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  1. Discussion topic: Stay At The System Page NG by VersuchDrei Wiki Link Conversion of Stay At The System Page - Updated to CLib-NG to create one .dll file that works in all Skyrim SE versions, including AE 1.6.629+. Ensures the journal menu always opens at the system page tab. (Author's description) In context with the discussion on QUI and as an alternative (in part) to said mod. Just tested with game version 1170 on the 'Game-Launch Smoke Test' (with cleaned masters and section 02 - Extenders only) and it seems to work fine.
    2 points
  2. The FOMOD layout appears to have changed. Attached are screenshots of the new layout. The instructions may need tweaking to match the new layout.
    2 points
  3. No assets whatsoever need to be unpacked from any BSA or BA2. xEdit, xLODGen etc. support reading from archive files. Check the log that all required and desired archives are being loaded. If editing a post, it is common sense to add the actual answer/solution instead of just "never mind".
    1 point
  4. Automatically generated patch plugins should usually always load after the plugins that were present when the patch was generated,
    1 point
  5. She looks pretty normal, and I mean that in an appeciative sense. A lot of the characters I see posted around look like cartoon characters. Well done! I'd post mine, but I'm still stuck in test phase default Dragonborn atm. Also, Tech knows this, but I'm unoorganised and lose everything - including old character pics.
    1 point
  6. Programs are executed from a command prompt by typing their name and then hitting Enter key. Typically cd into the directory first. However, do it with the official version. The custom version included in DynDOLOD is "silent".
    1 point
  7. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Texconv DynDOLOD includes a customized version of Texconv to convert different texture formats. Since you got the official version, run it on a Windows command prompt and check its output. It should list the command line options and stuff, the interesting parts are the supported (DirectX) feature levels and list of adapters. Make sure the best graphics is listed first. As explained at https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs use pastebin or a file service for the logs. If Texconv returns -1 = FFFFFFFF it had a problem all by itself. The DynDOLOD and Occlusions plugins are created when the LOD patch is generated and saved once the creation was successful and the user clicks the Save & Exit or Save & Zip & Exit options and also when checking the log and then closing the tool.
    1 point
  8. As a basic user you would use Synthesis. Inside Synthesis you can select different patches and run them. You run the Synthesis.exe trough MO2 just like with Wrye Bash for a Bashed Patch.
    1 point
  9. Shader bug on rock is fixed when you install Simplicity of Snow, but its still there with Better Dynamic Snow. Road seam is there with both mods.
    1 point
  10. Ahh thanks again, you're a life saver! That seems to be an issue with the default file provided by the mod provider as described above which does not seem to be intentional if you read the text below the picture of the default file. When the time comes for updating the guide, that's something to consider providing more context on unless you decide to go a different direction mod wise. Both of these screenshots are taken from the wiki itself, indicating that this is not intentional by the mod author https://github.com/mlthelama/SkyrimCharacterSheet/wiki/Configuration#input-basic-configuration
    1 point
  11. Before: After: By default, Skyrim Character Sheet automatically shows when entering the inventory screen. This obscures the character and the item viewer making it a nuisance. Pressing 0 turns it on or off, however, it should default to off. My ini tweak makes it so that when you enter the inventory screen it doesn't show automatically.
    1 point
  12. Made an account JUST to reply to this solution. Lifesaver
    0 points
  13. This is the xLODGen terrain LOD beta thread. It does ship with and does use LODGenWin.exe or LODGenx64Win.exe. The requirements of DynDOLOD and the different LODGen versions are explained on the DynDOLOD website. For example at https://dyndolod.info/Downloads#Additional-Requirements and https://dyndolod.info/Help/LODGen The question if .Net is required for LODGenx64Win.exe is already answered by the Windows message.
    0 points
  14. The base record has show in worldmap flagged, which together with the IsFullLOD flag of the reference can cause CTD. Unset the IsFullLOD flag on the reference or create an overwrite for the base record into a new or existing plugin of your choice and unset the Show in Worldmap flag. That should stop the game from crashing when opening the map.
