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Everything posted by Hyperiel

  1. Thanks for the explanation guys, that was rough lol. I didn’t validate until after the weirdness. So I’m wondering if what triggered this was running bethini pie through mo2 for the first time, because up until that point I was still following the old instructions with bethini to close mo2 before running it, then read that it should be run through mo2, and then boom. Mo2 definitely got funky after that so I ended up reinstalling everything including Skyrim. i was able to find that info on the ini setting and fixed it. I appreciate the explanation so I understand how that happened. On a happier note, modlist is rebuilt, just need to do all the wrap up stuff.
  2. I wasn't sure where to go with this. I don't know enough to understand wtf happened today, so I just want to make sure this was some ignorance on my part and not some small glitch in bethini pie. I have an extensive load order. I have been using ck, xedit, and launching into game to do visual tests for months on different mods. there were no issues. i start every LO with the step guide to make sure I have everything set up correctly including launching the game from the launcher once before proceeding. today i ran bethini pie, to make sure my settings were good. i followed every setting in the step guide. i launched from mo2 to test some changes i made (removing mods only, no ck or xedit work in that time), and the game started downloading the cc content like it was my first launch. it put it all into overwrite, i am assuming because i launched from mo2. stupidly, i thought, why? i dont need those i have them...so i deleted them. now for the bizarre.. it deleted ALL my cc cleaned files, registered every mod in my LO that required a cc mod as missing a master, disabled ussep and a small handful of other mods, producing many more missing master warnings. i am staring at all the cc mods that mo2 says i am missing, at the top of my LO where they have always been. then i notice the list is much smaller than normal. i went into skyrim se game folder/data, and half the esp's are gone and all bsa's are gone. i validated through steam, 5 files needed replaced, so...skyrim.esm and 4 dlcs. launched from launcher, it downloaded cc content. i went into mo2. they were there now. i reactivated all the disabled plugins and got rid of all the missing master warnings. it seems fine. launching back in now to see what happens. i am only posting this here because I have been launching into game for MONTHS, and only after running bethini pie did all that madness occur. i'm kinda scurd to run it again.
  3. thank you! xEdit discord has been very helpful.
  4. Hey. It took awhile, but some mods finally got me to start looking under the hood. I'm trying to learn how to use xEdit, use "The Method", make patches, make a mod maybe... I have hit a logical wall. I just don't understand what I'm looking at enough. Using The Method, I created a fresh installation with cleaned masters and USSEP installed, and I opened xEdit and made a mod group to hide those conflicts as ignored. I installed the unofficial creation club content patch and just to get my feet wet and look, I launched xEdit in veryquckshowconflicts. I am mainly just trying to learn. I am sure the things I am seeing are ok. But I need to learn why or if they are not ok. First, I ran check for errors on the cc patch. It came back with one that said ccEEJSSE002MageTowerSecond "Myrwatch Gallery" [CELL:FE01392C] [00:01] CELL \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 14 $E> I went to this mod's page on Nexus. One of the notes in its changelogs says Restored a missing "Unknown 14" flag to the Myrwatch Gallery Cell to prevent the floor from disappearing So it looks like this was intended from his notes. Why does xEdit report it as an error? Is the field entered or formatted incorrectly? Does it need to be fixed? Next are the actual conflicts xEdit pointed out. First were some navigation meshes, 2 records with long lists of vertex and triangles and some of them mismatching, as well as the end field of NavMeshGrid. In both cases, it is the cc patch overwriting. As best I can tell, this is what patched looks like? These navigation meshes changes are some of the fixes? I looked through the changelog. I couldn't find anything that resembled it, although I really do not know what I am looking at yet. Then there are 2 placed object conflicts with beafarmer, both with farmhousedoor. In one the navigation mesh and the teleport marker triangle were changed, and the second one, the teleport marker triangle was changed. In both cases cc patch was the winner so I want to believe this looks like an intended change, but I am hesitant to assume I know what I am doing. The next thing was in +Perk. Under effects, perk condition, condition in red, which is conflicting with imperialdragon. The difference is that imperialdragon has a bunch of data filled in for this condition and its completely empty in the cc patch. What do I do in this situation? Assume the patch overwrite is correct that effectively removes this condition? The last conflict I want to ask about is in worldspace. A placed npc lvlAnimalPlainsPredator. The section with the conflict is XESP Enable Parent. imperialdragon has data filled in, and cc patch does not. I guess it's the same question. Is it safe to assume the patch wants to remove this data from the game? Is it only through experience that I might identify when removing data like that is not good or intended? I am sorry for babystep questions. I have been googling for some hours unable to really learn much about what I am looking at in xEdit. Some of it will be very easy. Understanding some of this stuff with patches and functions I can't decipher...much harder. Thank you for any help.
  5. ah. thank you. I did not create the filepath which is why it went right back into overflow.
  6. this is exactly how i found what mod it came from. so reinstalling it might fix the problem, still I am baffled how a master could be enabled and missing according mo2 when I hover over the plugin on the right pane.
