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Everything posted by johanlh

  1. just for let you know guys, the Windows Defender is reporting the latest release (2.47) of DynDOLOD as a Trojan carrier: Hello, Check that out in case other users get the same behavior. Best Regards
  2. Hello, I followed the main F&L guide almost exactly. I added the two weapons pack from there, but then I found about mono's guide here: https://wiki.step-project.com/User%3AMonoAccipiter/Mono%27s_Lore_Friendly_Equipment_Pack#Mono.27s_Lore_Friendly_Equipment_PackI disabled one of the packs from the original guide because it had moat of mono's guide plugins. I also found that in mono's guide there is a store lite plugin for Weapons of the New Milennia. So I disabled that plugin too. If you wish I can help you to troubleshoot your installation. IIRC I did some manual patching in xedit at the end. I am at work now, but this evening I can share my load order and we can cross check. So far I have been playing the game without issues and I appreciate all the details and work the authors put on the guide. New Vegas is an amazing game even on 2017. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  3. Hello, it was the infinite loading screen bug, just after starting the game. The issue was posted a few pages ago and also the link to the modified version of the plugin. I think it should go in the Mono's pack guide. The problem was reported starting on this post: https://forum.step-project.com/index.php?/topic/10015-Mono's-Lore-Friendly-Equipment-Pack---Feedback#entry189933 And the modified plugin is around the post #58 Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  4. Hello, I finished the F&L guide a few days ago and then I tried your weapons pack, but I was getting infinite loading screens when launched the game, so I made the research and found the culprit and the solution in this forums. Which it was this: After replacing that plugging, everything worked very well and I am in the middle of a my playthorough. I think it should be added to the main guide. Regards, and excuse my poor English.
  5. Hello, I am kinda new to modding and playing New Vegas, but I just finished the Fear and Loathing NV setup and currently playing it. But now I knew about the mod called JSawyer Ultimate Edition and it seems pretty interesting and it has very good opinions. Because I am totally new to modding FNV, I don't feel comfortable building my own setup of mods (like I would do with Skyrim blindfolded :D), but I read this in a reddit post: So I wanted to know if what is written in that post is accurate and I would be able to proceed to do it without breaking my setup. Thanks in advance, and excuse my poor English, Spanish is my native language.
  6. Hello guys, long time since I write on this forums, I have been away trying other guides and other games... currently Shadow of War and Fallout New Vegas. But I soon will be back to Skyrim modding. Last time I tried SRLE LotD, but since I tried a requiem based build (Ultimate Skyrim) I can't stand the vanilla mechanics :D I will start the requtified guide and I had this idea in my mind now than I have followed several guides... I want to implement some kind iof validation method in order to know if things are going ok with the build. So far the closest method is to check the pluging list and mod order to see if they are the same. However that alone doesn't assure you made the installation correctly , for example, that you installed the mod according and also applied the requiered patchs. What I am thinking is some kind of "check integrity" like the one you use with steam to assure your Vanilla Skyrim installation is the standard one. I am thinking we can implement something like that with modded Skyrim. I am not a programmer thought, but I think I have some creativity and with some help, we could build something useful. I found this article about how to archive something like that using powershell scripts: www.winhelponline.com/blog/compare-two-directories-files-find-differences I think we can build some kind of "base" installation for the guide and help to troubleshoot or to assure the installation of the pack are the same among all the users , at least for the initial base build, after that , everyone eventually start adding their own mods and tweaks. I posted this here, because I really admire how user friendly and empahsys on detail this guide is. I would like to start working in this idea or at least inspire others with more knowledge in programming to implement it. Thanks in advance for reading all this, I hope you like the idea. Excuse my poor English, Spanish is my nativd language
  7. Hello guys, it is me again! I ran into a difference between what is stated in the guide and my actual experience. In the section for merging Yuki mods: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:EssArrBee/FalloutNewVegas_YukichigaiGameplayTweaks#Yuki_Mods_Merged It is stated that after applying the "Generate Bash Tags" with FNVEdit you will get the following TAGs: But I am missing Actors.AIPackages I tried to add it manually using Wrye Flash, but the one there is called: AIPackagesForceAdd Should I worry about this? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello everyone, I just started the guide but I am coming from other Skyrim guides, the thing I noticed is that there is no indication about cleaning the DLCs. Should I do that o I better leave them alone? Thanks in advance. Regards
  9. Hey paul, I started modding Skyrim SSE a while ago, I used this guide as a base: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5883/? check it out.