    0 points
  15. 0 points
  16. Hello, I hope it's ok to have some fun and share! Today, after several years modding in Skyrim, I hit a major milestone. I'm accomplishing realism on another level, that has actually surprised myself. I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, anyone can accomplish this too, you just need to be willing to put in some serious time and effort. I'm so grateful for everyone here, all their hard work, and making the dream of Skyrim Realism come to life, and also to all the fine modders over at Nexus, and anywhere else they may be! You all make Skyrim a better place, and I'm grateful! Let the fun begin! Here's my girlfriend, and please share yours too, or your boyfriend LOL!
    0 points
  17. When I disable High Poly Project and High Poly Project - My Fixes, it reverts to the Vanilla mesh and the black char stuff displays correctly on the wood. Is it possible to modify those textures to display it correctly? Because the High Poly versions look much better. EDIT: I think I may have found the problem...the HPP My Fixes author says there is an engine bug where decals are not well-applied for high-poly meshes. I assume that black char stuff on the wood is a decal as well and its the same mesh choppingblock01.nif in this Nexus bug report. He says you can make a patch in SSEEdit to disable the decal...I might just live with it. I also found out that I needed to download the campfire version of HPP - My Fixes as I was still using the vanilla version after installing Campfire. That's a different issue but I discovered it trying to fix this and also learned how to use NifSkope.
    0 points
  18. I'm sorry if I'm distracting you from your work, but is there ETA on Step Guide 2.3 at the moment? In your last message, you wrote that the new version of the guide will require "several more weeks". About four months have passed since February. I'm just planning to start a new walkthrough, and therefore I'll be very glad to know if it's worth waiting for 2.3 in the near future. Thanks for all your work!
    0 points
  19. This is the xLODGen support channel. I already provided a link to the relevant documentation of the mod manager that explains how to add tools. It also explains the Arguments field and shows it in a screenshot. I suggest to follow a modding guide. I do not provide generic modding help or support for mod managers. A Windows shortcut or bat file would work, too but is only really needed when modding manually or using a mod manager that does not allow adding executables like this.
    0 points
  20. From the first post or the Readme.txt included in the download archive: Use command line arguments to set the paths to the INI folder, plugins.txt and the data folder if required. For example: -m:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\" -p:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" -d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Data\" xLODGen is a tool mode of xEdit, so it is setup is the same way. Read the documentation of the mod manager to learn how to use it. https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer/wiki/Executables-window.
    0 points
  21. https://dyndolod.info/Help/xLODGen It is advised to always generate high quality terrain LOD meshes for the current load order with xLODGen to make sure that height changes made by mods are reflected by terrain LOD. It is advised to always generate high quality terrain LOD textures for the current load order with xLODGen to make sure that changes to the full landscape textures or their placement information made by mods are reflected by terrain LOD. Typically terrain only uses the textures in the ..\Textures\Landscape\ folder and none of subfolders. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Terrain-LOD-and-Water-LOD#Technical-Information
    0 points
  22. If a specfic type of full grass model has no LOD representation see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#No-Grass-LOD-Check-List
    0 points
  23. Do not worry about plugins, versions etc. This is about the internal form IDs not matching the saved master list. Let me know how are things with this control version https://mega.nz/file/dRZiVTBQ#jcNj-wwdpC8J4rMDrrtfpS8zPYBJ8eRSkSYljOEBQ5M
    0 points
  24. Before posting my Query on the DynDOLOD Forum, I updated everything DynDOLOD related once more to not make a fool of myself. Seems that https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52897 being out of date was the issue. Generated everything again to be safe, seems to run fine now. Thx for the help.
    0 points
  25. Alright, I worked on it last night and I managed to do everything right by the guide and it loads up without any more problems. I even play it and it works fine. Til it crashed. Ah well. Just a fluke, I guess. Thanks everyone for helping out to make it work for me. Thanks again! I appreciate it!
    0 points
  26. There is a new option in the FOMOD, White Glow. It is recommended to leave it at Particle Light. See attached screenshot.
