doing this saved and reloaded 3 time and it is stil doing it going to redownload and reinstall and see if that fixes it
  10. done that Plus MCM unchanged EDIT SORTED. needed to set iRadialBlurLevel=1 in Skyrimpref.ini file, Plus Alternate Start might be doing some weridness. Something for the Grand Master to Invetigate lol.
  11. hi small issue with vivid weathers flickering to darkness when moving the mouse this on a brand new game: Mouse slighty moved: Any suggestions on how to stop this flickering would be awesome.
  12. this issue is Vivid Weathers only created a new profile removed all mods but Vivid weathers and it was still doing this. maybe there is a setting the in the enblocal or ini setting i forgot to tweak or something the screenshots are a new game for testing and no didn't have these issue before VW was installed#] I'll poke mangaclub about it
  13. there apperas to be issues between VW and ELFX Bright almost vanillia interiors, flcikering to darkness when moving the mouse near candle light. what would be good if you could disable VW Interior lighting in the MCM. This is the Inn in Morthal and slight move of the mouse:
  14. ok this is getting a little annoying now: this happen everytime i run DynDoLod World i have versio 1.47 and only started when i updated to 1.47 too:
  15. I am updating right now. so i will be evaluating today
  16. hey guys I just wanted to check with those how have already updated to Vivid Weathers since true storms is gone I take it we no longer need TS Vivid Patch?
  17. it was generally you would walk in and the FPS would tank, however that was a while back whne i had other things like ulimate combat and thunderchild so maybe it's time for a re-evaluation of this mod. Think I know what I am going to be doing today, the Grand Master had dropped Vivid Weathers.
  18. yes it should I completly forgot about that. In fact I still have that installed myself at the moment. Edit: fixed thanks for pointing this out totally missed that one
  19. It is very script heavy I did try it but FPS was shockingly bad like below 30 FPS that why is vetoed it which is a shame as this is my all time favourite house mod. you could try getting rid the 2 house mods in Extended a see how your FPS fairs, I might re-look at it after Vivid Weathers is in SRLE. If you try it out I recommend not extracting the BSA.
  20. this culd be caused by Endgame Overhaul. I've not notcied but i havn't really tallked to Saadia yet.
  21. just so you know the update to ELFX is not the only reason I decided to drop this mod. the main plugin has a bunch of unresolved errors which have never been fixed by the mod author EDIT: I would strongly advise anyone who needs to update Dyndolod because of ELFX Update to wait until Neo has added Vivid weathers to Base cos you'll have to do it all over again then. I have already made this mistake myself.
  22. yes you are right i'll will fix thanks for pontiong it out
  23. ok thanks I will take a look and as it happen i have been re-examing TK dodge for inclusion, however i am not planning a making any big changes to the guide until Neo has updated base with Viviid weathers (which should be ina few days time)
  24. Just updated the guide to use Version 3 of ELFX added instructions on how to change formID for Immersive college of winterhold patch (Hopefully I am correct about that, this is a temporary fix until the mod author updates the mod) Removed Breezhome Fully Upgradable and replaced with Elysium Estate. Removed Skyrim project optimization - SRLE Extended (not needed anymore, use the one from SRLE Base)
  25. Removing RS is a good Idea until Chesko fixes it. Extended has already switched to Immersive horses if you add i remove from there simalrly Noble skyrim
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