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SRLE Extended Mod Suggestions

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his lvled lists are pushed into the bashed patch so no esps anyway... but yes it will be easier to not have so many loot rules

There 2 esp in the Lore Weapons expansion which just aren't leveled list they do other things as well like breakdown recipes for CCOR and sort out WAA. This is stiff i can't really easily push into the CR either cos they add Dreads mods as a master which I don't want. I could use merge plugin to merge these with my CR but then it get messy; this will be easier in the long run. also having a separate esp for dread mods has the added bonus of if i end up using anymore of them I can just add then to this new merge and not my CR.

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Wondering if anybody else has tried either of Renthal's  collections in the past few days?  Renthal's Flora All In One, and Renthal's Textures All In One?

I've been messing with them with mixed results, and wondered if anybody else here had thoughts on MO placement in regards to other texture packs, files to delete, frame rate impact, etc?





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