    0 points
  27. Hey Happy to see my mod discussed here please, let me know what you'll think after testing. There are some multipliers that I've exposed through INI options, because I wasn't 100% on challenge/fun balancing, tried to make it less pronounced for Player, but might need tweaking it a bit more, since I didn't test it in a real-ish playthrough.
    0 points
  28. Haha, did a short test... had to go very close to hit with a new character (activated for the player). Like it, will test it.
    0 points
  29. Ok! I didn't see that I could check all the levels at once. For some reason it looked like I could only check one I will rerun it! Thank you!!
    0 points
  30. I thought I might give my feedback on this game mod. So, I have spent the better part of the last few weeks trying out this mod and I have to say it is quickly becoming my preferred settlement cleaning mod. This takes care of the ugly landscape stuff, vines and brambles, and trash, those random sticks and rubble, that can now be scrapped when in build mode or when they are close to a structure when it is repaired. The load order suggested by the author should be strictly adhered to as if it is not the mod will not work as intended. I had this in a very short load order and some elements to repair buildings would either be hard to select or did not appear. The author states the following order: PPF.esm (This is part of PRP if you are using it) · Rebuild - Shared Resources - Put this high in your load order. It is all new stuff and will not conflict with any other mods. · Any mods that alter landscape (Many Rebuild mods alter the landscape, so you want them to win the conflict) · Rebuild AIO or Standalones · Rebuild Patches (excluding Previsibine patches) - Also check the file description as I normally put load orders there for the patches. · PRP.esp (If you are using PRP) · Rebuild Previsibine patches - Put these low in your load order. I found that the following gave me the best results: · name: 'Rebuild_SharedResources.esm'. o LOOT group: 'Underrides'. § This ESM is all new items and there aren’t any conflicts. · name: 'Rebuild_Settlements.esp'. o LOOT group: 'Low Priority Overrides'. § This ESP is mainly comprised of worldspace edits and only the top level of the records has conflicts. § The sub-blocks will win conflicts and seem to follow the base game data. § A patch for Region names on saves will need to be created. § Patches to this mod will go here. § Mods requiring this mod will go here. · name: 'Rebuild_Settlements_Previs.esp'. o LOOT group: 'Worldspace Settings'. § This one should go very low down in the load order to be able to scrap the landscape and trash items. I then transferred this to a full load order and did not have any problems with it, but there are some caveats though. Mods that heavily add things to settlements to make them look lived in will present problems when repairing buildings. Mods like people live in, we live in, 4estGimp - Misc Settlement Blueprint Installer/ humble beginnings and to a lesser degree hunkered down. If one of these mods adds say a balcony to a gaping hole in an outside wall and the building is repaired, the wall is now fixed with the access to the balcony from the inside is cut off.
    0 points
  31. Maby it is FNIS you think about? Today we use Nemesis instead for animations. (Pandora is an upcoming alternative for Nemesis) Take a look at the latest Step Guide and what tools there are in there. It is in my book the minimum you need. Wrye Bash is still around to crate Bashed Patch and a new alternative/complement is Synthesis.
    0 points
  32. I wasn't using them both at the same time. Well, I've spent several years modding, and I finally started to play a little and I started a new game, thinking, with all the modding I've done, it's better. I'm thinking to start a new post on this... LOL I mean HOLY CRAP, for so long, I can't remember, I started out, then dropped it, then came back. I've been modding for years, and never really playing. And I'm like, around 370 mods and I think it's time to try and start enjoying the game. One thing I wil say, it's been so long since I originally started it, that when I started a new game, it looked so nice with all the mods right at the beginning as a prisoner, it certainly changed the immersion and reality, having it looking like a NextGen game from the beginning. THANKS Here's a pic, after escaping and now looking for loot to fight! LOL I even managed to keep my High Poly Present of my NPC, and then bloody figured out how to load it correctly, I mean with the right Race, so she looked correct.
    0 points
  33. DynDOLOD protested at first so i had to untick "VLC Patch - CuttingRoomFloor.esp" to be able to generate LOD. EDIT: Fixed in latest version!
    0 points
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