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  1. ˙ɹoÉŸ É¥sÄ±Ê noÊŽ ʇÉÉ¥Ê ×ŸnÉŸÇɹÉÉ” Çq
  2. I'd like to point out: There's no reason to upgrade to the "crippled" version. Continue using your existing .251 versions if SKSE Alpha isn't causing problems with your configuration. Secondarily, he is certainly rude and abusive at times. Although, not meaning to excuse the behavior, we need to try and remember the perspective he wields. Boris has focused rather heavily on the ENB project for nearly a decade, spanning dozens of games. Prior to that he was already well versed in programming philosophy and logical structuring. This is a developer that has, for a decade, dealt with accusations and suggestions from people who have not even a fractional understanding of the code. He used to have tremendous patience for seemingly a flood of questions. But he's worn out now; tired from the repetitive answering and explanations. Bruised from countless bug-reports where the problem existed solely on the shoulders of a user's poor configuration, or conflicting piece of software they neglected to mention. A decade for thousands of normal people, saying to a professional baker: "Are you sure you added flour? Why doesn't mine look like yours? You mean I need yeast? What's that?" The attitude is painful to watch inflicted upon others, but I couldn't say I'd be so different in his shoes.
  3. Bug: The file Smart Souls.ini is not created when launched through Mod Organizer, a now standardized management tool. Cause: SKSE plugins seemingly lack the ability to create files within the SKSE/ folder when launched within the virtualized folder structure. The exact reasoning is unknown to me. Proposed Solution: Create the file by hand While in Mod Organizer, right-click the Smart Souls mod on the left-hand sideSelect the menu option Open in explorerWithin the new window, navigate into the SKSE\Plugins folderRight-click within the folder and select the menu option New > Text DocumentName the file Smart Souls.ini (make sure you are showing File Extensions - click here to see how)Open the new file and copy the below contents, pasting them into the file [General] ForceSoulSoulGemSizeMatch=1 LimitBlackGemsToBlackSouls=1 [Notifications] ShowCapturedSoulQuality=1 ShowEscapedSoulQuality=1Save and close the file
  4. Bug: The file Fuz Ro D'oh.ini is not created when launched through Mod Organizer, a now standardized management tool. Cause: SKSE plugins seemingly lack the ability to create files within the SKSE/ folder when launched within the virtualized folder structure. The exact reasoning is unknown to me. Proposed Solution: Create the file by hand While in Mod Organizer, right-click the Fuz Ro D-oh mod on the left-hand sideSelect the menu option Open in explorerWithin the new window, navigate into the SKSE\Plugins folderRight-click within the folder and select the menu option New > Text DocumentName the file Fuz Ro D'oh.ini   (make sure you are showing File Extensions - click here to see how)Open the new file and copy the below contents, pasting them into the file [General] WordsPerSecondSilence=2Save and close the file
  5. -Post removed by self-choice. My individual feelings of his behavior and outlook are unrelated to the thread-
  6. I can not express in words the level of insult that I feel you've levied against others. To say to a fellow gamer, "You, who are unwashed and possibly willfully ignorant, are too inferior in foresight and intellect to appreciate the tremendous power I have gleamed. You, who are destined to lesser tools, are out of my league.", is disheartening to hear from you. Time and energy are finite resources and learning how to manage them requires experience and the understanding of one's priority system. There are gamers out there who have full time jobs, families, other hobbies, scheduled plans, varying levels of energy or sickness, and a plethora of other priorities. Could you look into the eyes of a fellow gamer, with a different priority system than your own, and call them willfully ignorant when they're looking for simplicity after a 60 hour workweek? Network security and software disassembly has been my tradecraft for over two decades. And yet I will not turn to you, on this day, and say "All of the functionality in Mod Organizer was already achievable through NTFS Symbolic Linking for dynamic folder structure, Windows Batch Files to automate the process, manually constructed into a Virtual File System, while using the Microsoft File Compare as a means to detect file conflict overwrites." The blacksmith mocks not the baker for a lack of smelting knowledge, since the blacksmith himself has no time to learn baking. It is good to be supportive of the tools that fit your priority, and I sincerely encourage you to master them so skillfully that you craft the world around you to the imagination befitting your dreams. But never forget that many of us built those tools for you so that you can meet your goals and priority with simplicity and efficiency. Edit: My apologies if this came off as harsh or I misinterpreted you. I am currently ill and my mind less reliable than I'd prefer.
