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SRLE Extended

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Ok everyone I have finally come to a descion regarding the reintroduction of Interesting NPCs. I have decided not to reintroduce at this time I really want to wait until Apotheosis is finally out (which is in Setptember) if that goes in without issue then interesting NPC will make a reappearence provided tere no script lag.


It's really a shame. It's a great mod but I guess it is the proper Conflict Resolution I'll miss the most. It's easy to resolve waifu followers but 3DNPC demands proper TES5EDIT proficiency. Again, it's really a shame... maybe in the near future 

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It's really a shame. It's a great mod but I guess it is the proper Conflict Resolution I'll miss the most. It's easy to resolve waifu followers but 3DNPC demands proper TES5EDIT proficiency. Again, it's really a shame... maybe in the near future 

Interesting NPCs doesn't require much CR. One NPC record if I remember correctly.

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It's really a shame. It's a great mod but I guess it is the proper Conflict Resolution I'll miss the most. It's easy to resolve waifu followers but 3DNPC demands proper TES5EDIT proficiency. Again, it's really a shame... maybe in the near future 

Well you might be in luck my Wife has suggested it might be better to put Interesting NPC's back in now rather then later cos we know it is working and we can deal with CR things now.

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That's really easy to do. You'll figure that out. Btw, I've msg'd you a link for Phinix in case you want to try it out. :)

Excellent, thanks Alluistras.  Saw your slideshow earlier - looks good.  ave you dropped Vivid Weathers altogether then for NLVA?


small tweak to the CR and finally got off my arse and added Whetsone's Tweaks and Thunderchild stuff to the CR Sub Guide.

Excellent, the more the merrier before I get a start on my CR!


Anyway, so this morning I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep.  So I decided to put my time to good use and try and finish off my merging marathon.  Now I know it isn't in any way relevant to SRLX but I'm posting this here in the vain hope one of you kind souls may be able to offer some words of wisdom.  After two hours of banging my head against my keyboard I achieved exactly SFA due entirely to trying unsuccessfully to merge  my ETaC patches.  MissJennaBee has a guide - https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=1775296 - which looks pretty detailed to start out but which leaves a few gaps in the process.  My main issue is that is uses the old xEdit Merge script in TES5Edit, not the standalone, as she instructs NOT to renumber FormIDs as these are needed for the patches to work properly apparently?  So it involves having to use Wrybash to esm-ify all the required masters (about 12 in my case), merge using the script, oh forgot to mention keep everything in the same order even though when you esm stuff it automatically moves to the top, redate stuff, merge, delete NAVI, CK and rebuild NAVI, esp-ify - F@ING HELL!!!!!  What I'm basically wondering is has anyone here merged ETaC stuff before?  I like to think I'm an intelligent guy and a quick learner but F me this is doing my head in!

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I've a question regarding Ordinator (well, specifically with the CACO-Ordinated Patch). The instructions on that mod page indicate that the Ordinator needs to be placed above CACO in the load order. It even suggests making a Loot rule to accomplish this automatically.


However, unless I've done something wrong, CACO ends up before Ordinator in my load, and I didn't notice anything in the SRLE Extended instructions about making a rule. So... did I screw it up? Or does the load order not matter with these two mods? Or is it preferable for SRLE Extended that the CACO be first for whatever reason?

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Anyway, so this morning I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep.  So I decided to put my time to good use and try and finish off my merging marathon.  Now I know it isn't in any way relevant to SRLX but I'm posting this here in the vain hope one of you kind souls may be able to offer some words of wisdom.  After two hours of banging my head against my keyboard I achieved exactly SFA due entirely to trying unsuccessfully to merge  my ETaC patches.  MissJennaBee has a guide - https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=1775296 - which looks pretty detailed to start out but which leaves a few gaps in the process.  My main issue is that is uses the old xEdit Merge script in TES5Edit, not the standalone, as she instructs NOT to renumber FormIDs as these are needed for the patches to work properly apparently?  So it involves having to use Wrybash to esm-ify all the required masters (about 12 in my case), merge using the script, oh forgot to mention keep everything in the same order even though when you esm stuff it automatically moves to the top, redate stuff, merge, delete NAVI, CK and rebuild NAVI, esp-ify - F@ING HELL!!!!!  What I'm basically wondering is has anyone here merged ETaC stuff before?  I like to think I'm an intelligent guy and a quick learner but F me this is doing my head in!


Hi Dunc (not dinc001  ::D: ),


MJB's guide is a bit outdated (just a bit)...you can ofc use Merge Plugins Standalone without any issue. Cross out the instruction abt not renumbering the FormIDs when merging the main plugins from ETaC-Modular.

FormIDs of the main ETaC plugins cannot be renumbered. They are all unique and MJB is one of the very few mod authors that developed her mod with merging in mind.

So choosing "Renumber Conflicting only" FormIDs will basically be the same as the old feature of Merge Script (Do not Renumber) because they cannot be renumbered.  ::):

You can also check that in the "Merge" folder that is created after you run Merge plugins standalone. There is map.txt (or so cannot remember it exactly) where it shows which FormIDs have been renumbered and which the new ones are. You will notice they will all be 0 meaning that nothing has been renumbered.


Now, after your main-plugins merge has finished...You will receive (IIRC) a message form MErge Plugins Standalone that you need to re-generate the NAVI record in CK.