  7. They were enabled before I relaunched, which is what confused me. I was under the assumption after doing that, it would no longer be put into overwrite, but that is not what happened. thanks for the guidance. it was a grey day in game when I was comparing inside and outside, and I re enabled the esp for torches ignite oil. other than some minor oddities that I'm asking about, I managed to make it to post-processing and succuessfully launched game. I had to disable Scaleform Translation, and the plugin for immortal remnant that claims it's master is both enabled and missing.
  8. Hello, again. More noobish questions that I hope don't bother anyone. torches ignite oil - mo2 says it contains no game data. following the guide I disabled the esp. is this suppose to have no game data? when I ran the benchmarking test, I noticed how shadow filled and detailed the inside of breezehome was, and outside didnt seem to have any shadows at all, there is fog almost everywhere..is outside suppose to be so pale and not vivid compared to indoors? my overwrite keeps getting ini's put into it for fuz ro d'oh and po3's tweaks. I made an empty mod for each and put the ini's in there but the next benchmark test just spit more of these ini's into overwrite. is there some parameter in those mods that stops them from being put there? how problematic is it to have those ini's in overwrite? any and all guidance is much appreciated.
  9. I got to the part of the guide where I install Nemesis and the instructions say to tick ice skating fixed for real. Nemesis did not generate any animations with this box ticked, although the empty mod Nemesis Output did get populated with files and folders. The character still runs backward instead of turning, but I have no idea if that is intended or that was suppose to make the guy have turning animations.
  10. wont let me edit the op. Been digging trying to learn something, this esp comes from Creation Club Open Helmets. I looked at that mod expanded instructions, I don't see anything about this plugin. Possibly I selected something wrong in the fomod? Thanks in advance for any assistance
  11. This seems really strange to me. I have an error stating that this esp is missing its master Immortal Remnant - Redguard Elite Variants.esp. Whats really wierd is when I hover my mouse over this plugin in mo2, it shows this master as both missing and enabled. I was unable to locate in the guide where this esp came from, and googling and searching the forums for info about this plugin came up empty. Unsure of how to proceed to fix.
  12. thank you for your response and the links. I will refrain from asking off the cuff questions in the future.
  13. i absolutely followed it and following the advice of the site to ask questions. I am sorry I am starting like a baby at this. After thinking I was blind and clicking the link, I still don't see anything about Start In field or the force binaries option. I was simply asking questions about stuff I don't understand. And if its in there and I am simply truly blind then I apologize. I'm an infant in this. edit: to clarify, it appears to me that the assumption that I was claiming theres nothing in the guide about the executables, that is not what i was saying at all. the specific inquiries I had about that section followed the opening statement. If that was all that was read, then I guess I can understand the assumption that I was somehow following a guide that I wasn't reading.
  14. I do not see anything in the guide about this, and I just want to make sure that if the correct thing is ignore it all that that is what I do. So first, the start in field for all executables is empty. Should I leave this empty? Also, xEdit has force load binaries already checked. Is this correct?
  15. oh man thank you. xEdit will reveal the truth, not LOOT. thank you!
  16. uninstalled literally everything. sse, steam, all tools. removed any related documents folders and appdata folders. fresh install of steam game and tools.. opening LOOT and the vanilla masters are clean. im too ignorant atm. what thing am I not doing to be able to start over completely?
  17. Hi! First, a million thanks to everyone that built this up over the years. And providing this support forum. Full disclosure: I hadn't modded heavily in many many years and no longer have a clue what I'm doing. Having said that, I am good at following clear instructions, when I decide to. Which is how I find myself in my current situation. I tried, ignorantly, to use the guide with 1.6.640, as that was the last published guide. Only after finishing the models/textures section did I realize I had gotten this far without the Anniversary Upgrade, and trying to finagle around that was beyond me. So I accepted fate, let the game update to 1170, and am currently trying to get working what I can and learn as much as I can until a stable build is made. I had uninstalled Skyrim SE completely, I had uninstalled MO2 completely. Really started from scratch with 1170. One of the first things to do is clean the vanilla masters. I noticed they are already clean according to LOOT. How is that possible in a fresh install? I see the note about having to disable or delete the cleaned ones because LOOT will only see those, however I am not competent enough to figure out where they are, and I am fearful of recklessly deleting anything. I am eternally grateful for any education or clarification that may shine some light in my head on this. The note would imply LOOT saying they are clean is misleading. but /shrug idk.... I am all apologies if this question annoys anyone.
  18. Hi!. Part 2 of this mod at moddb is repeatedly flagged as unsafe and my browser will not download. Is this file safe? Is there a mirror to download from? Is there a known alternative to SRO? Thanks for any help! edit: doh found the mirrors.
  19. thank you for the response. the print button looks effective enough.
  20. hi. i used that link to see the list. its very useful. however, the right side of the table is cut off, there is no slider at the bottom to scroll sideways, and the menus on the left pane that usually have some collapse function to make space for the page content, it doesnt have that. so i cannot see the table. is there some setting i am not seeing to allow me to fix this?
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