  7. Ah, I was under the impression that STEP maintained their own server structure (VPS or otherwise). If there is a modular solution for filtering with MyBB, and I discover it, you'll be the first to know. Also: We should have an IRC server Sent from my Tandy DeskMate using Number Munchers
  8. Should we encourage commentary that seems callous and offhanded? A diminished amount of communication should not diminish the value of the communicated content. Secondarily, I feel it is disingenuous to treat it as a qualifier for shortened messages when it seems they are capable of communicating across multiple threads and varying levels of detail. A second perspective example would equate the qualifier as "I am at my PC, and thus my responses are well thought out and grammatically accurate". I feel there is merit behind stating "I'm not at my computer right now, so I can only provide a short answer:" when it is actually true, instead of a different statement that qualifies it but may or may not be true. Again, this is a trivial matter that may seem as if I'm blowing it completely out of proportion. Blame it on habit; I would never ask for change out of someone without giving them the respect of reason and detail they deserve. I sincerely appreciate everyone talking the time to discuss this and share their opinions. Conflict is certainly not my goal and promise each of you my best effort at remaining open minded. If it is a signature, we should ask them to place it within the signature field so that it can be ignored with MyBB control panel settings. That would allow people the option of viewing it, or not, on an individual level. Signatures should not, however, be used as qualifiers.
  9. "Sent from my $devicename Tapatalk" I humbly ask that a MyBB module, forum policy, or php-by-hand-hack removes this specific content that is conversation noise. It is essentially a signature and advertisement that steps outside of policy. Reason 1: "All rules and guidelines for the forums also apply to signatures. This means keep it Safe-For-Work, no adverts, etc." Reason 2: "Once you've made your query, comment or request, don't keep repeating it. Sometimes you won't get the response you hope for, but constant repetition is a form of spamming , and won't be appreciated by the community." Reason 3: It is a repeating signature that can spread across multiple posts, in multiple accounts, and can not be ignored or disabled by the control panel's ability to ignore post signatures. The seemingly trivial and selfish nature of this request is self-acknowledged, but that doesn't change the repetitive nature of the advertisements.
  10. If my memory serves me correctly, and please otherwise offer corrections, he strongly disagreed with confusing both user and author with a dual-priority system. Although there are indeed benefits to having a virtual file system that provides modular and dynamic loading, I agree with Arthmoor on the level of complexity it brings. Encouraging users to properly interact with BOSS, and user-based BOSS rules, has taken over a decade to reach mainstream usage and tool maturity. Explaining a secondary priority system that has the opportunity to be completely ignored/conflicted by the original one is tedious as best, and dangerous at worst. Nothing will push people away from enjoying a modded game more than turning the installation of mods into a second job and we'd be fools to chastise them, users, for wanting a simplistic and efficient interaction system. The joke, "more time modding than gaming" is something we all know is only half a joke. The other half is that unshakable concern over the lack of what used to be important to us: gaming That being said, the dual priority system is very useful once grasped and when placed in the hands of someone far more concerned with the finer details of their installation. The ability to delegate to BOSS, or completely ignore it through dynamic ordering, is vital to both testing and mod authoring. It is a tool for a tradecraft, but not quite a recreational one. I personally enjoy Mod Organizer's format because of how often I am testing, or documenting, various things... but I would not recommend to most of my friends who play the game. To Arthmoor, including myself to a small degree, the frustration is simple: Packaging everything into .bsa files and having proper documentation between mods, as well as a very active BOSS/testing community, provides a simplistic and efficient solution for gamers. They pick what they'll enjoy, do some very brief reading*, and let BOSS handle the rest. If something goes wrong the possible points of failure is reduced in half when compared to MO, and thus troubleshooting becomes easier for everyone. *Automated compatibility checking should be standard by now, along with a central graph or database. Sent from my Computer using Keyboard
