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onem4nb4nd last won the day on January 19 2016

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  1. Actually, you need everything for Oldrim (as discussed on pg22 of this thread). It appears the two 1.8 versions are both part of the update. It's just divided because some textures are incompatible with SSE. The updates with "Original Skyrim" in the name refer to Oldrim (not an original update or w/e) and shouldn't be used with SSE, the versions that don't say Original Skyrim should be used with both SSE and Oldrim. I think the install order is a minor concern but I'd guess you treat the Original Skyrim version as a bonus and add it on top of the base update. I briefly get confused and have to work it out every time I visit that page but I always come to this conclusion.
  2. In case there's anyone here using CACO v1.2.1 who hasn't patched the conflicts with their STEP 2.10 installation, I've finally gotten around to updating my CACO_STEP patch on Nexus. There was nothing game breaking about my old patch but now I've implemented support for Cutting Room Floor, Book Covers Skyrim and Animated Weapon Enchants. You can see the few changes in my changelog or sticky post but essentially: CRF adds a drink that now adheres to CACO's rules and BCS now lets CACO's modified alchemy recipes through. I haven't had a chance to check out CACO v2.0beta yet but I'll see if I can patch that next. Kryp believes it won't require a new game to update from the beta to the full release when that eventually happens after her current project so I'll probably use it for my current playthrough. I wonder how many of you are already using the v2.0beta.
  3. Good to hear. As mentioned, they are different in minor ways so I just wanted to make sure it wasn't the copies that were supposed to take precedence. I genuinely wouldn't know any better so I assume the odd looking blur must be intentional on whroughgroundwet_n.dds for some reason, because the backup/copy version doesn't have it.
  4. There are 3 erroneous files in the downloads suggested by STEP only 1 appears to be any real problem. The files probably originated from accidental renames through replication as their names use the Windows: "... - copy.ext" format and the properly named files are still included so there are no gaps in the installation. The only issue is the files are slightly different from their copies. The 3 files happen to each be in the separate download packages (pt 1,2,3) in the order listed: ...architecture/whiterun/wrplasterint01 - Copy.dds The "copy" version has an older last-modified date and is 2k res while the non-copy is 4k, yet they are slightly different texture images. I deleted the copy ...architecture/winterhold/whroughgroundwet_n - Copy.dds The copy is older again but the non-copy has a strange blur in areas of the image. I deleted the properly named one and renamed the copy to fit. ...dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_04_n - Copy.dds The copy is the newer one this time. They actually seem identical in appearance when opened and they have the same resolution but the copy is twice the data size I deleted the copy I apologize if I'm not properly troubleshooting this. I summarize the differences in the files as far as I can tell with my amateur knowledge of textures. I don't know what I'd do with a dedicated program for viewing/editing textures so I'm just using Win Media Player (it finally serves a purpose!) to see what they look like. Again, the only problem worth any action is the texture that is blurry for some reason; you just swap it out for the copy.
  5. I've triple-checked my steps. This appears to be completely overwritten by WSCO following the 2.10.0 STEP guide. Both mods supply hairlong.dds and hairlong_N.dds
  6. Yeah, it sounds like we're on the same page here but are also over-explaining that page to each other, I'll just agree and get of your guys' way for the more important things to happen.
  7. Thank you for the acknowledgements, and I'm sorry I missed a few days of chat here. Just to clarify the intent behind my patch in case it's under question - I wanted to play with CACO, and I was sure other people did as well but a full STEP:E build wasn't compatible with it; simple as that. Now, even I believe the RUPP models are far from perfect, especially for a mod guide aiming for a near-vanilla experience. It's the shear variety it provides that I'm attracted to. I love being able to recognize separate potions and poisons at a glance and I appreciate them each being represented with different models. I even started researching how to create my own models during the time I was testing out my own patch, before I ever thought of releasing, it but I quickly realized that would take months with my current resources and opted for the RUPP replacement in my own mod setup. Considering how my patch consisted entirely of STEP mods I decided other people could make use of it as well, and the rest is history... Also kryp, I don't think anyone here was planning on dismissing your work without evaluating it. I even get the feeling it's part of many of the STEP testers' philosophy to test a mod under the two main circumstances; modless and a full STEP build separately - so, not to worry! "and I think that the changes made by this patch are actually creating greater inconsistencies with a STEP CORE install and the general STEP ideals, than what you'd get by using just CACO." - well, I mean, the patch doesn't change anything... It's a STEP:E install with a wonderful CACO addition. It wasn't made for STEP:CORE but it clearly adheres to the 'general STEP ideals' for the Extended build since that's what it's based off - unless you mean the Alternate Names version but of course there's a version without that. Now, if you believe the STEP:E build stretches the ideals a little too far itself, that could certainly be reviewed - but probably in a different forum thread - Well, I guess you don't need me anymore then! :: If not everyone here was already aware: anyone on the STEP team or Kryptopyr herself is, and always has been, welcome to use my work to make their own patching easier.
  8. yeah, I imagine EBS has a plugin to modify the names of items and that means any item it renames would be entirely replaced with the EBS version of that item. CACO does have a patch for "alternate names" (read: better sorting) available in the CACO Patches DL so you could use that for the best of both worlds!
  9. I hear ya! I was just making sure you weren't going out of your way making your own patch for something that already exists! ::
  10. I mean, you do realize I have a patch for exactly this on the Nexus already, right? I hand-picked many of the models to fill in the gaps between the two mods. The desc page delves into the finer details of the patch.
  11. Is the reason there isn't just a simple file download (without the installer) available for all your customized .ini files, simplicity?
  12. Just making sure you guys are aware USLEEP is out of beta!
  13. My patch is on the Nexus! I didn't make a new thread for this because I originally intended for Kryp to host it alongside CACO and, if she ever finds the time to, she's always welcome to grab it.
  14. Well it looks like it's up to me to host this patch so I might just have to upload it to the Nexus myself. I would have preferred to just keep it in the same place as the rest of the patches for CACO but Kryp has too much on her plate for now; understandably so. On top of that I'm going to implement a new idea I had into my patches for the food items that come in portions. You'll now see the portion amounts in the name of the item instead of just the description so you can see how many portions an item has, at a glance - this only affects inventory sorting by having your smaller portions show up first - more ideal imo. I ran it by Kryp to see if she wanted to do it for her main plugin: Kryptopyr: Thank you for work on these patches. You're welcome to upload and share them yourself. Right now, I'm getting a bit overwhelmed by the patches that are being sent to me and trying to keep up with them. I'll probably eventually want to include a pure STEP core/extended patch in with the patches hosted on the CACO page, but I'm probably going to wait for USLEEP to release and CCOR to get updated. The names are a good idea.
  15. Updated my post with a DL link ::
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