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I have a question (and I am hoping the answer isn't going to cause me a coronary) - does it matter if your general load order changes during/after making all the merges? I'm assuming not as you run LOOT again after the merges as per the guides. I was just wondering how FormIDs keep working if load order changes given that the first two characters of any ID are the plugin priority. So for example if CRF changes from 1D in the order to 1F does this not have any effect on anything that relies on CRF as a master?

It matters and it doesn't matter. Plugin priority ID doesn't matter for anything that relies on it as a master, AFAIK. But I'm a little sketchy on that.


It does matter for LOOT in the fact that LOOT uses both it's general conflict-finding algorithm to sort changes, as well as using data based on specific plugin names that are located in the LOOT masterlist for things like "Load after plugin x" or to set a priority number (either local or global). So if the name of the plugin is gone, LOOT won't recognize meta rules for that plugin. You can put meta rules back in LOOT for the merged plugin yourself, if you jot them down before you merge. But even if you jot down all the rules that plugin x might have regarding plugins ab, and c, you still might be missing rules that plugins y or z have about plugin x. Then again, if your merged plugins don't have meta rules relating to them (which many do not), there will obviously be no effect.


I don't have too much merging experience, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I am fairly confident that is how LOOT works.

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Another great reply, I love this forum thread! I hadn't thought about LOOT rules for the plugins being included in each merge in relation to their bedfellows. Hey ho, I'll just have to hope my common sense approach to picking the contents IDF each merge and the master list for each merge takes care of things in LOOT.


@Darth - pics look good to me, although I can't see many dead marsh pines?

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Another great reply, I love this forum thread! I hadn't thought about LOOT rules for the plugins being included in each merge in relation to their bedfellows. Hey ho, I'll just have to hope my common sense approach to picking the contents IDF each merge and the master list for each merge takes care of things in LOOT.


@Darth - pics look good to me, although I can't see many dead marsh pines?

Marsh Pines esp

The main file of Enhanced Landscapes changes the trees in the marsh area into dry dead trees. This plug-in changes them back to vanilla dead pines. If you prefer that ones install this file.


I'll take some screenshots of the dead pines option and upload them to the folder.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Would these changes affect using the optional SFO?


I do like the new Enhanced Vanilla Trees for the pictures and videos I saw in the mod page.

I don't know for sure cos I don't use SFO but I would asume that the HD BillBoards for Custom Trees (RAT) would overwrite Enhanced Landscape Billboards cos it does for vanillia.

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Darth, all those screenshots in the trees folder look great to me. I actually like the look of the mixed trees around Solitude. I'm guessing that the vanilla placed trees are all affected by EVT, but the EL custom placed additional trees get the oak treatment and are unaffected by EVT. The later dead pines look way better in the marshes IMO. Which EL option is that - with or without Marsh Pines?

Edited by dunc001
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Darth, all those screenshots in the trees folder look great to me. I actually like the look of the mixed trees around Solitude. I'm guessing that the vanilla placed trees are all affected by EVT, but the EL custom placed additional trees get the oak treatment and are unaffected by EVT. The later dead pines look way better in the marshes IMO. Which EL option is that - with or without Marsh Pines?

Ditto. I love the look of the mixed trees and the overgrown look of it all.


Btw, the dry dead trees that EL places have horrible resolution.

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Lexy, two questions - first, any chance I can have the 3DNPC CR entries (if they're not only on the dead add) and secondly - going through the Factions CR entries, why am I not meeting all the XNAM Relations into the CR (ie in 002430D if I use the record from NARC Merged then the entries from Falskaar and ability mod I've installed are removed as is the Troll Faction from Animal Tweaks)? Should they not all end up in the CR record? Or at least the ones that make sense ie Single Wolf from Falskaar in the Wolf Faction record, etc

Edited by dunc001
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