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Everything posted by DepartedCitizen-00002

  1. Update 2 : Tested my Vanilla profile WITH ENB and same INIs as LOTD profile and I don't crash... so its a either a mod or a merge. (I crash with my LOTD profile even before the Finishing Line, its weird as I had not crash when testing the first time before doing the Bashed Patch…)
  2. I did all of this. I tested again using the commands to test the statues and I crash when running arround the statue of meridia! But it loads so I don't think it has to do with the statues + I followed all the steps very carefully. Of course with a vanilla profile it doesn't crash. Update : Its not the statues, I crash everytime I load into the Skyrim world, elsewhere the game runs fine o_O what coudl it be ?
  3. I had to edit a few records as well that I saw in the DynDOLOD log with "could not be resolved". But only the one mentioned above was making DynDOLOD stop (KatariahExterior03) I am still looking for the cause of the crash I have when exiting the Helgen dungeon... I think I'm going to redo the Finishing Line steps once more but I was very concentrated when following the guide so I really don't know if where I messed up.
  4. Hello everyone, first I need to say that I am glad this guide exists and that I will be forced to thank Lexy a way or another at some point when I can because thats a lot of work! (lot of work for me following it too ^^) I followed the guide to the letter and it worked fine up until I need to exit the Helgen cave, my game CTD during the loading screen at that point and only at that point, not before. (well it also crashed once when I had to enter the Helgen dungeon for the first time but then I went back to that point, waited a bit more before going through the door and it loaded fine). Now of course I have searched quite a bit before coming here (google + these forums), to no avail. I hope that you can help me since I was so happy to finally start after those modding days. I will continue to search arround and see if I can fix by myself in the meantime since I really wanted to begin my adventure this weekend I wish everyone a nice weekend.
  5. Hey, you are welcome! I'm new here too despite my post count, I modded Skyrim for the first time successfully thanks to these guys above and everyone else involved with STEP ;). I learned a lot and had a good time while doing it, and now I am enjoying Skyrim like never before... Have a nice day sir (or Mrs ^^)!
  6. Listen to him! (Even if I never tested and only started a save after I had everything installed! Yes I'm crazy, but did not mess up, maybe because I am weird and read almsot everything twice just to make sure I did not forget something :confused:)
  7. Like the others discussed you can remove the downloaded mods once installed by right clicking in the "Downloads" tab in MO and select the appropriate action.
  8. If you want to play and enjoy a well modded skyrim right now just stick with original Skyrim if you have a good PC (I have STEP Extended + Vivid Weathers + Vividian ENB and I never go under 30 FPS and rarely Under 40 and got constant 60 Inside. You can see my specs in my signature.)
  9. Your new president is a billionaire, he went into the election for marketing reasons, and you elected him, he never wanted to be president and do his best for americans (Prove me otherwise. Maybe he'll change and do great things for all the americans and less bad for the rest of the world who knows for now!)... It's your right to vote for whoever you want, and everyone in the USA but WE the world have the right to commentate your choices because your country is the most imperialist country in the modern days in this world and the one that has the biggest impact (especially military and economically Wise because of the dollar...). Also Trump isn't god and we can make fun of him if we want... You can make fun of my president when you want (I am against my current republic, against ultra liberal economy and I am for a global revolution... So I defacto hate him and will vote for someone else next election). By the way, I have americans friends (before you think I have something against the americans as a people in general, no I have something against the foreign politic of your governments since a long time (South America, Iraq, Africa, the list goes on and on and on, but it works for my country also, France, on a smaller scale, I know ;) ) But that being said I am not scared of Trump specially or hate him, I just don't like his "image" and the way he thinks (or don't). Have a nice day and a nice week. Now I must leave this topic ^^
  10. No, look at the date of the last STEP Compilation update. Install SMIM with the same way as before and use SMIM-Merged-All.esp. Edit: If your question was more about the Riften 3D ropes esp then no if the guides still don't say to set this one as optional.
  11. Oh yeah, the quest mentioned by Arthmoor in the bugs section can be a problem if not fixed per USLEEP, as for the other one that is on the Conflict Resolution in Neovalen's guide and mentioned by Nebulous there I do not know.