  10. Awesome! I will try to help you as far as I can Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  11. Sorry, I just got to this post randomly while looking for the progress of this guide. Are you guys trying to de-skimpy the book of uunp in order to make it friendly to this guide? If it is so, do you need any help? Just point me out what it is needed to do and I gladly help. On a side note, I have been away from this forums because I am trying another guide based on requiem, while trying the LotD guide I felt the vanilla difficulty did not attracted me enough. But I am keeping an eye to this guide, in order to try it in the near future. Regards
  12. Did you see my vid? Is that the same distance you are experiencing? Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  13. No I meant, start without it. Using the ENBoost profile instead of the Vividian. If I remember well, it only uses the ENB in its basic form. Something like disablespeedhack=true. Look for it in the STEP guide. That's what I use to test new mods or when having problems. In order to isolate the problem. Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  14. Have you tried using the ENBoost profile only, not the vividian? Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  15. I did install it like the guide said, didn't use the patch for domestic behavior. This is a little video where you can see how they behave in my game: https://youtu.be/NcEowKad_YA Actually, the wolf was smart enough to set me an ambush XD This is my modlist: https://modwat.ch/u/giraldiego Regards
  16. For me they first run but then they stop a relatively medium distance and take a attack position. From there I can catch them with arrows or even sprinting and then using magic. I think the behavior they have it is very realistic. Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  17. Good to hear that! Hope everything goes well and you can update the guide as you intended. Regards
  18. So the courier is not happening to you guys? :( Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  19. The core of the installation is in your MO folder. All the mods and the profiles are in that folder so if you backup that folder, you can restore it later. The MO folder should be like 80+ GB. Also you have to backup you My Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder There are the saves you are using. I would suggest you the following. 1st make a image of you current installation with windows 10 using any disk image software, so you could get back to your current stage in case anything goes wrong. 2nd beware that some tools like Loot, Relinker, etc require additional libraries on windows 7, and that installations are sometimes tricky. I am at work now, but I have been in that road before so if you need advice, let me know. Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  20. Hi, I am planning to start the Helgen Reborn quest now that I am at lvl 20. I will tell you how it goes. But so far I haven't had any major issue with the build in all the playtrough. I have been doing random quests and barely touch the main quest. on Helgen reborn I rescued the first hostage and they are waiting for me to take a decisition. I don't know much about the civil war, so that's one of the reasons I didn't continue the quest. I think your issues could be related to the windows 10. So if you can try the following: Run the game with ENBoost only not Vividian. You can try disable the mods that are only textures (no esp). Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  21. Sorry for the late response, here is what I was able to get: I also find this odd, the courier who delivers letters to me about quest, there is always in underpants (I don't know if this is normal, bc it is my first play through of the game):
  22. Nice, could you point me out what mods should I skip in order to get 50+ fps outdoors?
  23. What I usually do is teleport my followers when they got far away for long. I see that like a little annoyance at cost of the immersion it gives. Real life animals actually behave like that ;) Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
  24. Hey guys! Yesterday I played the dragon fight again and uploaded the gameplay again too :) This time the fight was a lot less clunky that the last time and also I was able to uploaded it to youtube with better settings (I am still learning...) I had to repeat the fight, because in my first try I don't know what did I do wrong, but everytime I tried to talk with the Jarl to continue the quest, he and his guards attacked me on sight. It was pretty weird, because outside the castle, the guards didn't attack me and also I could talk with them normally. Also I checked and I didn't have any bounty on me. What I did just after defeating the dragon was go to the smithing shop and sell some stuff, I took a bath and then went to the castle. In this new playrun, after defeating the Dragon I went straight away to talk to the Jarl and he didn't attacked me. Anyone has experienced something like that?
  25. I started using the integration guide but then I changed to use the modlist Darth Mathias have. It is more up to date than the integration guide. I think it is a good idea to update the integration guide but renaming it to something like, mod order guide (for MO left panel) It will be really useful for people starting from scratch. I can help updating it if requiered. Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk
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