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SRLE Extended Mod Suggestions

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What do you think about this mod: Go On Ahead


Was suggested by Chesko on Twitter, Looks like a nice addition to Extensible Follower Framework (Tested and compatible)

Nice find edynacio! Thanks for that!

Will check it out...curious how good it will cooperate with My Home is Your Home (MHiYH 2plus).

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Have you seen this ? : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D36006%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D992803&pUp=1


Ultimate Combat has gotten an update from tktk (the marvelous creator of TK Dodge) and, apparently, it's amazing : humanoids actually dodge too ! Any chance we'll include this in the guide ? :P

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About new weapons, what do you guys think about Lore Weapon Expansion  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44179/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D44179&pUp=1 ?


It got updated this month and it looks very high quality.

this is on my radar.

What do you think about this mod: Go On Ahead


Was suggested by Chesko on Twitter, Looks like a nice addition to Extensible Follower Framework (Tested and compatible)

tried this out works as intended although doesn't work on Sofia or Inigo which is not surprising as they are custom followers with there own systems. I haven't tried Recorder or LUNA but everyone else works will likely add this plus merge it in the head up display merge in the next update.


Edit: Recorder doesn't work LUNA and Minerva Do work I haven't tried any Interesting NPC followers but since they use EFF I guess they will work as intended.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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don't think so cos they use there own unique systems but i can cope with 4 follower not working out of the hundreds to choose from.

I agree with that, not a big problem after all. Anyway can we merge the followers mod? Because I know I've merged my follower mods like sofia and the other except for mirai before I started using SRLE since there is an error for mirai even though we don't use mirai, just an information.
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recorder seems a bit OP sometimes

Yeah, she is at low levels. I don't use her anymore but when I did I always replaced her starting equipment with something more appropriate for a delevelled loot world.

I agree with that, not a big problem after all. Anyway can we merge the followers mod? Because I know I've merged my follower mods like sofia and the other except for mirai before I started using SRLE since there is an error for mirai even though we don't use mirai, just an information.

I think there are navmesh issues with merging them.

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I know everyone will jump on me but are we at the 155 esp limit yet. Why do we have to do all of these dumb merges. I understand why we would want to merge things but has anyone ever made it past level 15 or whatever to see if the game works in the long haul. I'm guessing 9 times out of 10 no. sorry for the rant sometimes peoples ideas go over my head and just don't make sense to me. and I know the game for some people is trying to make 1000 mods work on an unstable game when we all know that's not the best thing to do with skyrim.

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I know everyone will jump on me but are we at the 155 esp limit yet. Why do we have to do all of these dumb merges. I understand why we would want to merge things but has anyone ever made it past level 15 or whatever to see if the game works in the long haul. I'm guessing 9 times out of 10 no. sorry for the rant sometimes peoples ideas go over my head and just don't make sense to me. and I know the game for some people is trying to make 1000 mods work on an unstable game when we all know that's not the best thing to do with skyrim.

Its nice to leave some padding so people have room to expand further if they want. Everyone has a handful of mods that they can't live without but may not fit into the guide.

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I know everyone will jump on me but are we at the 155 esp limit yet. Why do we have to do all of these dumb merges. I understand why we would want to merge things but has anyone ever made it past level 15 or whatever to see if the game works in the long haul. I'm guessing 9 times out of 10 no. sorry for the rant sometimes peoples ideas go over my head and just don't make sense to me. and I know the game for some people is trying to make 1000 mods work on an unstable game when we all know that's not the best thing to do with skyrim.

I'm at 246 esps (which includes even more merges than in this guide and SRLE) and reached level 45 and my game is performing flawlessly.  I've never made it this far into a game before and am really enjoying finally seeing parts of the game that I never got to play before.

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I'm at 246 esps (which includes even more merges than in this guide and SRLE) and reached level 45 and my game is performing flawlessly.  I've never made it this far into a game before and am really enjoying finally seeing parts of the game that I never got to play before.

lol..that is the exact number of esps that i have right now...how many plugins did you had prior merging ?

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