NAVI record (Navigation Information Map, IIRC) exist in every mod that touches (edits/creates) navmeshes. This record holds valuable pathfinding (and more) information about the edited/created navmeshes of the plugin in question and it is relevant only for this specific plugin. For the various NAVI records that exist among all your mods there is no such thing as conflicting records etc. All the NAVI records from all of your mods get merged at runtime so the game has pre-compiled information about everything that relates to navmeshing. This is needed for correct behavior of your used NPCs, Quests etc.


As you know when you merge plugins and there are "conflicting" records only the records of the last plugin will make it into the merge. This is also the case for NAVI.

Example: You are merging ETaC-Winterhold and ETaC-Dawnstar in this order. They both have NAVI records...Your final merge will have all records and navmeshing records from both plugins but the NAVI record of ETaC-Dawnstar since it was the last plugin before the merge. This is not right because the resulting merge esp will have navmeshes form both towns but a navigational map (NAVI) from Dawnstar only, resulting in erroneous re-compiled information when the game is merging NAVI records at runtime.


Therefore, the solution is to load up your merged plugin in TES5Edit, delete the NAVI record, save your plugin nad load it up in CK to regenerate it. CK generates NAVI records automatically when you save the plugin while in CK's environment.


But...in order for the CK to load up your merged plugin it needs to have its masters as ESMs. This is why your must ESMify the masters of your merged plugin that are not EMS using WB or TES5Edit. Then you need to arrange them in the order that you had your initial LOOT order. Then you open LOOT and you Redate them. The reason that you need to Redate the ESMified masters is because CK loads up the plugins in a chronological order and not following any LOOT or individual order you might have set in MO like TES5Edit does.


After your have done all that and you open up CK just tick your merged plugin and then "Set As Active"...click Yes to All error messages that will appear (Ignore to one of them)...then save your plugin in CK...you will see a message in your status bar that CK is regenerating navigational info...when it's finished you are done. Close CK and get your saved merged plugin for the Overwrite folder in MO and bring it back to your Merged Mod folder.


Almost same procedure for the ETaC-Patches but in the patches some FormIDs will be renumbered. You really do not care about that as you can again choose "Renumber Conflicting FormIDs". The main difference will be that you will have more plugins to ESMify as patches contain far more masters.


Do not forget that after you finish each NAVI regeneration to revert the changed ESMs back to ESPs. This is needed before you conduct another merge.


Dunc, for your sanity and piece of mind I suggest the following, as ETaC-Modular and ETaC-Patches merging can be quite frustrating in the beginning:


1. Create a MO profile especially for merging ETaC and only for that. Use (tick) only the mods listed and arrange them according to the LOOT order they have in your main profile.

2. Then first merge the plugins you choose from ETaC-Modular.

3. Delete NAVI, ESMify, Redate plugins, generate the NAVI in CK.

4. Check for errors the final CK-generated plugin in TES5Edit.

5. Rinse and repeat for the patches adding mods in your ETaC profile according to their Master dependencies.

6. According to which ETaC patches you merge, there might be a case that the final plugin will need to "Clear masters" in TES5Edit. Check if needed.


All of the above may sound a bit hard but trust me after you do it a couple of times you'll get the hang of it. Unfortunately this is the only way to merge plugins that contain more than one NAVI record and this is strictly the case for ETaC.


If you are using ICAIO I would suggest using only the ETaC Towns that are compatible with it.


Hope this helps!  ::):

Edited by Astakos
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I've a question regarding Ordinator (well, specifically with the CACO-Ordinated Patch). The instructions on that mod page indicate that the Ordinator needs to be placed above CACO in the load order. It even suggests making a Loot rule to accomplish this automatically.


However, unless I've done something wrong, CACO ends up before Ordinator in my load, and I didn't notice anything in the SRLE Extended instructions about making a rule. So... did I screw it up? Or does the load order not matter with these two mods? Or is it preferable for SRLE Extended that the CACO be first for whatever reason?

no you didn't screw up I have forgotten to add the rule to load CACO after Ordinator to the guide I will fix that ASAP thanks for pointing it out.

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Hope this helps!  ::):

Well if you were in the room right now I'd kiss you :D  That's one of the best responses I've had on any forum.


I already figured out the NAVI/CK process with an earlier merge (Horses On Patrol x3) so understood how to do that bit.  It was the esmify bit I hadn't done and what threw me was the guide told me to esmify masters (which I did for the patches merge, all 12 masters) before it told me to keep them in the same order for redating!  So I now have to espify them, rerun LOOT to put them back in order, note the order and then go through the whole process from there.  And unfortunately I can't do it in a fresh profile as some of the masters needed for the patches are already in previous merges and I have made the changes to the required masters already in those patch esp headers in TES5Edit.


I have installed ETaC Complete No Inns not the modular version, and have removed all the Arthmoor villages (with the exception of the two which ETaC doesn't touch).  Do you know if it is safe to merge ETaC - Complete.esp with the three Immersive xxx.esp (Whiterun, Solitude, Orc Settlements I think?).  My plan was to do that and rename the resulting merged esp back to ETaC - Complete.esp so the patches could all reference it without issue.


And for ICAIO, for my Kitchen Sink build I have installed only the Lite version so there should be no compatibility issues there.  I know I'll loose all the nice full version features but that's only in 11 locations and 2 factions.

Edited by dunc001
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Thanks Dunc!  :blush:


Well, personally, I avoid merging plugins that serve as Masters to other plugins. This will generally produce problems/more efforts down the road.


You can merge ETaC-Complete No Inns with the 3 Immersive Settlements plugins. No problem as long as you follow all the "NAVI" rules outlined (well, that was more than an outline  ::D: ) above.

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