  12. :facepalm: Yeah... I am keeping this for now anyway, I hope Gamwich does the entire outfits so I can remove it.
  13. Well kryptopyr is aware of it but doesn't want to update just to fix this (and the other one mentioned by Nebulous in the "Bugs" section for "00035B5A WIAddItem03" wich is non existent for me...).
  14. I did, I was just asking if it wasn't something that you guys forgot as I was checking for what overwrites what. ;) Thanks.
  15. I have taken a look at Neovalen's Conflict Resolution guide and I don't see any conflict between Timing is Everything and USLEEP for the "00035B5A WIAddItem03" record Under Quest. (The other one in "000BED92 WEJS14" about the Afflicted was present and I fixed it).
  16. This should be added to the guide no? Or do you try to not ask users to do edits so they don't mess things up? I will message the mod author (even if I'm sure someone already did).
  17. Bethesda. :facepalm: It is like a habit for you guys, I respect you for this, if I was seeing that in vanilla SSE I would facepalm and uninstall...
  18. If I update a mod (let's say Blowing in the Wind) and I place the ESPs in the same exact order as before (even if the esp name for compatibility with SMIM has changed), do I have to make the bashed patch again even if it is not listed in his masters?
  19. Is this placed after Rustic Clothing because Gamwich hasn't done all the outfits textures and thus keep consictency?
  20. I want to add that you guys suffered and learned a lot, and that's why someone like me can just come here and learn so much in two weeks while having a well modded and beatiful Skyrim ready to be played. THANKS FOR SHARING ALL OF THIS!!!
  21. As I've said to Tech in a message to him, I lost a long post where I was giving some feedback about my STEP set up (using 2.10) and what mods I added (where in the load order, what files I hid for them to not overwrite others etc, basically everything) because the forums here do not keep what you were typing if the page happns to refresh (at least for me, in my browser, only here). Everything works fine for me, no crash for now (I am using the Crash FIxes from meh321) and I don't go Under 40 fps often with Vivid Weathers, Vividian ENB (normal) with SMAA and I choosed the ultra preset in BethINI. I will not write everything again in detail. :/ Most mods I added came from the mods marked with a "Testing" tag here and some from the SR:LE guide (A MAtter of Time for example). I want to thank everyone that are behind this guide(s) again, the Skyrim modding community (big love to the STEP Staff, all of you since 2011 and the mod authors heart: heart: heart: heart:: and the Elder Scrolls lovers in general! Now its time to really start the game after the testing (I am only really tested my "build" once I was done, yes I know its crazy), bare with me for 0 crash and an enjoyable playthrough over the next weeks. Let the advetures of Julius Salvia begin! (yes I choosed an Imperial to start, yes... but that's only my first save ) Julius Salvia (you can laugh at it I don't care ^^) because of my real name but wrote in latin (Julien Sauge, "sauge" in french being the "sage" in English, and salvia in latin, meaning "the plant that saves you", literally, according to fr.wiktionary.org ) (oops make sure I CTRL-A, CTRL-C here before I lost my mind again ^^) Yeah crazy post, sorry I have emotional problems
  22. Thanks for the guide Tech, I'll start Mass Effect once I'm done with Skyrim (and Oblivion?) in a few weeks (maybe more ).
  23. The DynDOLOD script took under 7min for me (6600k @4.4ghz), I was worried at first, but the folder was 0.97 Go.
  24. Edit2: I get it I think, it is if you want the Lanters of Skyrim LODs to turn off at the same time the non-LODs Lanterns do. Then on of the staff members should update the intruction and ask for the user to install the "DynDOLOD Patches" after the "DynDOLOD Resources" and to select the Lanterns of Skyrim while installing.
  25. There is special instructions concerning Lanterns of Skyrim, is there any reason why STEP don't use them? EDIT: "Optional: to sync switching of LOD on/off install and overwrite one script from DynDOLOD Patches. Make a backup of the original script first, only change scripts between saves when in an interior." Is the script provided only if someone want to turn off Lanters of Skyrim LODs at some point? (wich I don't know why I would want that in the first place ^^)
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