  11. Bug: Severe performance drop in 'CELL - WhiterunJorrvaskrBasement' when looking in the direction of Kodlak's quarters while the player stands at the far opposite end of the hallway. (search tags: ELFX Jorrvaskr ENB shadow SMIM FPS) Cause: Enhanced Lights and FX when combined with the improved chandelier mesh from Static Mesh Improvement Mod or Ruins Clutter Improved produces slowdown due to the complex and unoptimized shadow math involved. Additionally, if using ENB, the performance drop will affect fps to a critical degree (self-anecdotal evidence reports a 89% drop in framerate) and rendering the hallway largely unplayable. Recommended Solution: Rename the single offending mesh, allowing use of the remaining improved chandelier. Do this for both Ruins Clutter Improved and Static Mesh Improvement Mod. Self-anecdotal evidence resulted in an immediate performance increase. meshes/clutter/imperial/impchandelliercandle01.nif to meshes/clutter/imperial/impchandelliercandle01.nif.mohidden Secondary Solution: Reduce accidental Ultra-quality shadows within 'SkyrimPrefs.ini'. This is based off of the recommended advice found within the Enhanced Lights and FX thread. Anecdotal evidence from multiple users within said thread reported conflicting success. iShadowMapResolution=4096 to iShadowMapResolution=2048
  12. I respectfully disagree. While re-sizable columns are useful from a "options for everything" standpoint, I feel it is detrimental for a number of of reasons. Naturally, feel free to say "**** off" at any point in time. You are the gatekeeper. 1. https://i.imgur.com/l9kFMIN.png - Width is not currently lacking in real estate, even with a reduced width resolution of 1565 there is nearly 400 pixels of whitespace (or nearly a third of the screen). This is while allowing triple-digit Priority columns, full-date Version columns, uncut Category titles, a currently trimmed Flags column, and a more than double the width of titles in the Mod Name column. The default UI, even if we reduced it by 200 pixels, would have ample room for smaller resolutions while still retaining all of the information. 2. There is a great deal of whitespace in each row that could be used to streamline viewable information. Instead of an icon indicating that a mod is out of date, you could recolour the row with a faint orange background. Since endorsement flags aren't checked until updates are queried it seems like consolidation could exist as a solution there, as well. A few pseudo-programming steps could consolidate the proposed spacing solution for the 'Redundant' and 'Conflict' flag: compareFiles(modA, modB) IF overwrittenFiles >= 1 THEN Â Â Â IF overwrittenFiles == modAFileCount THEN Â Â Â Â Â Â Â display(redundantIcon) Â Â Â END Â Â Â display(conflictIcon) END 3. Static solutions are used to streamlined pieces of information, which is why we have columns in the first place. Quickly separating Priority from Version from Category is quite possibly a highly appreciated feature. I feel there's inconsistency in having a column that contains multiple pieces of information that are inconsistent in location. The Version column already helps to encourage this visual consistency by providing the installation date if an actual version does not exist. You have brought flexibility and consistency to a community flogged by the horrors of conflicting information, and while this may not be an easy solution I do feel it is the right one. Side-Note: Please, allow me this moment to thank you personally for your hard work and dedication against the flood of bug reports, hateful comments, alongside the ever present Compiling Monster that I'm sure has haunted a few of your dreams. Mod Organizer has made my life so much easier for structure, organization, and bug testing that I could never pound words into lines to match the admiration and respect I have for you. ::EDIT by rootsrat :: Apologies for editing your post, but I didn't want to clutter the discussion. If we've had a reputation system, I would immediately give you 5 points for your polite way of discussing the matter. That's an excellent example of polite and constructive criticism! +5!
  13. Problem: Currently, the Flag icons provides meaningful information at a glance but use inconsistent alignment. The requirement of such streamlined communications is visual efficiency and consistency. Example: Image of Existing methodology, involving a game of Frogger. Proposed Solution: Image of Proposed methodology, likened to a well-maintained Zen garden. Alignment would help maintain readability in an otherwise jarring visual experience, something that increases frustration levels in direct relation to the increase of mods using Flag icons. Conflictual could be assigned align-left and Note assigned with align-right.
  14. Indeed it does. The Imperial system of measurements needs to be dropped, much like 26 Moon Size Tweeks. Also, a historian only by hobby and deep-seated curiosity.
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