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  1. So bit of an update. When I last tried dyndolod I had lots of issue with the world map being laggy. Id get one or two fast travels then ILS or crash at load screen but not to desktop. As mentioned last I was having issues with just running vanilla game no mods. THis time I have followd the step guid 2.3 to the letter. mini map is more responsive lot less issues there however Im still getting ILS after a few aft travels.
  2. update nott sure why but some reason something went south with textgen
  3. Back here again like the 5th time ive had to redo the whole mod list due to CTD at newgame. I have followed the 2.3 guide to the T. Now I have generated the grass files I have a folder in the SKSE output folder called grass full of .cgid files. I have done all the dydolod steps but when I lauch dyndolod the grass lod option is still greyed out. I cant remeber what I did last time to get it to work. Getting real frustrated with it.
  4. When I run ENB and then set up dyndolod I get ILS on a vanilla setup no mods. So I have been playing with CS as it is more performance friendly. Im really not trying to go to hardcore on the mod list more just wanna spruce up the vanilla look and and some extra gameplay in but so far Im having a nightmare.
  5. Id love to know where im going wrong with my game and framerate. I have followed the guide v2.3 and just at idle ill get 90-96fps with CS running (Community shaders) or 110-115 fps with it turned off. Im kinda at a loss over the FPS side of things as my computer isnt exactly weaksauce. Im running a 5950x cpu, Asus 3090 24gb card, 64 gb ram 3600mhz, My monitor is a 3440x1440 GSYNC compatible. Yet some how im struggling in the fps department.
  6. Im having issues when it comes to the steps where mods have missing folders. Where am I putting the missing folder as I have added based on instructions but MO2 still says data invalid. I tried the steps mentioned on the mod page and it also didnt work.
  7. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46311 Not sure why it was casuing issue as there was nothing in conflicts when it was active but I have removed and it now works again
  8. Seems to be something with HIMBO causing the issue with the boots
  9. Not really sure what im looking for here. But i have re installed RC and my feet are still invisible when equipt
  10. So some how rustic clothing was installed but not installed
  11. So im not 100% sure why but for some reason Miners boots are invisible when equip and make the feet vanish from the NPC and PC. I cant see anything in xedit? and ideas?
  12. So loot is telling me I need a comparability patch for RW2 as myrwatch is active. I've looked everywhere for a patch but can't find anything.
  13. yeah It was a seperate guide to this site. However im now following step 2.3 guide Currently intrupted atm
  14. So I ran a test same mod list with same enb but disabled fable forrest. re ran the generation and still had issues with CTD and ILS on the vanilla landscape. I tried doing less world cells and that also made no difference. however game will run fine without dyndolod active. But I have decided to do a fresh install on MO2 and the game an I am following the the modders guide v2.3 to the letter. So far only up to the performace testing steps however the nexus is down.... Only question I did have with the v2.3 guide is it possible to make the CC picker work or dowse it cause issues? EDIT Possibly going to look at the community shaders option as it seems to be more performace friendly.
  15. Well thats the thing I disabled all the outputs for LOD and grass cache and the game will run fine with the current mod list. But when i had the LOD outputs enabled Id get ILS or random freezes. I thing I might need to tone down the LOD settins a fraction. I have removed RDO and some other speech immersion mods. Most of the mod list is extra quest content and texture chages.
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